In the face of white tragedy, Xingyue Zun feels unprecedented pressure, which is the pressure that the weak will have when they see the absolute strong.

The young man in front of him was nothing but a mole ant in those years, so he was dignified by means of immortality.

Xingyue Zun thought he came to the endless world first, and had already opened a huge distance from Bai miserable.

It was really a distance, but it was him who was pulled away.

Today's Bai miserable is famous all over the world. Brother Baqi is the greatest recognition for him.

There is little hope of defeating the most gifted genius recognized by the six worlds.

But now he has to do his best to show his brilliance even if he dies.

"Roar, white and miserable, only death, I respect the stars and the moon. What are you afraid of!"

Xingyue Zun instantly turned into a star moon giant. Seven huge stars appeared around him, as if he were the master of the stars. His power was really amazing.

Nuo Da's star war platform, his star moon respect is extremely eye-catching.

"Star shadow secret method? Xingyue Zun, do you think you can stop my attack with this secret method?"

After that, Bai miserably released the same cultivation accomplishments as Xingyue Zun, which are the middle state of the sixth heaven of the avenue realm.

Then Bai miserably applied the method to merge into the five elements Tao body, and the five elements true self body also appeared.

Looking at Bai miserable's profound meaning of the five elements formula, Xingyue Zun knew that if Bai miserable was given the first shot, he would have no chance to survive a column of incense.

"The mysterious meaning of the star moon code, referring to the starry sky, eternal exile!"

The power of Tao patterns is condensed on the finger of Xingyue Zun. The bright stars cause extraordinary fluctuations.

This is the big kill move of Xingyue Zun and his famous skill.

With the help of a guide, the starlight is infinite, which makes it white and miserable in an instant, just like a leaf boat tottering in the sea of stars.

But Bai miserable takes his hand as a knife, combines the profound meaning of the five elements, turns the five elements into an array, and splits it down with one knife, blooming even more sharp.

"Five elements of heaven cut!"


The sea of stars turned by Xingyue Zun was cut off by the terrible Dao mang. The strong Dao mang swept Xingyue Zun in waves.


Just one move, Xingyue Zun was cut.

Knowing that you can't fight with Bai miserable, xingyuezun quickly changed his combat strategy, took flash as the attack, didn't fight with Bai miserable, and borrowed the star shadow secret method to delay time.

Bai miserable saw the idea of Xingyue Zun at a glance, and the five separated bodies turned into an array again, "five elements virtual sky seal!"

The killing seal all over the sky covers seven stars. No matter which star the Xingyue Zun wants to move to, he has to face this terrible attack.

"Damn it, I just can't compete with the five elements Avenue. How can Bai miserable be so strong?"

Xingyue Zun had no choice but to detonate seven stars, "starburst, stop it for me!"

Boom, boom

The seven stars detonated by the star shadow secret method have a huge impact.

Although it didn't burst the space, it caused a sound like thunder roaring in nine days and storms everywhere.

When the storm passed, xingyuezun was disheveled, the Tao body spilled blood, his eyes were dull, and he gasped heavily.

Bai miserable saw this and slightly praised it. Xingyue Zun can resist this move. He is also a talent.

Xingyue Avenue Jun and other strong people were cold in their hearts. They just fought two moves. Xingyue Zun was about to be unable to bear it. How could he resist the time of a column of incense?

"Bai miserable Taoist friend, Xingyue Zun's talent is OK. He is my descendant of Xingyue. Can you spare his life?"

The Lord of Xingyue Avenue had to beg for mercy. Once Xingyue Zun died, he didn't have such a powerful successor.

"If he comes against me, he is still a man, but against my cousin and friends, it will be a capital crime!"

Bai miserable replied faintly, and then continued to move.

"Five elements array, heaven and earth chain!"

On the battle platform, countless chains blooming divine awn suddenly appeared, turned into divine dragons, and bombarded xingyuezun with unparalleled power.

"Roar, Bai miserable, I fought with you, full of life, liberation!"


Xingyuezun's eyes burst into the essence of Taoist patterns, and his cultivation soared, reaching the peak state of the six heavens in the avenue realm, and he was crazy to resist the chain.

Looking at Xingyue Zun's bloody battle, Bai miserable decides to give him a decent way to die. When the nine secret methods are enabled, the strongest killing moves of the five elements Avenue will be displayed:

"The great mystery of the five element array, the five element space-time chop!"

A cold light flashed through the Taoist eye, the heaven and earth were easily cut, and the empty river was exposed. Xingyue Zun's body stayed in the middle of the sky and stopped moving.


Tao blood, like a waterfall, is sprayed from Xingyue Zun's body.

"White... Miserable..."

After Xingyue Zun whispered, his eyes were lax, the origin collapsed, turned into a little starlight, and dissipated between heaven and earth.

Once the first genius in tianwu world, it was his own fault to end up like this.

The strong such as the king of Xingyue Avenue are all sad in their hearts.

Although their hearts are sad and angry, they can only sigh helplessly.

Who let Xingyue Zun annoy who is bad, is to annoy Bai miserable, the disaster star!

Then, after Nangong killed all the strong men who had targeted him, Bai miserable left with the people.

Xingyue palace is crying!

Bai miserable was going to hunt the star king, but he found that the star king had already left the Star Kingdom.

Not only here, the heavenly kings of other battlefields have withdrawn to the realm of heaven.

The six Gates decided that the overall situation of the six battlefields had been decided, so they returned to one gate and informed the whole ancient city world that the six battlefields had all belonged to the six battlefields.

As soon as this announcement was made, all the strong people broke out and cheered to celebrate the biggest victory in the six realms.

Subsequently, the six gates allowed all the warlords in the six battlefields to return to the ancient city world and prepare to redeploy their combat power.

Of course, before that, the six gate master recalled all the students and was ready to hold a secret meeting!

Zhentiandou and other students who had been fighting in the six major battlefields began to return to one door.

Of course, a baby girl was also recalled, and Bai miserable followed.

First, Bai miserable wants to get some credit and benefits. Second, Bai miserable also wants to get some blood essence from different animals in the world.


A door, inside the temple!

Led by a baby girl, Bai miserable took the lead in returning here.

"Bring it!"

As soon as Bai miserable came back, he directly stretched out his hand to the six sect leaders to improve his cultivation.

"Cough, don't worry, old seven. First change the image of your beast sect leader in case other students see through your identity."

The master of martial arts smiled.

Bai miserable then turned into a saint of Qi heaven and sat on his own throne.

Luo Tianxue, Starling, Xiaoshi duck, Jintian Qiufu, Ouyang LAN and wuxinzi came out of the xuanhuang inner world and sat on the six newly arranged futons. They were surprised and confirmed that brother Bai was the master of the beast sect.

In the Nangong Weimeng in the world of white tragedy, black and yellow, the three are refining the blood essence provided by white tragedy, but they can't see the scene of the temple, because there is no God's power to shield it.

"The battlefield situation of the seventh and sixth realms has been determined. Today, we recall all the students and redeploy them. In the future, they can rest assured to fight on the wasteland battlefield and open up a new situation."

The demon sect leader smiled.

"The students are coming back."

Immortal sect leader youyou agreed.

Bai miserable suddenly became interested.

To tell the truth, there are 36 students in a school. Bai miserable has only seen a few of them, most of whom have never seen them.

It's also a good thing to see all the students at once today.

And according to what starling said before, there are several Heaven and earth monsters in this door.

In this way, later Bai miserable can get a lot of heaven and earth beast blood essence at one time.

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