
Inside a door!

After the immortal sect leader returned, he and the other five sect leaders showed a mysterious smile.

"What the generation said at that time is about to happen. The abyss clan invaded the beast king continent. This will be an opportunity for the reincarnation of the great emperor and the rise of Lao Qi."

The master of martial arts smiled.

"Presumably, the family of heaven will get the news and act soon."

The eyes of the ghost sect leader are full of wisdom.

"As long as we prevent the heavenly family from interfering, we don't need to pay attention to the dark chess of those heavenly families."

The demon sect leader smiled calmly.

"This time, let the heavens tremble."

There is demon fire in the eyes of the demon sect leader.

"As long as the ninth generation plan goes smoothly, I hope there will be no mistakes, otherwise it will be difficult in the future."

The eyes of God's sect leader Shinto are still full of worry.


The realm of heaven!

The six heavenly masters also got the news soon.

"I don't think I should tell Lord tiandaozi about it. Let's mix our dark chess and see what Bai miserable wants to do."

The Lord of Heitian Avenue said fiercely.

"Well, let some dark chess such as corpse soul family go to tianwu world to respond to Bai miserable's call."

The main road of heaven Avenue.

Therefore, many strong players of Tianzhi family in the six battlefields set off for tianwu world.



Prison temple!

The emperor's voice of the immortal sect leader also sounded in this world. The prison God who had been closed for many years was awakened and summoned the tower owners of the four forbidden towers.

"East Tower master, Xiao zining, Wu Shiqi!"

"South tower master, Duan Jinzhu!"

"West Tower Lord, Zhou Zhi!"

"North Tower master, Dugu Aotian!"

"Please go out of prison!"

In the black pool in the prison temple, there was a sudden flash of light, and the whole pool began to roll, as if some earth shaking creatures were about to be born.

The power of the prison world was inspired, and all spirits in the prison world looked up to the direction of the prison temple, showing great respect, and then all knelt down.

A beautiful body slowly emerged from the black pool. The skin was like jade, white and flawless, the face was natural, and the hair danced like a divine Xia.

Tao rhymes and flowers bloom, like the empress bathing in the Jade Pool. When she raises her hand, the world loses its color.

If Luo Tianxue is a beautiful woman who makes heaven and earth pale, then Bai Ling, the God of Guibao prison, is a unique, hard and soft woman in the world.

The sound of nature sounded from Guibao's mouth, "my father issued a summoning order. We should help my father."

"Yes, we will immediately organize an army to set out with the prison God."

The four tower Masters said respectfully.


Seven sword continent!

Seven sword kings gather!

"Bai miserable summoning order, it's time for us to repay the seven swords mainland."

The golden sword King's eyes beat with the fire sword, and his face was full of war.

"My chijianshan army has gathered!"

"My red sword mountain army has gathered!"

"My green sword mountain army has gathered!"

"My silver sword mountain army has gathered!"

"My army of qingjianshan has gathered!"

"My baijianshan army has gathered!"

"Leave some people, leave our heritage, and then go to Tiandou sect in tianwu world to meet Bai miserable!"

As the head of the seven sword king, the king of the golden sword immediately ordered the army to go out.


Seal the fairyland!


Lord Wu Dabo gathered ten generals and the heavenly army!

"The supreme belief of our people is holy Lord Bai. Tiandou sect launched a convening order in the tianwu world. What should we do?"

The top ten generals are full of blood, and their eyes are full of excitement. They have long wanted to continue to follow Bai miserable to fight everywhere.

"Respond to the call and fight again with the white Lord, although I die without regret!"

The other celestial troops shouted, "although I die, I have no regrets!"


"Enlist the heavenly army, listen to the order, and go to the heavenly martial world with my Lord!"

In today's fairyland, as early as Bai miserable left here, the prohibition was lifted and the power of Tao source emerged.

All the strong enter the Tao through Qi cultivation. The Tao of Tiangang is full of vigorous Qi.

But the strong man of Renzong didn't leave. He has been lurking in this world for many years, so that one day he can help Bai miserable and fight in the heavens!


Virtual heaven!

After millions of years of development, the five Buddhist countries have restored their huge population.

Moreover, after the change of the main body of the great Lotte Avenue, the repressive power of the little Buddhist temple disappeared, and the Buddhist practitioners in the virtual heaven began to break through the eternal realm one after another.

However, these strong people did not go to the endless world, but remained in the five Buddhist countries and continued to understand the wonderful Dharma of Buddhism and Taoism.

Today, the immortal sect leader's voice blew up in the virtual heaven, and the five Buddhist leaders opened a secret meeting!

"Bai miserable summoning order, our Lord will respond. Do you want to respond?"

Xi Mengqian, the strongest woman in the Buddhist kingdom, said directly.

"Although Bai miserable also worked for the virtual heaven, we don't have to answer his call."

The fire is not empty, said faintly.

It seems that the leaders of the other four Buddhist countries are reluctant to send troops.

However, most of the people of these four Buddhist countries are the six strong people who survived that year and their descendants. They are still very grateful to the little prophet Li dachui for his hard fight against the separation of the Lord of extreme Lotte Avenue.

It can be said that they had already been wiped out without Li dahammer.

For Li Dashui's young master Bai miserable, they are also very willing to respond to the call.

When the leaders of the four great powers knew the wishes of the Buddhists, they had to send troops to respond to Bai miserable, although they didn't know why Bai miserable issued a summoning order.

Therefore, the Buddhist army headed by the five Buddhist masters set out.


Of course, it is not only the strong in the four circles that respond to Bai miserable's call.

In the endless world of yuntianxia, Zhuge Yu, Chenxin, Dongli Xiaoyao, Mo Zhiyin, Dugu Yixiao, Anlan Zhiqiu, Xiangpiao, Jingba, xiaojinlong, Shi Xiaohao and xiaojinniu, these miserable old acquaintances set off to meet in tianwu world.

In the mountains somewhere in the wasteland battlefield, a big Khan wore a dragon pattern ghost armor, wore a night owl sky hunting group mask, and held a sky connecting giant stick. The Taoist body was covered with scars, sweeping many sky hunting groups.

"The young master is calling us."

Since he came out of the gate of Tiangang, Dahan directly came to the wasteland reclamation battlefield and was accepted by the head of a night owl of the blue level sky hunting regiment. He has been tempered day and night here.

After millions of years of fighting and growth, Dahan has made rapid progress. Tiangang Avenue has grown surprisingly with Tiangang seal.

Since the owl was ambushed by several powerful hunting groups, Dahan was lucky to escape and survive first.

After that, Dahan fought here alone and experienced countless battles on the edge of death, refining all things that can be cultivated, such as heaven and man, heaven and beast, world fruit, Daoyuan spirit stone and so on.

The pure Taoist heart strengthened to protect Bai miserable in the future, combined with Tiangang staff body, makes it grow to a perfect state without difficulty.

Not only avenged the extinction of the owl, but also occupied the huge dark fire mountains.

It has become a forbidden area for the sky hunting regiment and the back garden of the sky hunting regiment.

But no one knows the name of the strong man guarding here, and few people have seen Da Han Zhenrong. They just know his code name "Tiangang Longwei"!

Now Dahan knows where Bai miserable is, and the Lord of the six Gates has also opened the decree that he can return to the tianwu world.

Therefore, Dahan decisively left the Minghuo mountain range that has lived for millions of years and quickly went to the tianwu world.

Great changes in tianwu world!

Because of Bai miserable summoning order, countless strong people in the eternal realm returned.

The strong in the six realms all come to admire the strong, especially the legend that shocked the six realms. Bai miserable!

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