
The white figure came out of the terrible black space-time channel.

"Brother Bai, you've been there for almost a month. What do you find?"

Luo Tianxue and others asked.

"The situation is not optimistic. I want to inform the whole Orc continent."

Bai miserable said with great dignity.

It was the first time that people saw Bai miserable so nervous, which showed that they had definitely found something extraordinary in the space-time channel.

Immediately, the sound of Bai miserable road spread all over the orc King continent, and everyone listened carefully.

"Everyone, thank you for your trust in me, but this time the opponent is too strong. I need to make it clear to you that our opponent is the abyss family. The size of the abyss is comparable to the three thousand world. The number of creatures of the abyss family is absolutely unimaginable, and the number of strong people at the top is absolutely large. If we compare them to the sea, we are a drop in the sea."

"Therefore, I'm miserable. I don't do anything difficult. Those who are willing to stay to protect the beast king mainland will stay. Those who are unwilling to stay, now hurry to the tianwu world."

Little Mengqi integrates the reincarnation center of the earth. She didn't cultivate to the reverse state. She can't leave with the whole beast king continent. She can only guard here.

As little Mengqi's brother, Bai miserable will not leave. He is bound to stay here to protect little Mengqi. Anyway, Bai miserable will spend the disaster with little Mengqi anyway.

After hearing Bai miserable's announcement, some of the other strong people said they wanted to leave, and more wanted to stay.

For example, the four leaders of wood Buddha, fire Buddha, gold Buddha and earth Buddha immediately said that they would withdraw from the virtual heaven. They did not want to make unnecessary sacrifices.

But most of their Buddhist troops chose to stay. They came to repay their kindness. How can they retreat before fighting because the enemy is strong.

The four great powers insist that their armies will not withdraw. If they withdraw alone, how can they have the face to survive in the world.

"Damn it, you're going to die, aren't you? The Lord of your country will die with you."

Anyway, the leaders of the four great powers have condensed and separated themselves in the virtual heaven. Even if the body is dead, the Lord can continue to be the leader in the future.

Guibao, the king of seven swords and Renzong can't abandon Bai miserable. They have firmly expressed that they want to stay and share life and death.

The world of the beast king continent all choose to believe in Bai tragic. In case the tragic king is defeated, they will follow the tragic king.

The huge heavenly army roared, "follow the tragic king to the death!"

Bai miserably looked at the crowd and was elated at the moment. With these partners, no matter how strong the abyss is, it will block their footsteps.

Moreover, Bai miserably doesn't believe that the six gate Lord will be indifferent to the emergence of the abyss family.

If they are really indifferent, it shows that the emergence of the abyss is in their expectation and everything is in their layout.

"A door, if you really stand idly by, don't blame me for settling accounts after autumn!"

Of course, Bai miserable can't put his hope completely on one door. If they really stand by, they should also prepare for the worst.

If you really can't stop the abyss army, Bai miserable decides to put Guibao into the soul world in time.

Then, Bai miserable asked Nangong Wei to arrange the combat power under the space-time channel. As long as there was an abyss, the strong would directly kill them.

"Be prepared for war. If you can improve your accomplishments as soon as possible, don't keep anything. The Taoist heart can be refined slowly, but if your life is gone, everything will be gone."

Bai miserably explained.

Luo Tianxue and others no longer suppress their accomplishments and are all trying their best to impact the realm.

With the continuous power of Tao source provided by little Mengqi, people can quickly absorb it.

Others take out all their cultivation resources to improve the most important combat power. Only when we unite as one can we have a glimmer of hope.

Bai miserable didn't absorb refining. With his physique, absorbing these resources now can't improve a few small realms. It's a waste of resources.

Of course, Bai miserable won't just stay here and wait for the abyss to appear.

"You guard here according to the deployment. I'll go to the space-time channel to block the abyss. Don't step into the space-time channel. Just practice here until the war comes."

After that, Bai miserable broke into the space-time channel again alone.

According to Bai miserable's own plan, one person stays in the space-time channel to buy time for Luo Tianxue to improve their cultivation. Moreover, with the dark green energy of his soul, as long as he is dizzy, he may form a natural defense to stop the attack of the abyss family.

After entering the depths of the space-time channel, Bai miserable saw a large number of abyss strongmen again.

At this time, the power of great energy prohibition in the space-time channel has become more and more scarce. It is estimated that it will dissipate in less than a month.

This time, Bai miserable did not disguise the abyss family, but the xuanhuangdao body, the secret method, the five elements Zhentian sword in his left hand, the Longquan sword in his right hand, and the heaven refining pot in his chest.

Bai miserable at the moment shows his strongest combat power and guards the space-time channel alone.

"Find the strong man of Terran, kill him!"

The leaders of this group of abyss strongmen already have the fighting power of the jiuchongtian peak in the avenue territory. I'm afraid there will be stronger and stronger abyss strongmen behind.

After a fierce battle, Bai miserable killed these abyss strongmen and refined and absorbed their origin.

However, it is obvious that a large number of abyss troops have poured into the space-time channel, and more and more abyss strongmen appear. Bai miserable is fighting with them here alone.

At the end of the space-time channel, the forbidden area of the ancestors of the abyss family!

The eight kings of the abyss have learned that there is a strong man blocking the passage of time and space.

"Terran strongman? It seems that the other end of this space-time channel is the outside world."

An abyss King Spirit said faintly.

"Shall we kill him now?"

Another abyss King Spirit said bloodthirsty.

"Let's not worry. It's nothing for a strong man. The power of space-time channel has not dissipated yet. We'd better be conservative."

The third abyss King spirit smiled.

"Then let a guy who failed to evolve the king spirit open the way first."

The fourth abyss King spirit smiled evil.

The remaining four abyss King spirits nodded.

Then, in a terrible pool in the forbidden area of the abyss ancestral land, a strong Terran with the mark of the virtual Lord on his forehead emerged.

But the strong man seemed to have no reason, only bloody killing, and his eyes were full of green light, like the most terrible murderer.

"Jie... The virtual masters born in the virtual abyss will appear in the abyss ancestral pool for evolution. Over the years, only eight of us have been successfully transformed into Wang Ling, and the others have failed and become the Killing Curse spirit."

"However, their combat power is at the top of the perfect realm, and they are fierce and fearless of death. With them, as long as they don't touch the power of great energy prohibition, they are enough to kill the passage of time and space."

An abyss King spirit smiled cruelly.

"Well, that new guy is really strong. He is still fighting against the evolutionary power of the abyss ancestral pool. If she can accept evolution, maybe our abyss family can soon give birth to an abyss emperor spirit."

The spirits of the abyss king looked at the nine unique women under the abyss ancestral pool.

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