As the eight kings of the abyss, he successfully completed the baptism of zuchi. He is naturally very familiar with the most original dark green power of zuchi.

"How can it be the power of the Lord of the abyss?"

"Does this boy have anything to do with the Lord of the abyss?"

"What now?"

The eight kings also deeply taboo this situation.

After all, it's about the Lord of the abyss. How can you be careless.

"Go, go back to the ancestral land first, and ask the one who gives the most precious wish to take the bait. We'll know whether the boy has anything to do with the Lord of the abyss."

The nightmare king said hoarsely.

Other abyss Wang Ling agreed.

Immediately, the eight kings quickly returned to the abyss ancestral land and cast a spell at the abyss ancestral pool to invite out the most precious treasure.

At the bottom of the ancestral pool of the abyss, an extremely slender dark green straight hook vibrated gently, making the surrounding abyss mantras tremble.


It was like the crisp sound of metal impact.

The supreme and most precious wish of the abyss family took the bait and broke out of the pool in an instant, which was put into a sacred treasure box by the eight kings.

The nine Jue girls under the ancestral pool of the abyss suddenly reduced their pressure.

The baptism power of the willing to take the bait is too terrible. If it were not for the Tao bone engraved by jiujue female, it would have been eroded by this power.

Now the treasure that exudes the power of baptism is gone. Naturally, jiujue woman breathed a sigh of relief.

But we still can't escape from the confinement of zuchi.

At this time, the eight kings took the bait with the volunteers and came to the space-time channel Bai miserable again.

This place has been completely influenced by Bai miserable's strange power, and many unknown things have emerged, blocking the way of the eight kings.

"It depends on what the Terran boy is!"

The pupil king gave a low drink, and then released the willing to take the bait.

As soon as the willing appeared, the dark green power on Bai miserable suddenly trembled, and then resonated with the emerging power of the willing.

"Hiss... Is the power of the Lord of the abyss. Is this Terran youth the reincarnation of the Lord of the abyss?"

Lin Wang took a breath of cold air.

"It's impossible. The Lord of the abyss is outside the sky. How can this boy be the reincarnation of the Lord of the abyss? There must be something wrong."

The magic king immediately suspected.

"The power that the Terran youth shows is the power of the curse source of the Lord of the abyss. Even if he is not the reincarnation of the Lord of the abyss, it must be related to the Lord of the abyss."

The king of inflammation is extremely dignified.

"So what? Let him go or take him?"

The poison king had a headache.

"First let the willing take the bait to disperse the power of the curse source, and then take him back to the ancestral land of the abyss. After the Lord of the abyss contacts us, it will be decided by the Lord of the abyss."

The king said seriously.

"That's it!"

Tong Wang several recognition.

Therefore, the eight kings cast the spell again, and the willing took the bait to release the huge dark green power, forcing the dark green power released by Bai miserable back.

After a while, all the dark green power on Bai miserable returned to his soul, and Bai miserable also woke up in an instant.

Looking at an abyss King spirit who had fought against him, Bai miserable suddenly realized that the other seven people were estimated to be the other seven abyss King spirits.

Immediately, Bai miserably looked at the willing who was the same as the dark green power in his soul, and his face was extremely dignified.

This was the first time he saw the dark green power being pulled, and it was also a straight fishhook treasure.

This treasure is definitely related to the dark green power in your soul, but Bai miserable can't confirm it now.

"I said how could the six abyss emperor spirits inhabit the dark green power. It turned out that this is the power of the abyss."

Bai miserable thought solemnly.

Seeing the dark green power of Bai miserable's body disappear, the eight kings gently shot and didn't dare to hurt Bai miserable. They just wanted to "invite" Bai miserable back to the abyss ancestral land.

Bai miserable was shocked.

Facing the eight kings of the abyss, Bai miserable had no power to fight back.

At this time, a strange scene appeared. The volunteers took the bait and burst out eight fishing lines, penetrating the eight kings' bodies and fishing them like fishing.

"What's going on? How can the willing take the bait and attack us?"

The eight kings were surprised.

Bai was stunned for a moment, and then quickly evacuated the space-time channel.

When Bai miserable goes away and the willing takes the bait, the fishing line is scattered and returns to normal.


The eight kings suddenly had a big head.

The most precious wish of his family took the bait. It seems that he didn't let himself and others deal with the Terran youth just now.

They want to ask why?

I hope those who take the bait will return to silence and ignore them at all.

The eight kings had no choice but to bring the treasure back first.

When he gets out of the space-time channel, find the strange Terran youth, and then "invite" him back to the abyss ancestral land.

Time flies. In the blink of an eye, months pass.

The power of the space-time channel has dissipated.

Bai miserable also returned to the orc King mainland early and told everyone in detail about the situation encountered in the space-time channel.

Everyone heard about the strength of the virtual master monster, the crown prince of the abyss and the eight kings of the abyss, and they were all dignified.

However, there is still good news, that is, the strongest king of the abyss family has no strength against the road.

But there are at least eight great consummation, and we can't know the number of consummation realm peak virtual master monsters. Such a huge combat power is far from being defeated by the beast king mainland.

Not to mention the countless armies of the abyss family, as well as the strange fish hook treasure that Bai Pang was afraid of.

On the other hand, the tortoise treasure of the perfect state is integrated with white miserable blood essence, and they understand the great perfect state. Luo Tianxue and others are comparable to the combat power of the perfect state.

The number of top players is still too small.

This battle is estimated to be very difficult. It is difficult to say that the whole army will be defeated, but they have no choice.

The power of great power has dissipated, and the abyss army will arrive soon.

It's too late to look for support now.

"Calm down, everyone. No matter how strong the enemy is, we will break through ourselves in the bloody battle. The stronger the Vietnam War is, we are the army of conquering heaven. In the future, we will be the army of conquering heaven. There is only a deep abyss. Why should we be afraid of it?"

White miserable voice resounded through the orc King land again.

The war spirit of the heavenly army is not reduced, "kill the abyss and levy the heavenly family!"

Within three days!

The abyss exploration army began to appear, indicating that the confrontation between the abyss army and the heavenly army officially began.

The advance troops of the abyss clan were just emerging when they were killed by the attack array of the heavenly army.

Bai miserable refined their flesh and blood power into a pill to absorb.

Dozens of advance armies of the abyss came one after another, one by one, and now there are millions of troops.

However, he was killed by the strong army of the Zhengtian army!

"All cheer up and save the power of Tao Wen. Now what appears is only the cannon fodder of the abyss family, testing us."

Nangong Weimeng, as the commander of the heavenly army, can naturally see the intention of the abyss family.

At this time, the space-time channel has been densely covered with the army of the abyss family, the number is more than trillion, it is almost endless.


Abyss ancestral land!

"My king, it has been confirmed that there is a big world at the other end of the space-time channel, but it is impossible to determine which big world it is. There is a strong army guarding the exit."

An abyss general respectfully reported.

"There are six heavenly masters of the family of heaven staring at the six heavenly masters of one gate and six gates. No one in the world can stop the pace of my abyss army except the tianjiedaochang."

"Order to release millions of abyss mantras first. The abyss army opens the way. Then the abyss army rushes out of the space-time channel and kills all living creatures."

The eight kings ordered.


The abyss general quickly let the army enter the abyss Warlord's inner world and made way for the abyss curse army.

In order to make the army go out smoothly, the eight kings of the abyss specially guarded the ancestral land of the abyss and confused the strong of the Jietian Taoist field.

Then, when the eight kings cast a spell, millions of virtual master monsters poured out of the abyss ancestral pool and quickly bloodthirsty fled towards the space-time channel.

Along the way, the strong of the abyss army were frightened one by one for fear of being torn and killed by these abyss spells.

These monsters are terrible. Although they have no intelligence, they are bloodthirsty and ferocious, and they are all monsters in the perfect state!

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