The eight kings in the ancestral land of the abyss listened to the report of the abyss general, and their eyes were dull and petrified for a long time.

"Even if the Terran boy has the power of the Lord of the abyss in his body, why does he still have the ancestral pool spell seal? He has been to the ancestral pool in the future. How did he learn the spell seal?"

This is a strange thing for the eight kings.

"You say that boy is not the illegitimate son of the Lord of the abyss?"

Lin Wang smacked his tongue and guessed.

"How can this be possible? It is estimated that it is the essence blood dropped by the Lord of the abyss in the world and the living creatures!"

The nightmare King guessed.

"According to me, it should be the successor received by the Lord of the abyss with a big hand, otherwise it can't be explained!"

The magic King touched his chin and said very seriously.

"Don't even guess. Invite the boy to ancestral land and wait for the Lord of the abyss to contact us."

"Before we invite the boy, we can't use the abyss spell. We leave the Lord here and are ready to kill the space-time channel. It's time for the six realms to tremble at the feet of our abyss family."

Tong Wang said coldly.

"Then officially declare war on the six realms."

The seven kings agreed.

When the abyss army knew that the eight kings would personally command the army and attack the six realms, they all had hot eyes.

Led by Wang, it is invincible.

Subsequently, the eight kings took the remaining 38 princes and a large army of abyss giants and began to send troops to the beast king mainland.

On this expedition, the eight kings dispatched 70% of the combat power of the abyss, leaving 30% to guard the ancestral land.

In the space-time channel, the abyss army sent out the battle roar of the eight kings.

The huge war roar, Bai miserable and others on the battlefield, all heard very clearly.

Bai miserably took off the head of an abyss mantra, refined its origin, and then looked at the direction of space-time channel. An inexplicable sense of great crisis came to his heart.

"Something's wrong. The abyss army made a war roar. Are the eight kings of the abyss coming out?"

Thinking of this possibility, Bai miserable yelled at Nangong, "cousin, implement the second tactics and retreat!"

When the eight kings of the abyss come out, they are the eight great and full combat power.

If the heavenly army is still concentrated together, it will certainly become a live target and be destroyed by the eight kings of the abyss in an instant.

We can only use the second tactics formulated in advance to divide the army into several legions, and then divide them into five elements and eight trigrams, and then combine them with the five elements Tianji array without a heart, so as to have a glimmer of hope.

So, the siren island can't stay.

Bai miserable and others retreated quickly, and the abyss mantra killed everywhere.

Soon, the celestial troops retreated to their respective fronts.

Bai miserable and others surrounded the center of the five elements and eight trigrams military array, guarding wuxinzi.

Taking the heartless five elements heavenly mystery array and the five elements Eight Diagrams military array as the main attack means, it may be able to block the attack of the eight kings of the abyss.

The heavenly army of the expedition and the reincarnation center of the earth provide power together. Wuxinzi firmly believes that this integrated array can produce great power.

But Bai miserable doesn't think he can stop it for long.

If it doesn't work, we can only use the third tactic, a tactic of living to death.

Looking at the eyes of a large group of familiar partners, Bai miserable was very sad.

Inexplicably, Bai miserably remembered the unknown spirit encountered by the virtual yuan world.

"Is the disaster of the beast king also an ancient history? Is everything really calculated? Will all the people I know die because of themselves?"

Bai miserable's heart was trembling because he was afraid of becoming a miserable and unknown spirit.

"No! No, I will guard everything. I will kill whoever obstructs me. If the heavenly family obstructs me, I will destroy the heavenly family. If the abyss obstructs me, I will destroy the abyss. If all souls obstruct me, I will kill all souls. All worlds can be destroyed. Leaving this world alone is home!"

Bai miserable has never had such a firm belief.

At this moment, Bai miserable is not fighting for himself, but for trusting his partner and family.


Eight huge roars of anger, fiercely resounded through the whole beast king continent.

Through the thunder eye, Bai miserable had seen that the eight kings of the abyss rode out of the space-time channel with eight abyss giants in the perfect realm.

Behind them are forty-eight princes and other strong people in the perfect realm, and then there are countless abyss armies, constantly emerging from the passage of time and space, as if there was no end.

The beast king mainland has no creatures to participate in the war, and all feel the boundless abyss pressure with fear.

"Miserable king, can they defeat the enemy?"

They had to doubt, because the power of the abyss was so huge that it far suppressed the expedition.

Of course, while the souls of all living beings are afraid, they are extremely convinced that their tragic king will lead them to victory.

Even if you are really invincible to the abyss and can live and die with the tragic king, its sorrow is also happy!

"King of misery, beat back the abyss, we are with you!"

The beast king shouted to all the people in the mainland.

Feeling everyone's trust in him, Bai miserably pretended to be relaxed and joked and responded to the crowd, "you guys, just a child of the abyss, don't mention it. I miserably king, will snipe at the enemy in the front of the battlefield. Those who violate our world will be killed even if they are far away!"

"Those who violate our world will be punished even if they are far away!"

The heavenly army and the beast king shouted together.

The eight kings of the abyss wiped out the abyss curse spirit of indiscriminate killing. Hearing the cry of the beast king mainland, they couldn't help laughing contemptuously, "those who violate our world will be killed even if they are far away? Mole ants are mole ants. They are good for nothing except daydreaming. Strength has no truth. Strength determines everything!"

"The abyss boy listened to the order, destroyed all the creatures he saw, slaughtered everything and destroyed the world."

At the command of the eight kings of the abyss, the abyss army spread ferociously and killed all living creatures without mercy.

Where I passed, there was no grass, and everything turned to ashes.

Bai miserable and others can't take into account others. They can only defend the last line of defense. In this way, the beast king continent can have a glimmer of vitality.

All creatures in the beast king mainland also know that this great disaster is the biggest disaster in the beast king mainland.

In order not to cause trouble to the king of misery, the spirits of all creatures in the beast king mainland roared one after another: "it's enough to protect the beast king mainland with the king of misery."

Roar, these creatures can explode by themselves, and those who cannot explode by themselves rush to the abyss with weapons.

Although in vain, they would rather die on the road of battle.

Feel the sad atmosphere of the beast king continent. The five kings of the beast king continent: Bai miserable, yuntianxia, wuxinzi, Dugu Yixiao and Anlan Zhiqiu are all sad.

Luo Tianxue and others are also sad.

All living beings wither and heaven and earth stain blood.

At this moment, there is no mercy, no mercy, only with the weapons in hand, let the enemy also pay the price of bleeding.

"Come on, stop them!"

Bai miserable roared.

Wuxinzi takes Dabao, Erniu, Lulu, Xiaoran and Dangdang as the base of the five element array and takes himself as the base of the Tianji array to urge the five element Tianji array with all his strength.

Nangong Weimeng then ordered the army to move the five elements and eight trigrams array. The two unparalleled arrays merged and burst into unparalleled power.

"Kill them. I want the abyss family to feel the fear of double array and nine turns. Once turned, the golden sword world will roar!"

Heartless son roared.


With the big array as the center, the whole beast king continent has become a terrible gold sword Jedi. There are gold knives in the sky and underground. They all moan like heaven and earth.


The golden sword dances and life withers.

In a flash, the attack on the creatures in the abyss caused heavy losses to the abyss army, which greatly alleviated the pressure of the beast king on the mainland.

Seeing this, the eight kings roared, "just a big array, just want to change their life against the sky and dream!"

Seeing that the eight kings led 48 princes and other top powers to kill, Bai miserable's eyes coagulated.

"Heartless son, stop the attack of the eight kings of the abyss!"

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