
"Fire dragon spits out breath!"

The huge fireball spewed out and blocked the attack of "green dragon binding heaven style"!

The golden fire dragon, the peak of the original local demon, has more power than Bai miserable now!

Now, Bai miserable's power is equivalent to that of the later stage of Li soul realm, which can resist the peak of Li soul realm, which has shown the power of "green dragon binding heaven style"!

After a while, the green dragon was shattered by the talent of the golden fire dragon!

Knowing that there is a golden fire dragon, it is not so easy for Bai miserable to attack the cloud world!

Yuntianxia is relieved that this bastard has such a move. It's not a magic power, but it's better than a magic power. It's more powerful than his purple magic power. Damn it!

Fortunately, his four winged golden fire dragon is powerful and can resist Bai miserable!

Yuntianxia is riding a golden dragon to attack Bai miserable. He wants to blow him out of the battle platform in case of more variables!

Bai miserable calls Bugs Bunny out, "bugs, the golden fire dragon comes out, use that array of spirit stones!"

As soon as starling came out, in order to cover up, he shouted, "I didn't want to expose my means, but now I have to show it!"


With that, Starling held up three array spirit stones and said loudly, "feel my strongest ancestral array... Rabbit Jishen array... Up!"

The demon force rushes into the array spirit stone, and the array spirit stone in the Starling's hand emits a dazzling white light!

Everyone was stunned. Can this rabbit monster really know the array? Is that exaggerated?

The golden fire dragon suddenly felt something wrong. The dark array left by wuxinzi was activated by Starling!

The golden fire dragon suddenly burst into silver light!

"What's going on?"

Yuntianxia was so frightened that he flew away from the golden fire dragon. The golden fire dragon was roaring. It felt controlled!

The silver light turns into a chain and soon locks the golden fire dragon


The Golden Dragon fell on the platform!

Let it use all its strength and can't get rid of it for a moment!

Heartless son is upset. He's cheap and needs to beat Bugs Bunny!

"Heaven chain array! It's no problem to control the golden fire dragon for a long time! The rest depends on how Dabai fights the cloud world!"

After tying the golden fire dragon, Bai miserable asks starling to return to the beast training ring, and then flies to the cloud world with ER Niu Dao!

The first time I felt the beauty of flying, Bai was very excited!

"Green dragon binding heaven style!"

When the sky comes down, I can't think about how the golden fire dragon is locked. I look at the green dragon attacking again!

The cloud world has to use the secret method, otherwise it can't stop the "green dragon binding heaven style" with its own strength!

When it is tied up, coupled with the miserable "soul imprisonment", the world will definitely lose!

Such a strange white tragedy, yuntianxia decided to use "startling dragon change!"

"Bai Zhen, I misunderstood you again. You are really powerful, but I see how you can resist my surprise dragon change!"

The power of the cloud world suddenly increased rapidly. With a wave of the imperial sword, "one sword is the world!"

Cut down the power comparable to the central territory, split the green dragon in two, and cut a big crack in the battle platform!

The "sword movement" in the cloud world turns into an illusion and cuts towards Bai miserable. A huge sword Qi cuts from the left!

Bai miserable didn't have time to react and was cut off by the waist!

Mu Zhenli connected Bai miserable's body, so they didn't see anything. In fact, Bai miserable was cut off by blocking his waist!

Drop on the platform!

After the resurrection, Bai miserable thought that the eliminated wood Zhenli was gone. Unexpectedly, er Niu supplemented it again. It seems that once Er Niu's Bing Dao pattern power is used, it can be continuously supplemented!

"Brother Bai, don't worry about using Zhenli. My Bing Dao Wen power can last for a period of time. During this period, Mu Zhenli is endless!"

"OK, I see!"

Yuntianxia also saw that Bai miserable was all right, so he continued to attack. His "surprise dragon change" lasted for half an hour at most. Once it was over, he couldn't move!

Bai miserable's "green dragon binding heaven style" is not used desperately. It can be used occasionally with "soul imprisonment"!

But... The attack power of yuntianxia is too strong, the speed is too fast, and the natural inspiration is too disgusting. He has avoided several "soul confinement" attacks!

And yuntianxia wants to beat Bai miserable out of the battle platform. Even if he is strong, he can't attack close!

Close to the magic and Zhenli attack, Bai shamelessly used the "green dragon" to stabilize his body!

They fell into a war of attrition!

People also see that no matter how powerful the attack is, yuntianxia will not be defeated in vain!

Although Bai miserable attacks are also strong, they are easily cracked by the cloud world!

The battle platform is about to be smashed by the cloud world!

Xuanfeng and others have increased the defense array. Even the attack of yuntianxia can no longer destroy the battle platform!

Yun Tianxia's face is dignified. This bastard can't kill Xiaoqiang. There's no such secret method. He can't kill any attack. Damn it!

"Ah! Bai miserable, get out of the battle platform!"

Yuntianxia tries his best to show his great sword Qi and a gust of wind blows. Yuntianxia wants to blow Bai miserable out of the battle platform!

"Want to blow me out of the battle platform? No way!"

Bai Zhenli uses the "green dragon binding the sky" to bind himself, and keeps it layer by layer!

Prepare for self explosion when necessary. The resurrection will also be near the battle platform!

The powerful sword Qi pierces the layers of green dragons. The huge wind blows Bai miserably and can't carry it!

The cloud world saw that Bai miserable was still carrying, "sword walking skill" came to Bai miserable's head and held high the imperial sword!

The sixth inspiration told him, "run!"

But he couldn't figure out what else could make him run!

Moreover, he has not been able to win Bai miserable for such a long time, which has made him feel ashamed!

So... Regardless, prepare to knock Bai miserable down and kick him out of the battle platform!

"I let you carry it! A sword is all over the world!"


Bai miserable was hacked into his head by this magic power and died directly!

Bugs Bunny is wrong. Even if he is resurrected, he will be out of the battle platform by the cloud world and lose!

Starlings jump out directly and use Yin and yang to shake the sky! Then go back to the beast training ring!

The sixth inspiration in the cloud world is right. He forgot Bugs Bunny. His talent and magic power had been used once before!


Huge explosion, the air is cracked!

Yuntianxia tried his best to use "Huanglong sword" to resist, but... He was shocked into internal injury!

But... It's hard to resist. It's just dishevelled

"Damn it!!!"

Bai was shattered by the earthquake, but it was repaired slowly in the smoke!

"Brother Bai, I can't. I have to rest!"

Recovered Bai miserable, picked up Er Niu Dao and wrapped his body with Mu Zhenli, so he didn't go away!

"I've worked hard and almost won by the cloud world. You did a good job this time. Next, look at me. If you don't fight again, there's no way!" White miserable heart said!

The smoke is gone!

The crowd grunted. It was terrible. The competition between the two kings was more dangerous than that of the older generation!

The golden fire dragon lying on one side suddenly saw that Bai miserable was all right

Yelled at the cloud world in the sky, "the world, this boy is still alive. Don't delay any more. It's time for your surprise dragon to change!"

Hearing the roar of the golden fire dragon, there are 100000 grass mud horses in the cloud world

Bai miserable, carrying Er Niu Dao, said to the cloud world in the sky, "it's ugly. Cloud world, why? With the secret method, can't even the slag of my palace expansion blow out of the battle platform?"

Yuntianxia's face is red. Yunxiao and others are stupid. This white and miserable is an immortal monster!

Ancient and modern Aojiao said to the people in Tianbao Pavilion, "now believe what I said, no one has beaten him in the same realm!"


Yuntianxia knows that he doesn't need the strongest secret treasure refined by the hall Lord anymore. It's estimated that he will lose!


The imperial sword pointed at Bai miserable, full of confidence, and said coldly, "Bai miserable, I have one last move. I must win!"

Bai miserable doesn't think that the cloud world is scaring himself, so he is ready!

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