Bai miserable and Bilian are washed into an underground cave by the river!

I don't know how long it took. Bai miserable didn't know where he was. It was dark!

Feeling that Bilian was still around, Bai miserable breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly shouted, "Bilian, how are you?"

Bilian pretended to be all right and said, "brother Bai, I'm all right. Bilian is a little sleepy. Go to sleep first!"

Bai miserably let go of Bilian's tone, then groped in the dark for a while, found a field and pulled Bilian up!

And then let out the iron mania, old fellow, "what's the matter with you?"

"I can't die, but I'm too hurt!" Said the armored mad cow.

Bai miserable hurriedly took out the panacea given to him by Zhan Wushuang and gave some to the iron armor crazy cow!

For a while, the iron armor crazy cow initially stabilized the injury, and the demon force formed a bright light to illuminate the hole!

Bai miserable glanced at Bilian, but found that Bilian was covered with blood, pale, and very weak breathing!


Bai miserable exclaimed!

Quickly feed the rest of the elixir to Bilian. Bilian can't swallow it. Bai miserable doesn't say a word. It's important to save people. He directly helped Bilian swallow it in person!

Seeing Bilian breathing gradually steady, Bai miserable completely put down his heart, and then desperately washed his mouth!

"Sin, sin, sin..."

For a while, Bai miserable looked at the surrounding environment carefully. It was an underground cave with a big pool in the middle, which should be connected to the big river!

There are some small beasts in this cave, but the appearance of armored crazy cattle makes them dare not move!

If you want to know what this place is, the best way is to communicate with the creatures here!

After a conversation, Bai miserable didn't get much information. He only knew that this was an underground cave

But the water here is connected to a boundless pool outside. The pool is shrouded in mist

Bai Nai guesses that it is a river or sea. If it is the sea, it is the South fog sea area connected to the south of the original Tianyun kingdom!

It is one of the four sea areas of Yunwu mainland!

It is often foggy and difficult to identify the direction. There are many sea monsters. Non ordinary people dare not go deep into the South fog sea area!

After confirmation, Bai miserable is ready to wait for Bilian to wake up and go out together!

I don't know how long she stayed. Bilian woke up and the injury of the armored crazy cow was completely stabilized!

It seems that Zhan Wushuang's recovery elixir level is very high. Although Bilian is still very weak, she has passed the dangerous period!

Now Bai miserable waits for Bilian to recover and leaves here!

"Brother Bai, aren't you a strong man in destiny? How can you beat those people in black?" The armored mad cow said at this time.

"Old fellow iron, it's not a secret. You actually misunderstood me. I am not a strong man in heaven. I am just a special physique! I can control the power of the soul!"

The white is miserable and truthful with the old fellow of iron armor. After all, old iron also helps each other and deceive it.

The armored mad cow was silent for a while

"Old iron, now safe, your wounds are stable, let's remove this old fellow, and then you leave and find your way home." Bai miserable said.

"In fact, I also guessed that it is difficult for the world to have a strong destiny. My parents also told me that otherwise, there would not be a strong destiny in the mainland for so many years!"

Ironclad mad cow said, "brother Bai, you have a good character, and you saved me. I'd better follow you first and plan after going out!"

The white old fellow felt the head of the iron mania, and said, "old iron!"

"Brother Bai! Don't look at me like that. I'll be a little flustered!"

"No, I want to say, can you dive into the water to catch some fish and nourish Bilian!"


The armored mad cow looked at Bai miserable with contempt, and then dived into the water to catch fish!

The whole cave was dark again. Bai miserably called out the green spider with human face in order to keep these little beasts quiet!

Originally, seeing the armored crazy cow gone, the restless little beasts saw the green spider on the human face and quieted down again!

The iron armor mad cow caught a pile of fish. Bai miserably made some sashimi. After he tried to be free of poison, he gave it to Bilian!

Soon Bilian recovered almost. Bai miserable asked a little beast to take him out!

This little beast is similar to a water monkey. After communication, it is called a water splashing monkey, which is the level of a three-star beast!

And this cave is the home of the water splashing monkey!

Bai miserable and Bilian directly ride on the armored crazy cow, and the water splashing monkey sits in front of Bai miserable to show the way!

The iron armored mad cow protected Bai miserable and Bilian with Demon power, and then directly dived into the water like walking on the ground!

Ironclad mad cow originally lived on an island and often dived and played, so it's very good in water!

I don't know how long I swam. Finally, the armored crazy cow came out of the water, but what I saw was a white fog!

Bai miserable let the water splashing monkey leave, and then let the iron armor crazy ox fly!

Finally confirmed that he was outside the Nanwu sea area. It seems that he was washed away by the big river!

At this time, the armored crazy cow said, "brother Bai, my family is in the depths of the South fog sea area, the sea demon island at the junction of the four sea areas!"

Bai miserable originally wanted to separate from the armored crazy cow, but at the thought of Yunwu hall, it is estimated that he will send someone to confirm whether he and Bilian are dead!

After Yunxiao got the report from elder Hu, he was really worried, so he sent several dead men to look for Bilian's "body"!

Bai miserably decided to disappear for a while, let Yunwu hall think that Bilian and I have fallen, and then sneak back to the beast king sect and wait for Xiaoji to open!

And the sea demon island has been known to Bai miserable before. It is a forbidden area where people in Yunwu mainland talk about color change and a paradise for monsters. There are countless powerful monsters

If you can bring back some monsters, it will also play a big role in the future war!

When he thought of it, he asked, "old fellow, do you know the way? How long do we need to get home?"

"It's not hard to recognize. If you keep walking towards the depths of the South fog sea area, you can see the huge island. Then I can find the way home. At my speed, it will take about ten years!"


decade? Just to get on the way? When the cauliflower is cold, Bai miserable plans to go back to the beast king first!

At that time, the old fellow said, "if you can help the good blue giant dolphin beast, you can expect it in a month."

Bai miserably thought that if it is a month's journey, it will take a month to come back. It is estimated that it will take about three months to return to the beast king sect!

Plus, it took Dabi a month, just four months

As long as you are in the sea demon island for no more than two months, you can catch up with the opening time of Xiaoji after returning to the king of beasts!

So Bai miserable said, "sky blue giant dolphin? Where can I find it?"

"The sky blue giant dolphin likes to roam the four seas. It can be often seen in the deep sea!"

"Old fellow iron, you take us deep into the sea first, see if we can find it, if not, then you go home first, I and Bilian return to the king of animals!"


After that, the armored crazy cow dived directly into the deep sea with Bai miserable and Bilian!

Countless kinds of marine creatures are seen by Bai miserably, including beast level, fierce beast level and even monster level. However, their strength is not strong. They dare not approach when they see the earth demon, iron armor and crazy cattle!

"Brother Bai, it's near the deep sea. Although it's the outer sea, there are some strong sea monsters!" Said the armored mad cow.

After sliding in the deep sea for a long time, other monsters and monsters met a lot, but they didn't meet the sky blue giant dolphin!

It is estimated that there is no sky blue giant dolphin near here!

Bai miserable was disappointed and thought of it!

Iron armor crazy cow demon force is almost unable to carry it. I'm going to slip back to the sea!

Suddenly, a wonderful huge voice sounded from the deep sea!

"It's the voice of the sky blue giant dolphin. Brother Bai, let's go and have a look!"

"Old fellow, over there, hurry up!"

After a while, Bai miserable saw a huge monster swimming from a distance. The armored crazy cow was like a small fish

"Brother Bai, it's a sky blue giant dolphin!"

White misfortune looks at the sky blue giant dolphin that is much bigger than whale. "Surprise old fellow," I said, "let's go and talk to it."

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