When the guardians heard Bai miserable's words, they stopped, but one of them didn't stop!


White was pierced through the chest

The other guardians looked at the Han Han. The Han Han Guardian looked at his companions suspiciously, "why did you all stop?"


Bai miserable directly shocked himself, which attracted a group of elixirs to cheer

But when seeing Bai miserable resurrected intact, all the miraculous drugs were stupid for a time!

"Isn't he dead?"

"How did he live?"

"Look at the wound on his chest. It's gone!"


Listening to the shocked whispers of the elixirs, Bai miserable didn't bother to pay attention to them, but directly said to the guardians, "gentlemen, I just transmitted it from the black holy stone to the red holy stone. The red holy stone told me how to get out!"

The guardian leader stared at Bai miserable, "you can say our words and know the holy stone. How dare you swear by God?"

"Of course!"

After Bai miserable made an oath, the guardian believed Bai miserable's words and said he would take Bai miserable to see the spirit king!

"Spirit king?"

The guardian gave Bai miserable a brief explanation. He is the spiritual King guarding the temple and the only king of this holy land of miraculous medicine!

Bai miserable has no choice. If he doesn't agree, he is estimated to be tortured and killed by these guardians, or bound to see the spirit king!

"Then I'll go with you!"

So Bai was taken away by the guardians!

All Bai miserable saw along the way were elixirs, and there were guardians at intervals!

Each team of guardians is composed of different kinds of elixir soldiers, including those in the shape of spirit ginseng, spirit grass, spirit tree and so on!

Bai miserable communicated with carrot head elixir and learned that these guardians evolved under the guidance of the spirit king and became a movable elixir in humanoid form!

Of course, not all miraculous medicines can evolve successfully, and the miraculous medicine gun in hand is a unique miraculous medicine in the demon spirit world - sharp gun spirit wood. The gun tip is extremely hard. It is a miraculous medicine only available to the spirit king!

Each elixir soldier will be given a elixir gun, which makes Bai miserable surprised. He even wants to see the king of the spirit!

After walking for a long time, I finally came to a gun shaped elixir forest

The guardian of the carrot head tells Bai miserable that these are the sharp spear spirit wood, which is also the magic medicine for the spirit king to make the magic medicine gun. No one can touch it without the permission of the spirit king, otherwise it will be killed by the spirit king!

Bai miserable was also curious all the way. Why didn't he see anyone in such a holy land of miraculous medicine?

It's not supposed to be, so I asked the guardian!

The guardian of the carrot head looked at Bai miserable and said, "because other lives who come here and dare to destroy the holy land of miraculous medicine will be killed and made the nutrients of miraculous medicine..."


Bai miserable is a little special and came out of the holy land, so the guardian didn't kill Bai miserable, but brought it to the spirit king for disposal!

Half a day later, Bai miserable passed through the sharp spear forest and came to a sea of flowers, and there was a strange giant tree in the middle of the sea of flowers!

The upper part of the waist is human, but there are some branches on the body, but a huge flower opens on the top of the head, which looks like a hat!

The lower part of the waist is the root of the tree. It's white and amazing!

Although the giant tree is only a few tens of meters high, it is strange and extraordinary, and the elixir aura is very strong!

Erniu tells Bai miserable that this elixir has reached the sixth level of elixir king!

It's no wonder that it will soon become an adult. It's estimated that if you give it more time, it can completely become an adult, and then you can run everywhere!

It's just why it can give other miraculous drugs the ability to transform, which makes Bai miserable very curious!

"Tell the spirit king that his subordinates have brought a strange life. It can speak the language of our magic medicine, and it comes out of the temple!" Said the guardian of the carrot head respectfully.

"Well, I see!"

After the carrot head guards retreat, the arm of the elixir King becomes longer and holds up Bai miserable!

"It's not the life of the demon spirit world, little man. What kind of life are you?" Asked the spirit king.

Bai miserably smiled, "King Ling, I'm a Terran. My name is Bai miserably. I'm a newcomer and don't understand the rules. Please forgive me!"

"Terrans? It turned out that many people came to destroy the holy land of miraculous medicine some time ago. They were greedy and selfish. At first, I spared them. Unexpectedly, they didn't repent and came to steal miraculous medicine. I had to kill them. Are you also here to steal miraculous medicine?"

The elixir king said, killing!

Bai miserable shook his head and said quickly, "Lingwang, you misunderstood. I'm not here to steal the elixir!"

Then, Bai miserable told the king of miraculous medicine how he came here again

The spirit king gathered up his killing intention, as long as Bai miserable didn't come to steal the elixir or destroy the temple!

But the spirit king didn't intend to let Bai miserable leave. After all, Bai miserable knows the location of the temple. The news can't be known by the devil!

So the spirit king said to Bai miserable, "you can stay here, but you can't go out of the sea of flowers until the demon spirit world passes you out, otherwise there will be no amnesty!"


Bai miserably looks at the spirit king with a dignified face. Damn, he has entered the tiger's den. It's more terrible than the flower ant nest!

I have to promise for the time being, and then find a chance to escape here!

Bai miserable is hungry. A guardian brings him fruit. If he is thirsty, he can drink toilet water!

Moreover, the aura here is very strong. Every breath is like drinking Qiongyao. If others stay here, it is a good safe harbor!

But Bai miserable is here to kill the disciples of Yunwu hall. He looks for the secret treasure of the law. He can't stay here until the end, otherwise it's meaningless to come to Xiaoji!

Bai miserable stayed here for four days and didn't get any useful information from the king of spirit!

At night, Bai miserable lies in the sea of flowers and looks at the night sky

Now it has been half a month since I came to the demon spirit world. I don't know what happened to sledgehammer and Starling. It's estimated that it's more or less bad. Bai miserably thought of it!

At the moment, the sledgehammer is on a mountain in the demon spirit world, wearing a crown. A group of monkeys and monsters respectfully serve the sledgehammer, massage him and beat his feet

Sledgehammer happily soaked in Lingshui spring, drank lingguo wine and ate the best lingyao fruit!

Although the strength is still the peak of extraordinary territory and can not be broken through, but Keep refining your physique!

The sledgehammer looked at the sky and murmured, "young master, where are you? I really want to take risks with you. Xiaoji territory is too terrible. As soon as I came here, there are a lot of obedient monsters except eating and drinking. There is no sense of adventure at all. Alas, I knew I wouldn't come!"

Then the sledgehammer jumped up and shouted, "monkeys, come on, jump up together and have a bonfire party tonight!"

Through the crown, the monkey monster understood the meaning of the sledgehammer, cheered and twisted with the sledgehammer

Starling also came to the holy land of miraculous medicine at this time. Although it can't use the Demon power, its nose still hasn't failed. It can smell the huge smell of miraculous medicine all the way!


Sneak to the holy land of miraculous drugs and see a lot of miraculous drugs. Your eyes are worth it!

Especially when I see radish magic medicine, my mouth is watering!

In an instant, I rushed over and prepared to have a big meal!

After a while, the guardian came and fought directly with Bugs Bunny!

The spirit king knew the news when Bugs Bunny entered the holy land of miraculous medicine, "here comes a strange black-and-white eyed rabbit monster. Dare to steal my miraculous medicine and kill me!"

Bai miserable was stunned when he heard the words of the spirit king

Black and white eyes?

Rabbit monster?

Is it Starling?

"Spirit king, wait a minute. It's probably a rabbit monster with me. It's my good brother. Please bring it here!"

The spirit king said lightly, "look, you've told me a lot of interesting things these days, so I'll give you a face!"

After the spirit king sent the message to the guardian, the guardian quickly put down Bugs Bunny, tied him up and carried him to meet the spirit king!

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