When Bai miserable returns to the spirit tree, the spirit queen comes out of the spirit tree again

"How about playing so soon?"

"Yes, no, it's just the spirit tree. I don't know whether the spirit queen is welcome or not!" Bai smiled miserably.

I thought that the fairy queen would not let outsiders in and reveal her fairy family secrets, but I didn't expect that the fairy queen directly agreed!

"Of course you are welcome. This is your home. You can go anywhere you want. Please follow me!"


"Brother Bai, something's wrong!" Starling heart said.

"You just find out now? I've felt wrong for a long time!"

While Bai miserable was chatting with starlings, the fairy tree released a green light entrance

The fairy queen takes the lead in entering, and Bai miserable and heartless starlings enter

The spirit tree is empty and full of aura, and indeed, as myna said, there is an underground entrance in the spirit tree!

Bai miserably asked, "fairy queen, what is this entrance?"

"This entrance connects the most precious thing of our elf family, the gift of nature - Elf spring, which is also the source of the birth of elves in the demon world!" The fairy queen said truthfully.

"Fairy queen, I want to see the difference between the fairy springs here. Is that all right?" Bai smiled miserably.

"No problem, three, please follow me!"

"Spirit spring? Suck away ~"

Heartless son's eyes are shining. It's fun to hear it. He suddenly has a ghost idea in his heart

When Bai miserable came to the underground secret cave, it was quite empty and sparkling. The walls were full of luminous Elf tree roots. The whole cave was full of vitality and rich Aura!

There are six elves guarding the cave. The queen of elves tells Bai miserable that these are the elder elves who specially guard the elves spring!

The six old elves sat around the elves spring. The elves spring gushed green light, as if an elf would run out at any time!

Starling's Yin and Yang eyes opened and looked at the spirit spring. It felt a little different, but I didn't find anything. The spring water is full of vitality spirit water... The breath of life is very strong!

"Brother Bai, nothing different!"

Bai miserable listened and frowned!


"Starling, if you reveal your true body, can you suppress the spirit?" Bai miserably asked.

Bai miserable wants starlings to hold them down and take a look at the elf spring by themselves

"No, the elves belong to the life born naturally. They won't be restrained by any blood. My yin-yang rabbit blood is invalid for them! The first primitive elf is also one of the animals in heaven and earth. She is the goddess of life who trained Dayan life skill I told you before. She is the first elf born in the world!" Starling said.

"Well, forget it, let's go!"

Bai miserable is ready to leave, but finds that wuxinzi has disappeared

"Hmm? What about heartless children?"

Starling pointed to the direction of the spirit spring. Bai miserable suddenly had a big head. I saw that wuxinzi was floating on the spirit spring at the moment

The Elven elders were angry, "bold! Outsiders, dare to desecrate our holy spring!"

The fairy queen was not calm at the moment. "Child, come back quickly! Otherwise, you will be punished!"

Originally, wuxinzi looked at the spirit spring and wanted to go inside to see what good baby there was, so he moved it in space and directly moved it over the spirit spring!

"Don't panic, I'll take a look and go!"

The fairy queen and the fairy elder breathed a sigh of relief. It doesn't matter to have a look!

But wuxinzi then "poof" and jumped into the spirit spring!


Bai miserable and Starling are stupid, and the elf queen and the six elf elders are also stupid


Just when Bai miserable wanted to say something, a figure suddenly flew out of the fairy spring. It was the heartless son who had just jumped in!

"Ah! Poof!"

Starling took the heartless son who vomited blood and said with a happy smile, "hahaha... Little bastard, you have today!"

Wuxinzi rolled his eyes and said anxiously, "there is a demon in the fairy spring, a big magic snake!"


At this time, the sun outside had set, the sky was getting dark, and all the elves stopped moving. The original pure elves began to slowly become evil forces!

The eyes of the elves began to be scarlet, and the wings began to shine. The six elves elders and the elves queen... At the moment, their bodies also gradually emit magic gas!

The spirit spring is boiling, but it also has bursts of magic gas

A dark magic snake showed its head, and then the whole body surfaced. It was a magic snake with a pair of silver wings!

Bai Zhenning said, "silver winged snake demon!"

"Oh? You know me?" The silver winged snake devil spits out people's words and says darkly.

It turns out that the eighth fallen demon who escaped that year, silver winged snake demon, hid in the spirit spring. No wonder there was no trace of it in the whole demon spirit world

At that time, the spirit God also looked for it, but he thought for a long time and didn't expect to be in the spirit spring!

If it weren't for the careless son's fun... Entering the spirit spring, it is estimated that the silver winged snake demon would continue to lurk in the spirit spring and slowly recover its strength!

In the first World War of that year, eight fallen demons were defeated by the spirit gods, but there were already injured spirit gods. They had no ability to kill them, so they had to seal eight fallen demons!

The badly injured silver winged snake demon didn't want to be suppressed by the spirit God, so he used the method of molting and shelling, lost his cultivation and fled to the Spirit Island to control the weak spirit queen at that time

Unexpectedly, there is a natural cave in the fairy tree where the fairy queen lives, and there is a magical fairy spring in the cave!

So the silver winged snake devil hid in the spirit spring, fell into a deep sleep and recovered, and disappeared from then on!

The huge vitality of the spirit spring... Just can heal the silver winged snake demon. Later, because the spirit spring is infected with the magic gas, the born spirit is normal during the day and will become a fallen spirit at night!

After years of recovery... The awakened silver winged snake demon began to use the magic gas to control the elves, deceive all the beasts and monsters in the blue temple, and then swallow them one by one!

The people who came here, except some who went to the countercurrent sea and stayed in the Spirit Island, were basically refined by the silver winged snake demon blood!

The silver winged snake demon didn't know whether the spirit God was really dead, so he didn't dare to rise too high. He also sent elves to investigate the blue temple to save the water demon suppressed here!

But... The attack of elves can only make the blue Saint stone absorb energy and convert it into a transmission array to release it!

The weapon of demon spirit world can't split the protective cover of blue holy stone and can't remove the seal!

After trying many times, including getting the Terran weapon, the silver winged snake demon gave up. It seems that the seal of the spirit God can't be broken!

I didn't expect that today, my hiding place was inexplicably discovered by a man's little boy!

Therefore, it decided to kill Bai miserable, starling and wuxinzi in person in case the news leaked out!

If the spirit God still has the means to know his hiding place and come to seal it, it will never see the sky and the sun like the other seven fallen demons!

Hearing the confirmation of silver winged snake demon, Bai miserable is ready to start... See if he can kill it!

"Starling, look at wuxinzi. Pay attention to safety. I'll meet the silver winged snake demon!" White miserable heart said.

"Brother Bai, be careful, it's the peak strength of the Seven Star devil, which is equivalent to the peak strength of the British soul realm! And it's a fallen devil, that is, the soul has been sold to the dark will. As long as it hasn't been killed, it can live forever!"

"Er... So powerful? Isn't that infinite growth?"

"How can it be so good? Once you choose to degenerate, you can no longer break through the realm. What realm is before the fall, and what realm will always be after the fall!"

"I see! You and wuxinzi go out first!"


Wuxinzi and Starling moved away in an instant, but they were also chased by the demonized elves outside!

Silver winged snake demon is worthy of being a cunning and vicious degenerate demon. It even let the elf queen and six elf elders take action, and he was waiting for the opportunity!

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