
Yun ruofeng and others are in full battle!

"Brothers and sisters, don't panic. You are an ally!" He lianjue said.

The silver winged snake demon released his breath, and the magic power comparable to the cloud momentum subdued all the disciples of Yunwu hall!

"Is this... Magic?" Cloud ruofeng's eyes narrowed.

The lineage of the cloud family knows the smell of demons best. There are demons in Yun ruofeng, but they are suppressed by the secret realm and can't be used!

"Jie... You are a demon. It seems that you are destined for my demon family!" The silver winged snake devil smiled.

He lianjue told everyone how he met the silver winged snake demon and why he cooperated with it

Originally... The silver winged snake demon escaped from the Spirit Island and wanted to go to the countercurrent sea to have a look

He lianjue and Feng Ruge, who are just about to go to the countercurrent sea, were met. The silver winged snake demon wanted to kill them... To relieve the sullen anger of Bai miserable!

Unexpectedly, his random attack was blocked by he lianjue

Seeing that he lianjue, an outsider, was not suppressed by the demon spirit world, I thought he lianjue should have eaten the world fruit!

He wanted to accept he lianjue and be his little brother, so that he could test when he was in danger

So... Release your whole body strength and intend to subdue them with magic power!

But... He lianjue and Feng Ruge have experienced the majesty of the British soul since childhood, and have long been afraid of this suppression!

Although I was surprised at the power of the silver winged snake demon, they were unmoved


Seeing that they have not been shocked by their own magic potential, the silver winged snake demon has retreated. Do they also have strange means, just like the guy who can't die?

These two outsiders are also very strange. It's better not to provoke them!

The silver winged serpent thought in his heart!

Think about it, the silver winged serpent is ready to leave


He lianjue stopped the silver winged snake demon. The wind was like a song. It was obviously a powerful indigenous monster. Why bother him!

"Huh? Want to die?" The silver winged snake demon is vicious.

"How did you get that knife?"

He lianjue saw Er Niu in the silver winged snake demon's hand. Isn't that Bai miserable's knife that never leaves his hand? How did he get into the monster's hand?

The silver winged snake devil smiled, "do you know?"

Then one person and one devil simply talked about it, and the silver winged snake devil realized that the forces to which he lianjue belonged wanted to kill Bai miserable, so it would be much easier. The enemy of the enemy is the ally!

Moreover, I also need some men to take the lead, so... One person and one devil hit it off, temporarily alliance, and prepare to deal with Bai miserable together!

He lianjue was worried that Bai miserable would get four divine fruits. Once he found the secret treasure of the law, it would be impossible for Yunwu hall to get it. With this monster, cooperation would be different!

The silver winged snake demon needs strong men. Before going to the countercurrent sea, it decided to find a group of men first, and then liberate the seven truly lawless fallen demons!

So he lianjue and Feng Ruge came to the countercurrent sea with the silver winged snake demon!

I came here when I learned about the area of Yunwu hall!

After hearing this, Yun ruofeng realized that, but he still knew a lot about the devil in Yunwu hall!

"You should be a seven star fallen devil who has taken refuge in the dark will. We don't trust to cooperate with you. We need to establish a contract!" Cloud like wind is the main road.

"Jie, they all deal with common enemies. What's wrong with you!" The silver winged snake devil smiled.

"Whether it's a real devil or a fallen devil, it's all about cultivating the devil's heart. I want you to swear with your own Devil's heart that we will cooperate together to kill the common enemy. When you enter the twin towers of spirit and God, the secret treasure of the law belongs to us and the rest belongs to you!" Cloud ruofeng said.

"Give me the knife in your hand!" He lianjue said at this time.

He Lian wanted to have Erniu Dao for a long time. His cultivation skill "seven Jue Dao classic" made him feel that this Dao was the supreme divine Dao!

The silver winged snake devil thought to himself, no matter what contract he has, just save the seven guys and let them destroy these guys after using them. Don't be afraid of any agreement!

So the silver winged snake demon nodded and said, "yes, no problem, but before going to the spirit tower, I need some of you to accompany me to save seven companions!"


"They are sealed. Don't worry. With my companions, everything in the spirit tower can belong to us. The law source stone is of no use to us. Take as many as you have!" Silver winged snake demon flickered.

After hearing this, Yun ruofeng said, "OK! Let's make a contract!"

When the contract is made, Yun ruofeng asks he lianjue to put away the natural materials and land treasures obtained here first!

Then help other main disciples to take out Najie's weapons, and the combat power of the whole disciples of Yunwu hall will be improved a lot in an instant!

With armour and sabre, even against small demons and big demons, they are no longer afraid!

Then he lianjue accompanied the silver winged snake demon with Feng Ruge and some disciples to save his so-called companions

Yun ruofeng takes a large number of people to explore the way to enter the spirit tower. The rest, Yun ruofeng explains, wait for Bai miserable and others to come, directly recognize, counselle, please and paralyze them, and smile even if they are beaten

In this way, Bai miserable and others won't go too far and kill them for no reason!

Otherwise, Yunwu hall can label the beast king as indiscriminate killing of innocent people!

When he lianjue comes back, he will kill all the disciples of other forces here

After the three plans were confirmed, the disciples of Yunwu hall began to take action. He lianjue took hundreds of thousands of disciples and set out on flying beasts!

Feng Ruge knows the location of the black temple and the blue temple and how to open the channel, so the silver winged snake demon decides to save the water demon suppressed by the blue temple first!

And Yun ruofeng leads the army to Linghou mountain, which is the only way to the sun moon Tower!

Several times before I sent disciples to explore the way, but they were destroyed by four eared monkey and other monsters. It seems that the guardian of the sun moon tower is four eared monkey

Fortunately, they just stay in lingmonkey mountain, otherwise people who come here can't set foot on the land of Lingshen!

Finally, only millions of people remained in the Yunwu hall regional base camp!

on the other hand!

Bai miserable and others are rushing to the Yunwu hall area!

The place occupied by the disciples of Yunwu hall is the main entrance of Linghou mountain. If other disciples want to enter Linghou mountain, they have to pay a certain amount of natural materials and earth treasures to enter from here!

When Bai miserable came here, a large group of Yunwu hall disciples appeared, which made other people who watched the good play look silly

I saw the disciples of Yunwu hall take out a large number of natural materials and earth treasures as compensation for hurting the disciples of the beast king sect!

Moreover, I am willing to live in harmony with the beast king sect, explore the lingmonkey mountain and find the way to the sun and moon Tower!

"King miserable, we are ignorant. Master Mo became famous in the first World War. I know that Yunwu hall is invincible. I believe King miserable has the style of a king and will not quarrel with our little disciples!" Cloud if the top sincerely said.

Bai miserable's eyebrows are tight. What the hell is going on in Yunwu hall?

"Da Bai, something's wrong. How can Yunwu hall recognize counsellors? They have at least one billion disciples gathered here!" Wuxinzi whispered.

"You try them!"


Wuxinzi jumped out, rebuked and said, "I heard that your disciples of Yunwu hall beat my disciple of Tianji sect!"

Yun ruodang had already killed his heart and burst into flames, but he endured it for the sake of planning. Then he said with a smile, "this is the king of dukong? I've heard about his name for a long time, and I admire the king of dukong's unparalleled talent! As for the disciple of Tianji sect... My Yunwu hall is also willing to compensate. If the king of dukong is not satisfied, we can beat us at will, and we have no complaints!"

Say, cloud if top also let a person prepare compensation in advance to take out, good guy, a lot of Tiancai and Dibao!

The heartless son drooled and whispered to Bai miserably, "Da Bai, what's the matter now? Kill them directly?"

"No, it contains almost all the forces in Yunwu mainland. You can't kill them for no reason. It will give them a chance to make use of it. First collect their compensation, and then you..."

Bai miserable then transmits his soul to wuxinzi. Wuxinzi understands. Say it... Bai miserable directly takes a group of people away!

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