
Yun ruofeng and four fallen demons are scarred

The devil's heart of the fallen devil was shocked. It's not easy to restore the devil's heart!

He lianjue, fengruge and yunrufeng, two brothers, were seriously injured

Moreover, the explosion of the power of the law destroyed the space in this area. The space in the Najie was turbulent, and the whole Najie was also broken. All recovery elixirs and treasures were lost!

If the fallen devil hadn't given the four of them a magic to stabilize their injuries, I'm afraid they couldn't survive

He lianjue is fine. Although he is seriously injured, he can still move!

Now we can only leave here first and make plans after everyone recovers!

Therefore, he lianjue let the three injured fallen demons carry one person on their backs. Although the fallen demons were reluctant, they swore that if they did not comply, they would disappear, so they could only carry one person on their backs angrily!

The three headed dog demon has a special constitution and has three magic hearts. For the sake of safety, the three headed dog demon transfers the main two magic hearts to the third magic heart!

The dog head on the right side of the three headed dog devil fainted directly, but the dog heads in the middle and left returned to normal. This is also the special ability of the three headed dog devil, which is a powerful ability!

Just as the four fallen demons were about to leave, a dozen powerful breath broke out and killed them!

The fallen devil fixed his eyes and took the lead in attacking three powerful four eared spirit monkeys. It was monkey one, monkey two, monkey three and monkey four who protected the sledgehammer that had not awakened on a remnant mountain!

Followed by several powerful elves such as the queen of elves, as well as little stone duck, chick, starling and Bai miserable!

Kill them all!

The three headed dog demons directly cast "return to magic fire - Prison go", and then roared, "retreat first!"

As soon as the monkey erupted into a powerful demon Empire, he smashed directly at "return to the demon fire - Prison go!"

With a loud cry, "broken mountain boom!"

The Magic Mind skill and monster magic power, which are comparable to the attack of the top strongmen in the British spirit realm, collide directly and shake up an air wave and explosion in the air!

However, the three headed dog devil slightly won. Seeing that the eldest brother failed to block the magic heart skill, monkey 2 and monkey 3 showed the peak demon potential of the demon king, and broke out their respective magic powers "monkey moving fist" and "monkey swinging legs", so that they could smash the "return to magic fire - Prison walk"!

After Bai miserable and the monster arrived, a scuffle to kill the fallen devil began!

The queen of elves joined the battle to kill the three headed dog demons. The four monsters fought the three headed dog demons most fiercely!

This is bitter. Yun ruofeng knew that the three headed dog demon was targeted, so he chose to let other fallen demons carry it!

Xingmu dunkong chicken and Xiaoshi duck are against the powerful cold bone devil, wuxinzi and Bai miserable are against the fat heart eater, starling and several other demon king elves are against the blood devil, and Mo Yuxuan is against he lianjue!

The battlefield began to divide and fight separately!

"Be careful, this heart eater doesn't know its ability. I'll straighten out its ability first. As soon as you see something wrong, you can withdraw directly, and then pick me up again!"

"OK, big white! I'll cooperate with you first!"

After they said that, they attacked the heart eater!

The heart eater was so angry that he was chased and beaten by two small insects. He was really oppressed. If the devil's heart was not seriously injured and his strength was greatly damaged, he could only give full play to the strength of the four-star devil, otherwise, why should he be afraid of these damn guys!

The cloud on the ogre's back roared anxiously, "they're coming again!"

"Crossing the air - random fighting!"

Bang Bang

Wuxinzi opened his purple eyes and stared at the heart pounding of the heart eater, but the heart eater protected it with magic. It's not a problem for a while!

It was the concussion of the beaten devil's heart that caused the injury. The painful heart eater sweated in a cold sweat. It vowed to eat the heartless heart!

When Bai miserable is close to the heart eater, he is trying to cast "soul imprisonment". There is a reminder from Yun Ruohan. Of course, the heart eater will not be so easily won by Bai miserable!

Direct to Bai miserable direction to show the magic heart skill, "magic roar!"


A huge black sound wave visible to the naked eye, and this sound wave can also capture people's soul and soul, with a very wide range!

Wuxinzi can't avoid it for a while. He can only let Bai miserable top in front and protect himself with Zhenli!


Bai miserable was directly killed by the devil roar. Before he died, he felt the earth spinning, the devil sound winding, and hallucinations!

It's good that wuxinzi hides behind Bai miserable. With Bai miserable's natural meat shield, his true power can defend against the aftershocks!

This is also a great loss to the strength of the heart eater. Otherwise, if it is the strength of the Seven Star fallen devil, it is estimated that wuxinzi will admit it!

After Bai miserable resurrects for a while, he directly asks wuxinzi to continue pursuing. Knowing the powerful magic heart skill of the heart eater, wuxinzi should at least be on guard!

The heart eater fought with Bai miserable for a long time and found that Bai miserable was an immortal monster!

If the cloud top is completely going crazy, is this the king's means?

No wonder you can defeat yuntianxia. The means of immortality is too terrible. How can there be such a secret method!

Every time the heart eater uses "magic roar", Bai miserable is killed by shock. There is nothing wrong with his heart, and then the heart eater quickly retreats!

But soon he was caught up by the careless cheating like blink!

Two people and one devil hit the spirit land from the sky battlefield!

The people who are still slowly struggling in the spirit and God continent are watching Bai miserable and wuxinzi chase and kill the heart eater. Moreover, the heart eater is actually protecting yunruotong, and yunruotong is also assisting the heart eater to resist the pursuit of Bai miserable and wuxinzi!

This makes people of many forces wonder why the disciples of Yunwu hall want to help the fallen devil?

Bai miserable also saw the doubts of the people below, so he took the opportunity to shout, "Yunwu hall is in collusion with the fallen devil. Its disciples take refuge in the devil. Don't let any Yunwu hall disciples run away!"

Listen to Bai Nai's cry, and facts speak louder than words. Although others can't help kill the fallen demons, it's still no problem to kill other Yunwu hall disciples who came to the spirit and God continent!

Nangong Weimeng instantly turned into a powerful general and shouted, "go! Kill the disciples of Yunwu hall with us. We can't let these demons return to Yunwu mainland!"

In addition, Bai miserable had a life-saving grace to everyone, and then got out of control. Except for the disciples of the beast hunting guild, the disciples of other forces directly took the disciples of Yunwu Hall who came to the spirit and God mainland to operate!

For a moment, the ignorant disciples of Yunwu hall were surrounded and killed before they reacted!

They worked hard from the countercurrent sea island to the spirit and God continent. Before they knew what had happened, they were chased and killed by a large group of people. That's a dead man!

Bai miserable is surprised to see that his cousin cheap has the wind of a big general. In the future war, he can lead a team of disciples against Yunwu hall!

Think about it, Bai miserable stares at the heart eater again. As for the cloud if the top, Bai miserable deliberately doesn't move him!

It is estimated that this guy made some agreement with the fallen devil, so the fallen devil has been distracted to protect him!

With such a mop, it will be easier to kill the heart eater. The problem now is how to get close to the heart eater and imprison it!

The 360 degree dead angle devil roar of the heart eater killed Bai miserable before he got close!

"Da Bai, I think of a way!"

"What can I do?"

"Isn't he afraid of you approaching him? We can do this... This..."

"Oh! Yes, you clever little devil!"

After that, wuxinzi and Bai miserable began to make things!

The heart eater continued to escape and suddenly found that Bai miserable and wuxinzi behind him were gone

"Come on! Fly into the air. It's estimated where they're hiding and ready to attack us!" The cloud roared.

The ogre flew directly into the air and looked around one by one

"Over there!" The cloud roars like the top!

Watching Bai miserable and wuxinzi appear from the cloud, the heart eater directly killed them with a "magic roar"!

They were hit directly!

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