I thought Bai miserable could imprison three dog demons this time, so that the rolling body protection magic on him would dissipate, and then Bai miserable could cast "green dragon imprisonment" on his back to imprison him completely!

But... The huge body of the three headed dog devil shrank, escaped the white and miserable "soul imprisonment", shook open the "chain of life", and the body directly turned into a residual shadow and ran out!

Let Bai miserable miss this opportunity!


The chick can't believe it. It's all hidden by the three dog demons?

After the three heads of the three dog demons in the distance recovered, they bared their teeth and stared at the elf queen and Bai miserable!

He almost got it in vain. If he imprisoned him, he would be in trouble!

Wuxinzi comes to Bai miserable with myna

"Da Bai, what should I do? It escaped. Now only the fairy queen is left. I can't fight it anymore..."

Bai miserably looked at the three headed dog demons with dignity. There was really no way. He had to retreat and wait until Xiaoji was closed!

"Let's go! Retreat!" Bai miserable said helplessly.

When Bai miserable and wuxinzi were ready to evacuate, the fairy queen suddenly said!

"Lord Bai, the demon spirit world is my home. The three headed dog devil will not die. Sooner or later, it will kill all the lives here. Therefore, it doesn't matter to me whether to withdraw or not. Thank you, Lord Bai. You don't belong here. There's no need to sacrifice in vain!"

After that, the fairy queen killed the three headed dog demon directly!


Bai miserable roared, but it was too late!

"Life chain" is full of green light and full of vitality all the way. At the moment, it makes Bai miserable feel like a dead gray and the most beautiful scenery!

The three headed dog devil was attacked by monkey one, monkey three and Starling. Although it didn't hurt the devil's heart, it has made it more angry than ever!

The fairy queen has been bothering it, so when she sees the fairy queen running!

A fusion of direct anger and evil mind skill "hell roar" was used!

The chick directly takes wuxinzi and Starling, escapes into the void and leaves!

Bai miserable gnashed his teeth and looked at


With the huge explosion power, the fairy queen turned into a green light and disappeared. Bai was blown away by the hurricane and directly killed by the afterwaves!

After the resurrection, Bai miserable ran directly to the position of the elf queen just now. For a long time, Bai miserable came here and only saw the blackened elf staff!

Bai miserably picked up the spirit staff and said to Starling with a heavy heart, "starling, ask the chick to come to me!"

After a while, the chick appears. Bai miserable gives the elf staff to the chick and asks him to keep it first!

Then, Bai miserable asks the chick to leave here with Starling and wuxinzi and wait for his news!

"Brother Bai, do you need Er Niu Dao?" Starling is weak.

"Not yet!"

Looking at Bai miserable's firm eyes, the chick took them directly away!

The three headed dog devil looked at Bai miserable: "what? Angry?"

"Anger? No, because... I don't have to be angry with the dead devil!" Said Bai miserably.

"Woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof, woo The three headed dog devil laughed.

"Yes, I've always been too weak, so I can't protect my adoptive father and adoptive mother, and the elf queen who trusts me. In the future, I may only watch the people and animals I care about die..."


Looking at Bai miserable talking to himself, the three headed dog demon was speechless for a while!

The elves in the Fairy Island seem to feel the fall of the fairy queen and are praying to the fairy queen one after another!

Monkey four also felt the fall of monkey one, monkey two and monkey three, leaving tears in silence!

The life of the demon spirit world seems to feel the dead demons and beasts, one after another looking at the direction of the spirit God continent, shouting and roaring, a burst of sadness!

Ancient and modern Aojiao and others also looked at the direction of the big bang just now!

"Three headed dog demon, you are very strong, much stronger than the opponents I met before. You have terrible resilience, powerful magic heart skills and no weaker defense than cold bone demon! But... If you can't even kill you, how can I protect the people and animals I want to protect in the future war!"


"Crazy, I think you are crazy. You can kill me with what! Go back to the devil fire - prison!"

Three headed dog demons directly display a magic heart skill to kill Bai miserably!

Bai miserable after resurrection looked at his body and showed disappointment for the first time. Although he didn't die, he... Was too weak to do anything at all!

Bai miserable closed his eyes and his soul looked at the immortal mark of the way of heaven. The soul said, "all along, I thought I could wave freely with you, but... Now I understand that if I didn't die, the people around me were killed one by one, but there's no way. It's better not to die! What do I want you to do?"

After that, Bai miserable directly attacks the immortal mark of the way of heaven!

The mark of immortality released a gray light. This time, Bai miserable didn't feel the tear of his soul, but a terrible figure poured out!

The three headed dog devil looked at the white tragedy with his eyes closed. Although he wanted to kill him, he really couldn't kill him!

So, I decided to continue to catch him, and then began to kill all the lives in the demon spirit world!

A piece of magic turned into a rope. When he was about to get close to Bai miserable, Bai miserable waved his hand and a strange force came out!


The three headed dog devil was shocked. This force smashed its magic rope. Then his body was impacted by a huge force and his whole stomach was sunken



Three dog demons directly ejected a big mouthful of demon blood, and their huge body was blown out!

White miserable soul

The figure from the immortal Mark said faintly: "the ninth generation, interesting, different from us!"

"Who are you? The way of heaven?" Bai Zhenning's important way.

"Like you, I am the eighth generation of Taoist!"


"You will understand later. Now I can't say it. The power of the heavenly way awakened me. This time, I'll help you solve the three headed dog demon! Don't look down on the immortal mark of the heavenly way. Your time of walking is too short. There is a definite number of life and death. You're different from them. Well, borrow your body, nine generations!"

After that, the virtual shadow controls Bai miserable's body, and a drop of gray power turns into a source of power!

Bai miserable opened his gray eyes and looked at the shocked three headed dog demon!

"You're not the boy just now. Who are you?"

The three headed dog devil looked at Bai miserable in horror. He felt an unprecedented threat and almost made him crazy!

"Can only reach the power of the British spirit realm, but that's enough!" Eight generations murmured.

Seeing Bai miserable didn't look at himself, the three headed dog demon angrily directly displayed the fusion magic heart skill!

"Hell roar!"

"Little devil, have you ever been attacked by your own moves?"


The three headed dog devil suddenly opened his pupils, because Bai miserable didn't know when he arrived on his back!

Just trying to escape, the three headed dog demon was suddenly brought by the eighth generation to the attack of integrating magic heart skills, and then disappeared miserably!


After the huge explosion, the three dog demons were seriously injured, and the three demons were injured by their own fusion demons!



"It's impossible. How could he have such a fast speed? He only has the power of the British soul!"

Three dogs vomited blood and looked for the "white miserable" figure everywhere!

"Where do you look? Have you ever felt the speed attack across the void?"

I didn't see Bai miserable figure, but there was a Bai miserable voice in my ear. The three headed dog demons tried their best to defend!

An invisible attack... Hit one of its demon hearts. In an instant, the three dog demons were blasted to the countercurrent sea by the eighth generation!

"Run away! This is a monster, an invincible monster!"

The three headed dog devil is not an opponent at all. If he doesn't escape, he will die!

There are only two demon hearts left. If you are attacked twice, you will die completely!

The eighth generation suddenly appeared in front of it, "your speed determines you. There's nowhere to escape!"



The three headed dog devil just wanted to beg for mercy, but he was punched by the eighth generation. The second devil's heart was broken, and his body was blasted back to the spirit land!

The earth was hit with a huge crack!


The three headed dog devil knows that he is afraid to explain here today!

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