"Well... It's nothing. At the beginning, when I entered Xiaoji, I went to a cave full of treasures, which dazzled me..."

Sledgehammer said sadly, "although there is no guard here, it's a pity that I only have the strength of the peak of the extraordinary world, and I can't take many treasures!"


Bai miserable and others have an impulse to hit people. NIMA, this is god horse luck!

"However, I'm here to take a risk. I can't take much treasure. At a glance, I saw the treasure at the top of the treasure pile, a very interesting crown. I went to put it on, but I found that I couldn't take it off..."


"At this time, a group of monsters that looked very powerful appeared, that is, the four eared monkey. As soon as they saw me, they knelt and worshipped me... I could understand them through the crown. They were calling my king!"


Sledgehammer took a sip of water and continued, "it turns out that this is their ancestral cave. The crown I brought is the highest secret treasure they have guarded for generations!"

"That's how you are? They stay in lingmonkey mountain and stay there all the time?" Bai Zhenmeng forced.

"Yes, young master, I don't know how much I want to take risks, but they don't let me leave. I can only envy others to take risks. I can only eat, drink and have fun every day..."

Mo Yuxuan and others covered their hearts. They were depressed. They were working hard, hoping to find some treasures!

It's nice of you to be directly transferred to the treasure pile of others' ancestors

Sledgehammer suddenly remembered something and said happily, "by the way, young master, monkey four sent something to me!"

With that, the sledgehammer opened a big bag on his back. People found that there were all kinds of natural and earth treasures in it. Even the big bag was also a treasure, which could prevent the leakage of the aura of the treasure!

Moreover, there are all the best treasures in the bag. At the lowest, there are five level miraculous drugs and stones... There are many six level monster pills, and even one seventh level miraculous stone!

There are more than a dozen other treasures, including heaven level skills, which are dazzling!


Bai miserable and others spit blood directly in their hearts. How many people in Yunwu mainland risk their lives for treasures and get some ordinary treasures!

And after Bai killed three dog demons, a large group of people looked for a big circle and found some ordinary treasures. The best spirit stone is the fifth level medicine spirit stone!

You big hammer, eat, drink and have fun, and you get the worst five level treasures. Are you the father of the God of luck?

"Oh, there's another thing!" The sledgehammer said at this time.



what the hell!

All the good things in the emotional demon spirit world are in the ancestral land of the four eared monkey!

I saw the sledgehammer take out a jade box!

Everyone held their breath and watched. Starlings couldn't help approaching the sight!

When the sledgehammer opens the jade box, a force of law that makes the elder feel palpitation overflows!



Everyone stared at the three law source stones in the box!

Bai miserably stared. This kind of thing he saw with his own eyes and touched with his own hands is undoubtedly the source of the law!

"Is it the three law source stones, or the best law source stones in the god world, which is similar to the law source stones of the sun and moon Tower!" Starling said faintly.


The sledgehammer turned his mouth and said in disappointment, "Why are there only three strange stones? Alas, I thought the spirit God gave me something good!"

Suddenly, sledgehammer felt an unprecedented killing intention!

Yes, everyone is looking at the sledgehammer!


Sledgehammer looked at everyone flustered. He didn't know what the law source stone was. He could only whisper and say, "eh! What's the matter? There's a problem with this stone?"

"Brother Bai, the three best law source stones, whether you have a heart or not, you should be able to build a world one-way transmission array. In the future, if you want to go to the big world, unless you are strong and can cross the world in the past, you can only transmit the safest through the transmission array!" Starling heart said.

After hearing this, Bai miserable thought that the three law source stones must stay!

If it takes a long time to achieve cross-border strength, isn't it a dog in the sun?

"Sledgehammer, you've worked hard. It's estimated that you've suffered a lot in the past four months. Sit down and I'll make you a perfect tonic soup. Oh, by the way, I'll keep these three stones for you. Tell me what you want in the future and I'll fix it for you!"

Bai miserable took the jade box with drooling water and gave it to Starling. Starling directly put it into the yin-yang pill space!


Yao Ritian and others opened their mouths and looked at Bai miserable, lying in a trough, ruthless!

I've never seen such a shameless person before. I don't leave one for the sledgehammer!

The sledgehammer was moved. "Young master, I knew you were the best to me. Everything I have is given by the young master. If the young master likes it, you can take it and these treasures!"

"Sledgehammer, it's good if you have this heart. Just keep the treasure or not. I'll just take these three stones. You talk first. I'll cook Shiquan tonic Soup for you!"

Bai miserable looked at the sledgehammer with satisfaction and went to cook soup

The elder Murong Tianchen's eyes burst into brilliance and said in his heart, "chief Bai, you are unique. I can see you clearly today..."

Looking at the moving sledgehammer, Murong Tianchen shook his head and said to the sledgehammer, "sledgehammer, how do I treat you?"

"Ah? The elder is very kind to me!" The sledgehammer said muddly.

"That's good, old man. I'm also interested in strange stones recently. Why don't you... Give me this spirit stone?"

Murong Tianchen said with a seven step spirit stone!


Yao Ritian and others looked at the elder and were speechless for a while. It seems that this girl's face is half as good as chief Bai!

Many elders quickly began to get close. Even Yao Ritian shamelessly joined in and loosened his muscles and bones for the sledgehammer!

"Sledgehammer, you're the hardest on this adventure in xiaojijing... I'll thank you for the king of beasts for these more than ten Heaven level skills. I'll ask my disciples to copy one for you later!"

"Er! OK, Lord!"


Mo Yuxuan and other disciples cried. Why didn't I die!

Soon, the treasure of sledgehammer was searched by a group of shameless elders and patriarchs, leaving only a fifth level spirit fruit for sledgehammer

The sledgehammer took the lingguo and said, "well... I vomited after eating this. Now I feel sick when I see it, or I'll give it to elder martial brother Mo!"

Mo Yuxuan's eyes are wide, lying in the trough. Do I have it, too?

He hurriedly said, "Hey, what's your name, senior brother? In the future, just like chief Bai, call me Xiao mo. you're my brother hammer!"

Mu Yulu made eyes at sledgehammer directly and said, "brother hammer, just call me lulu in the future..."


Sledgehammer couldn't help sighing. Sure enough, since he followed chief Bai, his fate is really full of miracles!

Soon, Bai miserable brought the perfect tonic soup to sledgehammer. The one sledgehammer drank was moved and tears flowed

"I haven't drunk the young master's soup for a long time. It's delicious. That's the taste. The sixth order spiritual fruit and the seventh order spiritual fruit have no taste!"


When the sledgehammer drank, a powerful momentum broke out!

I saw five chakra magical powers of sledgehammer, blooming purple awns one by one, and the realm of sledgehammer has reached the peak of spirit realm!

The sixth chakra is vaguely formed!

Look at the crowd directly!

"I'll go! Sledgehammer, what magical thing did you eat? Why are your magical powers purple?" Bai zhenleng said.

"I don't know, young master. I've just discovered it, and how can I reach the peak of my soul state?"

Sledgehammer is also a fool!


"It is estimated that the spirit God quenched his magic power with the Tiancai and Dibao energy that the sledgehammer eats every day. If the sledgehammer eats at least five levels of spiritual fruit every day, plus the ability of the spirit God, it is enough to quench his magic power to the purple level!"

Starling explained to everyone!


Everyone envied, envied and hated!

Bai miserable thought to himself, it seems that the sledgehammer ranks second in the harvest of xiaojijing, and he has the biggest harvest. The two divine beasts, Xiaoshi duck and chick, especially Xiaoshi duck, can be called the strongest harvest!

Think about it, Bai miserable asked everyone to ensure that the source stone of the law didn't leak out, and then prepare to repair it, and then go back to the beast king sect together!

In the past four months, no major events have taken place in the mainland. Except for the construction of desolate sand cities, others are very calm, and there are no major actions in Yunwu hall!

Sledgehammer is going to take more than a dozen sky level skills to nandingcheng and give them to his parents to develop the Li family!

Yao Ritian knew that sledgehammer was going home, so he asked the elder to follow him to ensure safety

By the way, let the elder prepare a lot of miraculous medicine and stones as gifts. After finishing the work, take the sledgehammer directly back to the beast king sect!

How can we say our hammer brother... But he brought back three law source stones and a pile of treasures!

You should give the sledgehammer a big face anyway!

Bai miserable is going to shougongzong territory


After all, Zhu JUNBA promised... To bring her sister Zhu Liangjiu to Bai miserable!

I will return to the beast king sect in a few days. I have to solve this life event first

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