Before long, Bai miserable returned to Jinyan mountain. After looking around, he found that the whole periphery of Jinyan mountain was full of Jinyan wolf sentries, which obviously entered the state of war preparation!

Bai miserable muttered in his heart, "what's going on? How can the good Jinyan wolf family be so angry?"

Last time Bai miserable refined the extraordinary soup one night, Bei Qianxing, the three elders of the beast king sect, came to Jinyan mountain... Looking for the seven leaf flower of the fire heart. There was a small battle and found it outside!

If beiqianxing comes to Jinyan mountain to look for fire heart seven leaf flower at the moment, it is estimated that there is no residue left!

Bai miserable asks the chick to get close to the weak Jinyan wolf to see if he can hear any news

Just listen to the Jinyan wolf sentry team talking about

"Damn little Lord, damn human, dare to commit such a great crime!"

"Yes, I've lived here for generations. I've never taken the initiative to provoke the human or animal race. I didn't expect to bully us this time!"

"It seems that in the future, we will start to stand guard day and night and kill the Terrans or other monsters entering Jinyan mountain!"

Bai miserable listened here for a long time, but he didn't hear any really useful information. It's estimated that their level is not enough!

"Chick, go, go inside and quietly approach the senior golden wolf!"

"OK, brother Bai!"

Soon, Bai miserable came inside and saw many patrolling Jinyan wolves and sentries, and his strength was much stronger than that of the peripheral Jinyan wolves!

After walking for a while, Bai miserable finally finds two golden wolves with consumption level!

The golden wolf in the demon land at both ends is talking freely!

"I tell you, if I get a golden fruit, I can break through to the demon emperor. Do you believe it?"

"Believe me! My brother has unparalleled talent. If you don't go to heaven, who can go to heaven!"

"That's right. If I had been the little Lord's escort, the little Lord wouldn't have wandered out, but was cheated and leaked the secret of Jin Yanguo, which attracted strong enemies. Jin Yanshan was almost broken. Unfortunately, the old wolf king, who should have enjoyed his heavenly year, saved Jin Yanshan with self explosion! The little Lord won't be expelled from Jin Yanshan!"

"Yes, I didn't expect that the young Lord would come back with a group of people over the years. The wolf king was soft hearted and met the young Lord. I didn't expect that the young Lord stole three golden Yanguo. You know, there are only three golden Yanguo in the golden Yanshan mountain that were born only one in a thousand years. All of a sudden, they were stolen, and it was the young Lord's act. No wonder the wolf king was so angry. It's a pity , I don't know what means the little Lord used to escape from Jinyan mountain. I don't know where he is! "

Bai miserably heard that he was stunned. Jinyan wolf also had such an inside story. The young master was also a cow. He was a fighter among the bear children!

No wonder the Jinyan wolves are so angry. When they see Bai miserable, two people and four animals, they just kill them directly!

Feelings treat themselves as gas bags!

It seems that it is difficult to communicate with the golden wolf family about the alliance, but Bai miserable still wants to have a try!

So let the chick continue to go deep and find where the golden wolf king is!

Now the wolf king's eyes are burning

When the villain came back, he was happy. After all, he was his only child. Even if he committed an unforgivable crime, he was his only offspring after all, so he still missed him very much!

This is just a moment of weakness, put the villain and the people it brought in, and didn't expect to cause great disaster again!

Jin Yan is the most important inheritance secret treasure of the wolf. Jin Yan Guo was stolen by the villain. There are only three left. The angry wolf king almost farted on the spot!

You know, if you want to protect Jinyan mountain, you must be guarded by a powerful Jinyan wolf

If there were not a few golden wolves in the demon Kingdom, it is estimated that this place would have been occupied by other monsters!

So... Jin Yanguo is particularly important!

Because... The golden wolf with good qualification swallowed the golden fruit and will have a great chance to break through the demon emperor's territory, not to mention 100%, but... More than 90% probability... It's still no problem!

The golden flaming wolf family left three golden flaming fruits to prevent the wolf king from being guarded by a new demon king after their life span ends!

Jin Yan wolf wants to reach the demon emperor's realm by his own talent. Since the birth of Jin Yan wolf family, it is very rare. Most of them break through the demon emperor's realm by swallowing Jin Yan fruit!

Now Jinyan wolf's hope is broken. No wonder Jinyan wolf king is angry!

If it were not for its strength, it would be the strongest among the Jinyan wolves. It is estimated that it would be directly revoked by the Jinyan wolves and replaced by other powerful Jinyan wolves as the wolf king!

Bai miserably asks the chick not to get too close to the Jinyan wolf king who is in a bad mood. When Bai miserably's soul can convey to the Jinyan wolf king, Bai miserably asks the chick to stop!

"Elder Jin Yan wolf king, I'm a former teenager and the chief animal trainer of the animal King sect. My name is Bai miserable, and I'm also the tragic king who has been widely spread in Yunwu mainland recently..."

Before Bai miserable finished, Jin Yan wolf king burst out of his body and roared... In an instant, many powerful Jin Yan wolves looked around here to find Bai miserable's position!

The king of Jinyan wolf roared, "he should be invisible or have some magic power. Dig three feet to find him... And then kill him!"

"Yes! Wolf king!"


Bai miserable was speechless!

"Wolf king, I don't mean anything else. I can understand your mood. I just came to discuss the alliance with you..."

Bai miserable explained to the king of Jinyan wolf while asking the chicks to avoid other Jinyan wolves!

However, the king of Jinyan wolf now cares about you. I was cheated by my son, and the future of Jinyan wolf family was destroyed!

In the future, the end of its generation's life may be the disaster of the golden wolf family!

He also told me about the alliance. I don't care about the heavenly king Lao Tzu

Unable to find Bai miserable for a long time, the king of Jin Yan wolf roared, "if you want to form an alliance with me, unless you find three Jin Yan fruits! Otherwise, I will kill anyone who comes to Jin Yan Mountain and show no mercy! Ow!"


Come on, it seems that Jin Yanshan is dead!

So Bai miserable asked the chicks to retreat first!


Back where starling is, after waiting for a long time, the little stone duck also came back!

Bai miserable told everyone about the Jinyan wolf family, and Xiaoshi duck also told you the results of the investigation!

However, there is nothing useful, that is, a spirit tree grows in the magma inside Jinyan mountain, but the spirit tree is empty and has no fruit!

It's clear that it should be the inheritance secret treasure of the golden wolf family and the golden tree that can grow golden Yanguo!

"Brother Bai, do you want to divide your troops into two ways? Go all the way to find Jin Yanguo and Tianqing mountain!" Starling said.

"I don't think so. The Jinyan wolf family has lost the trace of the little master of Jinyan wolf. We don't have a chance to find it!" Dugu said with a smile.

"That's right! In the vast world, finding a golden wolf is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Let's go to Tianqing mountain!" Bai miserable thought for a moment and said.

"Good!" Everybody should be here!

There is a certain distance from here to Tianqing mountain. At the speed of chicks, you have to fly for at least three or five days!

Along the way, starling and Dugu smiled, and the lobster and pig recovered completely!

Bai miserable is thinking about how to talk about the alliance with Tianqing mangniu when he comes to Tianqing mountain!

In case, like Jin Yanshan, he will be besieged and beaten as soon as he enters. Bai miserable decides to be safe at this last stop!

So he said to everyone: "tianqingshan is very strange. For the sake of safety, Starling, Dugu Yixiao, lobster and pig, you wait outside for my instructions. Little stone duck, you should pay attention to your safety. Go first from the ground. If you find anything, you can come out and inform Starling. Starling will tell me again. Chick and I will enter first from the front!"

"No problem!"

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