Niu chongtian took Bai miserable... All the way to the underground palace under the palace, where there is a strange battle platform!

"This is the sacrificial platform guarded by our Tianqing mangniu family! Whenever a strong man in the human kingdom or a monster in the demon emperor's territory wants to take the Tianyuan Road, he must first baptize at this sacrificial platform. If he can stand it, he can break through the Tianyuan road. If he can't stand it... Hum! He will die here!"

Then Niu chongtian pointed to the tombstone around the sacrificial platform and said faintly: "See? These... Are all the top strongmen in Yunwu mainland. They all failed to pass the test of sacrificing generals to Taiwan. Nine out of ten who passed the test also died on Tianyuan road. Since our Tianqing mangniu family guarded here, after tens of thousands of years, only three strongmen have passed Tianyuan road and gone to other worlds!"


Bai miserably looks at the tombstones of the strong. They are all tombstones prepared by the strong... Before being baptized, in case he fails to pass the test of sacrificing generals and no one knows his existence!

The tomb of yundao, the elder of Yunwu hall!

The tomb of Lu Lian, the second generation leader of Lulan ancient country!

The tomb of the king of beasts, the Supreme Master of the kingdom of wine!

The tomb of sea sword shark in the west air sea!


These are relatively old tombstones, as well as relatively new ones, including the tomb of the strong of the Oriental family familiar to Bai miserable!

For a long time, Bai miserable always felt that as one of the great powers of the Oriental family, the strength of the strong was a little poor!

I didn't expect... Not!

And it seems... Quite strong!

Bingwu Kingdom, Jinling Kingdom and Tianfeng kingdom all have one or two strong souls falling here!

There are five Dongfang families in Tianyun kingdom!

If there was a strong man in the kingdom of Tianyun, he would not be so miserable by Qingyang!

It is estimated that Qingyang also learned from... The Dongfang family will implement the plan to seek the country only when it is not guarded by the strong ones in the British soul state. Unfortunately, it was defeated by baizhenkeng!

According to Niu chongtian, these are the strong ones whose life is coming to an end and want to break the abyss of heaven and go to other worlds!

If you are lucky enough to break through and go to the world with the power of law, you will have the opportunity to break through the realm of destiny and be reborn!

If you fail, you can only fall!

Bai miserable looked at the tombs of these strong men for a while. He wondered why there was Tianyuan road here? Could it be related to jinwudi?

However, Niu chongtian didn't tell Bai miserable these secrets, but said faintly: "my second level is the sacrificial generals' platform. As long as one of you passes the sacrificial generals' platform, you can pass the level! How about it?"

"It's a deal!" Bai smiled miserably.

Bai miserable is not afraid of sacrificing generals and killing him, but... Bai miserable is most afraid of death!

"Boy, have courage. Don't say I didn't remind you. The power of sacrificing generals to Taiwan is not only for the flesh, but also for the soul. If you can't carry it, it will disappear and there will be no residue!" Niu chongtian warned.

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, it's just a sacrifice to generals and can't kill me!" Bai smiled miserably.


The following people came to Tucao, who had seen the pretend force, and never seen such a compacting force. The strong men of the British elite did not necessarily make complaints about the past, you... Yes, this cargo seemed to be the realm of the early stage of the Xuan Yuan.

Niubi was dumbfounded when he thought of this. It seemed that he was defeated by the dregs of the mysterious realm. Although the process was not glorious, he did lose!


Niu chongtian vomited a mouthful of depressed blood in his heart. This bastard is here to beat him in the face. Can you give me some face!

"Hum! Since you are so afraid of death, go up and experience it! I advise you to leave a tombstone, or no one will know you died here!" The cow hummed to the cold sky.

"When I die, I'll set up another tombstone!"


What do you mean, when you die, you can set up a tombstone. When you die, you can set up a hair!

Make complaints about the world!

In a speechless silence of a group of sky green cows, the white misfortune handed over the old fellow's arms and the two knives to the old iron store, and then mounted the memorial platform.

When we came to the center of the sacrificial platform, a strange force came!


Bai miserable was directly shocked into a pool of blood mist!


Niu chongtian and other monsters looked at the pit

"You should be terrified. Has your body completely fallen?"

"Yes, there are also strong people who are proficient in restoring magical powers, and they can't resist!"

"Even if there is a secret method of immortality, he can't carry the power of sacrificing generals. Sure enough, he is still too weak!"

Tianqing mangniu family talked about it one after another!

When the old iron was also dumb, the blood fog on the stage began to form flesh, and the old fellow died.

Just Bai miserable was really shocked and thought he was dead this time, because at the moment of feeling the power of sacrificing generals, Bai miserable's body, seven souls and soul burst!

But... Seeing his resurrection, Bai miserable breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that this strange sacrifice will not destroy himself!

However... When the soul was attacked this time, there was no response to the immortal mark of heaven. Is the power of sacrificing generals related to heaven?

In fact, Bai miserable really guessed well. The power of sacrificing Jiangtai is the test of the power of heaven and earth in the world. The power of heaven and earth also belongs to the power of heaven. Therefore, there is no movement in the immortal mark of heaven!

Niu Chong Tian and other monsters opened their mouths and looked at Bai miserably

what the fuck!

The power of jijiangtai can't kill him?

What power in the world can kill him?

What kind of Freak is this?

What secret of immortality did he master?

However... As soon as Bai miserable was resurrected, he was shocked into a blood mist again!

Again and again, Bai was speechless. As soon as he was resurrected, he shouted: "how can we stop sacrificing generals?"

Just roared and was shocked into blood mist!


Niu chongtian said awkwardly, "we don't know how to stop sacrificing generals. We only know that if the strong pass the test, they will be ejected from sacrificing generals!"


A day later!

"Niuwang, think of something quickly!" Bai miserable roars!

"Cough! There's no way!" Niu chongtian said awkwardly!

Niu chongtian was overjoyed. "You deserve to hit me in the face before! Look at you helpless, dead and alive, one word, cool!"

"Pit father, am I going to die in this ghost festival until the end of time?"

Bai miserable felt a burst of despair!

When Niu chongtian and other monsters were ready to go out and let Bai miserable play slowly here, the sacrificial platform was shocked!

The white tragedy after resurrection showed that he was not killed by the earthquake this time. He quickly slipped smoke and ran down the sacrificial platform!

After calming the tense heartbeat, I looked at the sacrificial general stage in fear!

What happened to the vibration just now?

Did heaven help me?

Or is the altar broken?

Niu chongtian and other monsters also looked at the sacrificial generals for a while

"Cow King, will the sacrificial platform be broken?" An azure mang ox said.

Niu Chong Tian frowned, and he could not be sure. His ancestors had never recorded this situation!

They don't dare to try. If it doesn't break, it's a pit father!

"Cough! Don't worry about sacrificing generals first. In the future, if a strong man comes to break into the Tianyuan Road, he will know whether it is bad or not!" Niu chongtian said faintly.

At this time, Bai miserable looked at Niu chongtian and said with a smile: "Cow King, I have passed the second level?"


After a while, the cow jumped out a word, "count!"

"The third level, ox king, doesn't want me to break into the abyss of heaven?" Bai miserably frowned.

If so, it would be a pit father. In case you can't break through, I don't know if you will come back from death on Tianyuan Road, live and die!

If you break through, you will go to the unknown world!

"Of course not. To tell you the truth, I didn't think you would resist sacrificial generals. The third level is up to my daughter!" Niu chongtian said.


Well, you are the head snake. You has the final say.

The people returned to the hall again!

However, Niu Qingqing, Princess of Tianqing mangniu, was also called to the hall by niuchong Tianpai!

"Daughter, see your father!"

"Qing'er, you're coming. Come and sit next to your father!"

"Yes, father!"

The old fellow told the cow green and the old green, and the cow green listened.

This ordinary teenager of super passer-by a can break through the sacrificial general platform?

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