Bai miserably calculated and said awkwardly, "cough! At least there are the top ten. It's good!"


Make complaints about what is wrong with you. What do you mean by dirty king? Are you trying to bury the east from the evil? His talent is the best for the time being. Before you get to the top ten? Is it estimated that fifth is not enough?

Donglixie was slightly angry, and the consequences were very serious!

A group of strong men of the beast hunting guild, one by one, are eager to kill Bai miserable, a blind beeping bastard!

"Ha ha... The king of misery is really funny. Now the palace is qualified to challenge the king of misery and the king of Jin Zhan? Two... Who will come first? I hope the two kings can hold on for a while. Don't be as weak as Mo Yuxuan!" Donglixie's eyes were sharp and smiled.

Although Qin Tianzhu was naive, he also understood that the guy on the stage, male or female, was mocking his young master!

"Brother sledgehammer, is he saying that the young master can't?" Dahan asked.

"Big Han, what would you do if someone laughed at the young master?" Said the sledgehammer, squinting.

"The young master can give me enough food and let me practice. If anyone dares to speak ill of the young master, I'll beat him with a North leather stick!" Dahan replied firmly.

"Don't worry! The young master is invincible in the world. He... This is asking for trouble. Wait for a good play!" Sledgehammer said confidently.

"No! I'm getting worse now. I want to protect the young master. He scolds the young master. I'll beat him!"


When sledgehammer reacts, Dahan has rushed to the battle platform!

"I'll go! Dahan, how can you mix with the young master in the future?" Make complaints about the hammer!

Bai Nai was stunned. "Dahan, what are you doing up there? Come down quickly, it's dangerous up there!"

"Young master, this neither man nor woman mocks the young master. I'll beat him!" Dahan said directly.


Everyone in the beast hunting guild turned pale instantly. Donglixie hated others for saying that he was neither male nor female. Unexpectedly, this big Han spoke out in public. This is lighting a light in the toilet - looking for death!

Sure enough... As soon as donglixie heard Dahan scold him for being neither male nor female, everyone could feel the anger!

The whole battle platform was trembling slightly, which was the rhythm of the strong true power of donglixie!

"Now that the beast king disciple has come to challenge the palace, the palace will fight. If the miserable king is afraid of his accident, he can roll down with his tail between his legs, and the palace can bypass him!" East away from the evil general.

In full view of the public, if Dahan dare not fight, he will be criticized by the world in the future!


Bai miserably grabbed his hair and looked at Dahan for a while. It's difficult

If you call Dahan down directly, his reputation will stink. When the world sees him, it will say that this is the guy scared away by donglixie!

If you don't shout, it's Great Han. I'm afraid the pain of skin and flesh is indispensable!

Bilian looked at Bai miserable and whispered, "brother Bai, don't worry, Da Han is powerful now..."

"Oh? Is it..."

Bai miserable's eyes brightened. Has Jin Wudi learned all his life been passed to Bilian and Dahan, so... Dahan is hard to say that he is very strong now!

After all, there is a truth on earth: bald means stronger!

Thinking about it, Bai miserable said to Dahan at ease: "Dahan, beat him for the young master and beat him hard!"

Han touched his bald head and said with a smile, "the young master told me to beat him, then I'll beat him!"


Everyone was speechless!

Donglixie looked at Dahan with a sneer. He dared to say that the palace is neither male nor female. Even if he didn't kill you, he would abolish your accomplishments, break your bones and muscles, and let you lie in bed and repent all your life!

Bai Nai returned to his seat, smiled and said to Bilian, "isn't Dahan practicing the thirty six sticks of Tiangang? How many sticks has he practiced? What's the state now?"

"Brother Bai, Da Han has practiced the first stick, and the realm is the same as me!" Bilian Meng said.

"Hahaha... Sure enough... Dahan practiced with the old beast king for many days and finally mastered a stick. The realm is the same as you..."

Bai smiled miserably and was silly!

"Wait! Bilian, can Dahan stick? The realm is the same as you?"


"Have you broken through the extraordinary world now?"

"No, Grandpa Jin said, I have to wait..."


Bai miserable was stunned when he heard this... "So... Are you still the peak of the extraordinary realm?"



Bai miserable is about to be angry with Bilian on the spot. I'll go to your uncle. You pit father goods. The realm of Dahan is the same as you. Doesn't that mean Dahan is hanged by the old birthday star - it's too long?

This is it. Bai miserable can only look at Dahan with a sad face. Don't hang up!

"Brother Bai, what's the matter with you?"

Bilian's rough hand... Carefully pulled the white miserable clothes!

"Don't pull me, I don't want to talk to you now..." Bai miserable rolled his eyes and said.

Bilian had to toot her mouth... Looking at Da Han and Dong Lixie on the battle platform!

Dahan takes out a powerful stick from the ring. It's the North leather stick!


Being able to take out the North leather stick from Najie at least shows that Dahan has the true power of congenital environment!

Bai miserable suddenly turned to ask Bilian, "didn't you say that Dahan is the same as you?"



I like you, you big head ghost. I really believe you!

"This North leather stick is a little different. It doesn't look like a treasure. It seems more fierce!" Bai miserable wondered.

Thinking, Bai miserable called out starling!

"Starling, I thought donglixie couldn't be stronger, but he can easily defeat Xiao mo. look at his realm!" Bai miserable said.

Starling nibbled at the radish, looked at it with Yin and Yang, and said faintly, "it's OK in the early stage of yingsoul territory!"



"Yingpengjing? I'll go! 21-year-old yingpengjing? Are you sure you're not kidding?" Bai zhenleng said.

"No, cut! It's just the realm of Ying soul. What's the fuss..."

"Er... You're awesome. I don't want to talk to you now..." Bai miserably despised.


"The young master said he wanted me to beat you. Don't be afraid. I won't beat you if I beat you!" Dahan said, holding the North leather stick.


The orc King clan all covered their faces and were speechless for a while!

"You iron Han Han... How dare you bury this palace? This palace wants you to stand up all your life!"

After all, the true power at the early stage of leaving the evil British soul state in the East broke out, and the "thousand foot evil black" appeared again!

And this time, when the tentacles of the thousand foot devil black dance, there will be a ripple in the air, which shows how angry donglixie is!


Dongli evil show waved his hand, and a thousand evil black tentacles attacked Dahan fiercely!

Dahan moves his North leather stick and his eyes freeze. This is Dahan's first real battle!

In an instant, Dahan seemed to have changed into a person, and a huge pressure emerged from Dahan!


The older generation of strong people who feel suddenly see that Da Han's oppressive force... Is potential!

Dugu Yixiao's sword potential is the same level as Dugu Yixiao's, but it's the stick potential!

Dahan waved the North leather stick directly and swept away the evil black tentacle!

"The first of the thirty-six Tiangang sticks: Zhenshan!"


Dugu Aotian's sword power was much stronger than Dugu Aotian's sword power. Dugu Aotian's smile made him stare at him!

"This... This... This is the seven layer staff posture? How can it?"

Although Dahan only shows one chakra, which is the cultivation of Tianchong territory, his staff is terrible. It's even seven layers!

This move "Zhenshan" has reached the level of purple magic power. It belongs to the magic power of staff power, and its power is amazing!

The tentacles of the thousand foot devil were smashed directly under Da Han's stick!

Moreover, the castration did not decrease. The huge thousand foot magic black was swept away by the power of Da Han's stick and almost collapsed!

Donglixie's chest was full of Qi and blood, and he looked at Dahan inconceivably!

Not only the world watching the war was stupid, but also Yao Ritian, the beast king, and others were ignorant!

How long has Dahan been practicing? Practice with the old beast king for a few months... Is it so terrible?

I'm afraid it's hard for others to resist this attack, right?

When the crowd was stunned and looked at Dahan, Dahan jumped up with a North leather stick and roared towards the east evil again!



Donglixie counseled for the first time in history. He didn't dare to be hard, hard and simple. He has the power of seven layer staff!

Dahan's stick failed and hit the platform!



In troubled times, when the dust settled, I saw that the huge battle platform was smashed by Dahan, revealing a huge pit!


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