Not long ago, ancient and modern came with a few people!

As soon as I saw Bai miserable, my eyes lit up

"Oh, chief Bai, it's all my negligence. I forgot to explain. I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

"The chief cabinet leader is polite. In an extraordinary period, he treats me very much. Just call me Xiaobai!"

"Well, don't call me the chief cabinet leader. Just call me uncle Tong!"

"OK, uncle Tong!" Bai miserable will let it go!

"Hahaha... This is the heartless son of the king of dukong. It's a terrible talent. Welcome to Tianbao Pavilion headquarters - ancient and modern city. Let's go in and talk about it!"

With that, Gu Jintong took them into the ancient and modern city!

Wuxinzi stuck out his tongue at the strong goalkeeper and said, "I'm in, I'm in, a little..."

The strong goalkeeper had a burst of broken thoughts. I don't know if he was angry by unintentional son!

Entering the ancient and modern city, Bai miserable found that this is a huge city that is more luxurious than Tianyun King City. It is like a small continent!

The people living here are basically ancient and modern people, rarely some maids and children brought from Yunwu Mainland

Moreover, there are some huge buildings suspended in the air. Aojiao introduced that it is a war order platform. In case of war, the strong of ancient and modern families can board the war order platform and issue the war order!

And this is also the array platform that makes the ancient and modern city float high in the air. The whole ancient and modern city is a huge floating array, and the consumption is very amazing!

Only Tianbao Pavilion, a special force with business all over the mainland, can be consumed!

Gu Jintong also told wuxinzi that the ancestors of the array masters who arranged the ancient and modern city array still have great roots with Tianji sect

"If you really want to count, the founder ancestor of Tianji sect is still the disciple of the strongest array master in the era of Lulan ancient kingdom!" Ancient and modern people laughed.



Wuxinzi doesn't seem to be interested in this. What he is interested in is how to "borrow" some strange treasures

Seeing that wuxinzi was so perfunctory, ancient and modern people smiled awkwardly and continued to entertain Bai miserable warmly!

When they came to the main palace, Bai miserable asked curiously, "Uncle Tong, why are soldiers patrolling everywhere in this ancient and modern city?"

Ancient and modern people sighed and told Bai miserable the reason, "it's because someone wants to do something to us!"

Bai miserable listened and his eyes coagulated, "can't it be Yunwu hall?"

Ancient and modern people nodded

Sure enough... Yunwu hall is going to take action. I thought it would start from the beast king sect. After all, Bai miserable interfered with their first step plan!

I didn't expect that they wanted to attack Tianbao Pavilion, but Tianbao pavilion has always pursued non-interference in the struggle of any forces on the mainland, which is well known!

Won't the world criticize Yunwu hall for targeting Tianbao pavilion? After all, since its establishment, Tianbao pavilion has only been doing business and has no fighting heart!

"Uncle Tong, I don't understand why Yunwu hall wants to target you?" Bai miserably asked.

Of course, ancient and modern Tong didn't tell Bai miserable the deep truth, because once the real identity of Tianbao Pavilion is exposed, it is estimated that Bai miserable and others will also take them as big demons!

Who let our ancestors leave a notorious legend of the dark age in order to dominate the mainland!

Therefore, Gu Jintong changed the topic and said, "we wonder, but although our ancient and modern people don't fight with others, they are not soft persimmons. It's not so easy to attack Tianbao Pavilion! It's rare for chief Bai to come to the ancient and modern city. We must have a good time. Ao Jiao can take Xiaobai and wuxinzi around!"

"Well, I'm good at this. I know everything in ancient and modern cities!" Ancient and modern Aojiao happy way.

Seeing that the ancient and modern people are so confident, it seems that the strength of Tianbao Pavilion is also very strong. It seems that they are not afraid of the Yunwu hall to attack!

After thinking about it, Bai miserable didn't care so much. He said, "Uncle Tong, if you need the help of the beast king, just tell me!"

"Hahaha... OK! I'm relieved to have Xiaobai!"

With that, Bai miserable and Wu Xinzi are ready to go to the guest room to repair it, and then go to the ancient and modern city!


Before going for a stroll, Aojiao went to Zhiqiu's residence. Zhiqiu was beaten by Aojiao and followed her for a stroll

Under normal circumstances, Zhiqiu is a otaku in ancient and modern times. He hardly goes out. Even if it is Gu Jintong, it is difficult for Zhiqiu to go out. Only in ancient and modern times can he be obedient!

The four people sat in the heartless Tianyan array flag and strolled around the ancient and modern city of Nuo Da

Along the way, many young disciples of ancient and modern generations came to watch Bai miserable and wuxinzi. After all, they are the famous miserable king and dukong king. They all want to see it with their own eyes!

This makes Bai miserable happy. After all, there are many beautiful girls coming!

But... What they said made Bai miserable very disappointed!

"Ah? That's the king of misery. He looks so ordinary and disappointed!"

"Is it too common? Disappointment plus one!"

"You see, the air crossing king has no heart. He's so cute. How can he have such a lovely child and want to hug him!"


Seeing the girls coming, they all looked at wuxinzi with peach eyes, biting their lips miserably, a handful of bitterness and a handful of tears!

"Is it... I'm destined to be a poor bastard who can't get girls? Woo woo..."

Think about it, Bai miserable suddenly got cold and ignored them, these guys with long hair and short insight!


Many fun little things, interesting items, Bai miserable and wuxinzi bought a lot!

Of course, these are free. After all, there is a rich woman proud and charming in ancient and modern times. She has a lot of pocket money!

In ancient and modern times, Zhiqiu held an umbrella all the way. It's called, the scorching sun is poisonous! In fact, I'm afraid of tanning. How fast does this character catch up with donglixie!

Bai miserable can't help but despise these two strange geniuses. Good men don't do it, but they are charming. What makes people speechless is that they are strong and outrageous, and their talents are amazing!

Sure enough, genius has quirks!

When night falls, Bai miserable and wuxinzi return to the room

Wuxinzi's eyes were bright, and his excited expression was at a glance!

Wuxinzi said to Bai miserably, "brother Bai, I'll take a nap!"

"People are small and have a lot of shit! Go quickly. Don't run around. I'm not responsible for anything!"

Bai miserable explained!

"I see!"

With that, wuxinzi slipped out with bare feet and a red belly pocket, and then disappeared around the corner!

Bai miserable waited for a long time, but he didn't see wuxinzi coming back. He was not at ease, so he went out to have a look!

Sure enough, I didn't see wuxinzi in the hut. It's estimated that where did the bear child steal the treasure!

"It's really stubborn. I have to let you steal. You deserve to be caught and killed!"

After taking a few steps, Bai miserable stopped again and sighed, "his grandmother's, this bear child, is really not reassuring!"

With that, Bai miserable left the guest room and went to look for wuxinzi!

Bai miserable and the chick escape into the void, and then look for the pit goods wuxinzi everywhere, but wuxinzi doesn't know where to slip away!

Starling suggests looking inside the ancient and modern city palace. It is estimated that you will find something!

After all, wuxinzi wants to find treasures. It is estimated that he will also choose to look inside. The opportunity is bigger!

When Bai miserable enters the forbidden area of the ancient and modern city palace, the chick finds an old man watching the night sky at the top of the forbidden area palace

Bai miserable asks the chick to go and have a look

When he was close to the old man, the old man suddenly turned and looked at the chick, smiled and said, "Taoist friend, did you come to inquire about your late night visit?"

Bai miserable and the chick look left and right... The surroundings are empty. There are no other people and monsters except themselves!

Starling's heart was speechless and said, "don't look at brother Bai, this little old man is talking about you!"


"I wipe! How did he find it?"

Bai miserable was stunned for a while. This is the first time that people have seen through the chick's escape skill so easily!

"Chicken, go out and have a look!"

"OK, brother Bai!"

After that, the chicken's demon force moved and the whole huge body flew out

Bai miserably fell in front of the old man and said with a smile: "the old master is powerful. You can find us. The younger generation admires us!"

"Brother Bai, the old man is interesting. He has lived for at least ten thousand years!" Starling said to his heart at this time.

"Hiss... Tens of thousands of years? Is it the strong one in the destiny realm?" Bai Nai asked in surprise.

"No, it's just a strong man at the top of the British spirit realm. There's still ice in his body. It's estimated that it's an old antique recently unsealed. It should be the ancestor of the ancient and modern family!"

"Oh? That's interesting!"


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