"Starlings, do you think you'll find something if you swallow them?" Bai miserably asked.

Brother starchowhound fool make a look at white miserable, Tucao way: "white elder brother, don't make complaints about it, you can eat more, and you can't even break the movie."


Bai miserable didn't talk much. He grabbed a broken shadow's hand and bit it!


When Bai miserably took a bite and found a trace of forgetting power, he integrated into the flesh and blood, and then the whole body seemed to be under some traction!

Directly pulled, a white vortex appears at the foot, and Bai miserably falls into it!

Then... The shadows disappeared one by one, turned into a trace of forgetting power, and circulated in the cave!


For a while, Bai miserable fell to the ground. After he settled his panic, Bai miserable looked around!

"Hmm? Where is this?"

I see here is no longer the original cave, but in a bright place!

There is water like gas all around, beautiful, and there are a lot of jade on the wall... There are nine caves on the top of the head!

Starling jumped out and said, "unexpectedly, swallowing the shadow formed by the power of forgetting will activate the second layer transmission entrance. It seems that this is a special means..."

It is estimated that before she died, the woman bit the shadow and found the secret. Unfortunately, it fell

Bai miserable thought in his heart!

Suddenly, Starling excitedly picked up the jade and smelled it, as if these jade were peerless treasures

"Starling, what's the matter with you? Are you crazy?" Bai miserable joked.

"Don't interrupt! It's her smell. There's her smell here!" Starling said in tears.

"Ha? Whose flavor? Do you need to be so excited? Is it your mistress who has been separated for many years?" Brother Bai joked.


"It's the smell of my previous master!" Starling said excitedly.

"Er... You mean... Nine unique women?" Bai Zhen was shocked.



Once the strongest man in the divine world, have you ever been here? Is there any secret in the Yunwu continent?

Bai miserable was stunned and thought of it!

"Brother Bai, look for it together. The power of forgetting here is very strong and has been solidified. There is definitely something here. It's hard to say it's a treasure left by jiujue girl!" Starling said.


Although the power of forgetting here is strong, it can't affect Bai miserable and starlings. After a search, Bai miserable finally found something

"Starling, come and see, there's something here!"


Starling came to Bai miserable in an instant. There was a small jade platform covered by flowers and plants, as long as an arm!

There are some jade scattered around. These jade are a little different from other jade, emitting a faint light!

"This is the jade containing the skill, and they are all the same skill, which is the same as the operation route of Chu Yunxi's skill. It is estimated that the first generation leader of the ruthless sect came here by chance, got a jade, and then left from the cave above!"

Starling took a jade and scanned it with Yin and Yang real eyes.

"These all contain the heartless secret code? That's great, take it, take it..." Bai miserable said excitedly.

Starling will incorporate the jade containing the skill into the yin-yang space. After all, these jade also have a taste of nine unique women.

After the collection, Starling looks at the jade platform!

It seems that the power of forgetting is released from the jade platform, but starling didn't find anything useful. It seems that it is a jade platform that will release the power of forgetting!

This jade platform is only the product of Yunwu continent. How can it have such strange ability?

"Starling, use your Yin and Yang real eyes to see if there is heaven and earth inside!" Bai miserably knocked the jade and said.

"I've seen it. I didn't find anything. Maybe something obscured my eyes. I'll try to break the jade!"

With that, the Starling demon gathered his fists and blew at the jade platform. With a loud bang, he found that the jade platform was motionless!


Bang Bang

The unbelieving starlings bombarded continuously. Finally, they had to admit that the jade platform could not be opened!

"So weird? There's no crack at all?" Starling said.

"Cough! Starling, you can't do it. Let me do it!"

With that, Bai miserably took out two Niu knives and cut them to the middle of the jade platform. Although there was no one knife in half, there was still a knife mark!

Bai miserable and Starling are happy. If they can cut the knife marks, they can cut through the jade platform!

Bai miserably asks starling to cut to the jade platform with ER Niu knife. After all, Starling is strong and fast, much faster than himself

Whew, whew

Hiss, hiss

Starling's hand seems to be equipped with a small electric motor. Only phantom is left fast, and the knife marks on the jade table are getting deeper and deeper.

There is no sun or moon in the cave. I don't know how long it took. The jade platform was finally cut out!

A white light was emitted from it. Surprised Bai miserable and Starling quickly dodged!

White light seemed to be spiritual, wrapped the jade platform strangely, and then the whole jade platform cracked


The jade platform burst, and the dazzling white light enveloped the whole space here. The yin-yang pattern of Starling protected the soul of Starling, while Bai miserable was protected by the immortal seal of heaven!


If there is no special means, the soul will melt and die under the white light

"What a powerful means, it can directly erase the soul. Fortunately, we have special means!" Starling was frightened.

Bai miserable squints and looks at the source of white light. His eyes are spent. He can't see what was born!

Slowly, Bai miserable found that the white light began to draw back, and the power of forgetting here also drew back a lot

"Starling, be careful. If you hang up, it will take us a long time to meet." Bai miserable said sincerely.

"You're cursing me to die, aren't you?" Starling despised.

"Look! What's that?" Bai miserable pointed to the jade platform just now and said.

At this time, the white light all drew back, and Bai miserable and Starling also saw the things in the jade platform!

It turned out to be a crystal hand bone. It should be a woman's hand bone

Starling trembled and couldn't believe looking at the suspended arm bone.

"No! It's impossible. How could this happen? How could she die?"

Hearing what starling said, Bai Zhen was also surprised. She was in Starling's mouth, but the big man among the big men, a generation of top goddess jiujue daughter!

"Starling, are you right? This is the hand bone of nine Jue women?" Bai miserable couldn't believe it.

"It can't be wrong. It's her breath. She has disappeared for so many years. Who killed her silently? Why is there no movement?"

Starlings roar!

"I'm sorry for your loss and rebirth. Old man Tianji can also be reborn. As a nine Jue woman stronger than you, she may also be reborn!" Bai miserable comforted.

"I hope so!"

Starling mourned, then knelt down and kowtowed nine heads to the nine Jue female hand bones!

"Jiujue girl, I will take your remains back to jiujue cold palace in the divine world. You... Rest in peace!"

Said, Starling will take away the hand bone

At this time, a sudden change occurred, the nine Jue female hand bones shone again, and a beautiful woman appeared!

"Want to enjoy the most beautiful dance? Come on, I seem to see your beautiful ending!"


"Starling, don't tell me that this is the shadow of nine Jue women!"

Starling nodded, "this is the shadow of nine Jue women!"

"Why did she say this suddenly?" Bai miserably asked.

"This... Because... This is her mantra, but the strong who have seen her dance are dead!" Starling said.


The shadow of jiujue girl danced after it appeared, and then disappeared. With a flash of white light, the crystal hand bone flew towards a cave!

"Sleeping trough! Starling, nine Jue female hand bones are running away!" Bai miserable exclaimed!

"Jiujue female hand bone, you wait. I'm a rabbit. Don't run around when you're dead!"

Starling grabbed Bai miserable and immediately caught up with him and shouted loudly!

But... In the blink of an eye, I lost the trace of jiujue female hand bone

Bai Nai was shocked and said, "what an awesome big man! You can be so awesome if you die into a hand bone!"

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