The next morning!

The seventh floor of Yaoxin building!

Here are a group of ancestors waiting respectfully for Bai miserable. They are waiting here before dawn

Moreover, the seventh floor of the medicine heart building was cleaned cleanly. Except for medicine incense and Dan incense, there was no special incense yesterday!

After yesterday's repair of the image of this group of ancestors, their beards have been shortened and their hair has been cut short. Some people think it's troublesome to cut them into bald heads

Dressed in vibrant clothes, one by one, energetic, Hefa Tongyan, as if ushering in the second spring of life!

When sun Qingye and kufengchun came in with Bai miserable and saw this group of ancestors, they were stunned

"Is this our ancestor?"

I didn't expect Bai miserable's words yesterday to make these ancestors change so much!

It seems that sun Qingye and kufengchun are like their ancestors. These people are the younger generation

"Master, you're here. Are you satisfied with our image?" Bian taoxuan said respectfully.

"Well... It's much more pleasing to the eye!"

Bai miserable nodded!

"Well, there's no more nonsense. Today I'll teach you some simple alchemy techniques. If you can master them these days, I'll pass on some more alchemy techniques!"

As soon as they heard this, they were happy, "yes! We will follow the master's arrangement!"

After that, Bai miserable asked the medicine refining guild to take out the demon soul pill and monster pill prepared by the medicine refining guild. They sorted and stacked the materials from Najie and piled up hills

Seeing so many materials, Bai miserable thought, sure enough, the medicine refining guild is rich, especially rich!

Seeing that everything was ready, Bai miserable began to explain the method of refining demon soul pill first, and then refine it one by one to show them

Then Bai miserable asked them to refine one by one. Bai miserable used his soul to help them control the fire

After seven or eight days of such busy work, I refined the demon soul pill. My ancestors had deep experience in refining pills.

Now that they have advanced alchemy techniques, they have made rapid progress one by one, which makes them happy. Compared with Bai miserable alchemy techniques, they used to learn Pediatrics!

One by one, the dialogue became more and more respectful!

"Well, you keep all the demon spirit pills. In the future war, you are the main force of rear support. You need to strengthen your strength."

Bai miserable said.

"These days, you are all great. These are three good alchemy techniques, including refining recovery pill, healing pill and cultivation auxiliary pill. They will be passed to you. Be sure to master them as soon as possible, and then refine more of these three pills in advance!"

"Yes! Don't worry, master. Even if you don't eat or take a bath, you should complete the master's explanation!" Bian taoxuan said respectfully.


Bai miserably despised Bian taoxuan and said, "you can't eat rice. You still have to take a bath. Remember my tenet: if you want to refine pills, cultivate yourself first!"

Bian taoxuan and others smiled awkwardly, "yes, master, don't worry, take a bath, we'll take a bath!"

"HMM... go and fix it, and then have a good understanding of the three alchemy techniques. Go!"



Bai miserable returned to the sixth floor and thought of aguli, so he said to sun Qingye, "President sun, do you know who called the attack on the werewolf family in the ancient Mongolian grassland a few days ago?"

Sun Qingye respectfully said, "it's not clear. The strong who attacked the werewolf family seems to have disappeared out of thin air, and the ancient Mongolian grassland is not peaceful recently!"

"Oh? What's going on?"

"Recently, many monsters on the ancient Mongolian grassland have disappeared out of thin air. Many of the forces of monsters have been attacked. All the weak ones have died and the powerful ones have been taken away!" Sun Qingye said.

Bai miserably frowned and said, "who will specifically capture monsters? Is it the hunting guild?"

"It shouldn't be. If it's a beast hunting guild, it's unfamiliar here. It will always leave traces. It can silently capture the ancient Mongolian grassland monsters. It's also so clear that the ancient Mongolian grassland monsters are all over. The attacker's strength is very strong, and there must be a secret base in the ancient Mongolian grassland!" Sun Qingye said.

"Well... To tell you the truth, I also want to know who caught monsters wantonly. I have an idea, President sun. You let the disciples spread the news and say that strange monsters were found somewhere in the ancient Mongolian grassland. They are extremely powerful!" Bai miserable said.

As soon as sun Qingye's eyes brightened, he immediately thought of Bai miserable's intention and said with a smile: "chief Bai, a clever plan. I know there is a place on the ancient Mongolian grassland that is suitable for chief Bai's plan."


"Quicksand Valley! In the north of the ancient Mongolian grassland, it is a strange valley that is not very big. It is full of quicksand, lack of source gas and extremely hot. No one and monsters want to stay there... It's a Jedi!" Sun Qingye said.

Bai miserable's eyes narrowed. It's a natural Jedi. It's just suitable for inviting a gentleman into a urn!

"President sun, I'm going to Liusha valley now. You are responsible for passing the news. You say that Liusha Valley accidentally saw... Dragon monster!" Bai miserable said.

"I see. For the sake of safety, chief Bai, I think I'd better let some ancestors help you, so I'm not afraid of being run away by them!" Sun Qingye said.

Bai miserable thought for a moment and said, "well, I'll tell xiaoxuanzi that you don't have to go. It's useless for the strong to fight!"

"OK! Then I'll arrange it!"

Sun Qingye said, then went down to arrange!



Bai miserable takes small stone duck, lobster, pig, chick, Starling, and a group of strong members of the refining guild above the spirit level, and takes advantage of the night sky to go directly to Liusha Valley!

A day later, Bai miserable and others arrived. According to the plan, the little stone duck melted into the ground, turned into a stone dragon and entered the quicksand Valley!

Lobster pig, Bian taoxuan and Bai miserable sit on the chick's back and escape into the void!

Starling took other strong men and flew over the quicksand Valley and above the clouds.

A strong man uses his auxiliary magic power to hide the people in the cloud. If he doesn't look carefully, he can't find it at all!

Then, everyone waited quietly for the hunter!


On the other hand, with sun Qingye's arrangement, the refining Association showed a strong network

The news of the dragon's powerful monster in Liusha valley spread all over the ancient Mongolian grassland

Many forces sent their disciples to check!


In the Baihua entrance control area, a group of people in black are having a secret meeting

"Lord green demon, I don't think it's reliable that the Dragon demons appear in Liusha valley. After all, Liusha Valley is a Jedi!" The leader of Baihua sect, Guan Shang, whose real name is yunshang, said softly.

"Many powerful monsters in the ancient Mongolian grassland live underground and have not been found. There is news about Dragon monsters. Whether they are true or false, you should also go and see them. It's hard to say that there is a powerful monster. Yunshang, you lead the strong of Baihua sect to check the authenticity before!"

The green devil said faintly.



These two days, countless people came to the quicksand Valley to check, but... They didn't find any. Except quicksand, it was quicksand. Many people returned disappointed!

Some powerful bombed the quicksand Valley to see if they could find something, but... There was still no movement

The yunshang group looked at it most carefully, which also attracted Bai miserable's attention in the void

Others are a small group of people, and even a few scattered people come to check. You have thousands of people, and each one is a strong congenital environment. If there is no problem, there will be ghosts

Think about it, Bai miserable let the chick fly to a boulder, and then the soul whispered, "little stone duck, you can make some movement, but don't show up!"


"Master, I didn't find anything!"

"Master, so am I!"

"Sect leader, it should be false information!"

The strong men of Baihua gate have checked the sand valley comprehensively and found nothing. They have come back to report!

"Didn't you find anything? Go back first and I'll continue to observe here!" Said the cloud.


When the strong man in the gate leaves, yunshang is ready to enter Liusha Valley again

When yunshang flew over the quicksand Valley again, this time she saw that the quicksand moved. It was not the flow of quicksand, but something seemed to swim in the sand!

"Is it..."

Seeing that there was no one around, yunshang directly protected himself with real strength, and then fell into quicksand

After a while, she flew out with a surprise on her face. Although she couldn't see what monster was under the quicksand Valley, she touched her huge body

"What a powerful monster!"

Yunshang was delighted. Although he didn't know why the monster didn't attack people and didn't come out, it didn't matter!

After thinking for a while, yunshang flew out of quicksand Valley and shouted to others, "who sent the false news? It's just a barren Jedi, and there's no ghost!"

Then the cloud clothes flew away!

Those who recognized yunshang said one after another, "that's Guan Shang, the leader of Baihua sect of second-class forces. She even came to check it. It seems that it's really false news!"

With that, many people evacuated

Quicksand Valley is calm again!

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