If Zhuo Si and others know that it was the mark made by Xingfeng on the map that led to the discovery of the dark chess force in Yunwu hall by Bai miserable, it is estimated that they will directly eat him alive.

Xing Qitian hurriedly said, "hurry up! Inform me. When a stranger appears, be polite. First confirm whether it is the king of tragedy. Don't offend him and lead to his destruction."

Xingyu sect quickly sent disciples to inform the remaining forces in Yunwu Hall

For a time, the forces of the whole Tianshi region warned the sect disciples not to make trouble at this time!

If you provoke the king of misery, there will be no place to cry.

Of course, the situation of Tianshi region is always in the hands of Bai miserable and others.

"Chief Bai, it is estimated that they are on guard. They will not easily offend chief Bai like the forces before!" Lian wutie smiled.

"Master Lian, there's a good saying. The king of hell is easy to hide and the kid is difficult to deal with. Aren't they afraid of me? I won't appear, but no heart can appear!"

Bai smiled miserably, "with heartless strength and lobster pig power feedback, it is enough to kill them, and it is estimated that the speed will be faster than me!"

"Wow, Kaka... I've been itching for a long time. I also want to experience the strength of the spirit realm!" Heartless son smiled.

Lian wutie and Hao Shang looked at each other and thought to themselves, fortunately, chief Bai was on his side. If they were on the side of Yunwu hall, it would be a disaster!

Bai miserable and others were talking all the way in the void. They soon came to another dark chess force in Yunwu hall, the second rate force, the golden sword gate!

Looking at the golden knife door opening the protectorate array, it seems that they are afraid of Bai miserable and suddenly appear from the void!

Wuxinzi and the lobster pig blinked to the gate of the golden Sabre sect. The disciple guarding the sect was stunned.

I was relieved to see that it was a little boy and a bald fat pig. After all, the tragic king was an 18-year-old teenager. Neither of them was the tragic king!

"Who are you? Jindaomen declined to receive visitors!"

Wuxinzi said with a smile, "I'm here to play. Go and inform the master of the golden Sabre sect. Let me go in and play. I'll leave when I've had enough!"


Mom, a chicken, a pit is worse than the king. Even if the pit has destroyed dozens of its own forces.

Now a little boy dares to find fault!

I teach you a lesson. You really think you have the strength of a miserable king.

After thinking about it, the disciple of the golden sword sect pulled out his companion knife and shouted angrily, "get out of here! Otherwise... Be careful that we chop you and feed the dog!"

"Wow... I'm angry. I think I'm the king of crossing the air. I was scolded by a second rate disciple..." wuxinzi pretended to be angry.


"What did he say?"

"He seems to say that he is the king of crossing the sky!"

The gatekeeper was stunned. "King dukong? Isn't that one of the five kings of the young generation?"


The disciples were stunned. They saw wuxinzi take out the Tianyan array flag, and then display the "Dayan thunder robbery" to cover the door of the golden Sabre sect.


"Wait! Dukong King..."

Before these disciples begged for mercy, the heartless "Dayan thunder robbery" cracked the thunder and lightning

This group of disciples is the strongest. They only have extraordinary territory. They can't resist it at all. They become coke in an instant!

"Wow, Kaka, Kaka... Lobster, pig, give me your strength. I'll try my fourth magic power with the golden knife door." Heartless son smiled.

Lobster and pig feed back their strength to wuxinzi. Wuxinzi's strength soars to the peak of spirit state.

Although only four chakra powers can be used, it's enough to kill them!

Wuxinzi thought about it and took lobster and pig to enter the golden knife door in a blink!

When wuxinzi killed the disciples of the golden Sabre sect with "Dayan thunder robbery", the strong man of the golden Sabre sect knew that someone had broken in!

The leader of the golden Sabre sect and others hurried out. When they saw the magnificent heartless son, they were silly


"A little boy still has such a powerful momentum. There is only one person in the world, the king of crossing the sky, one of the five kings!"

The strongmen of the golden Sabre sect exclaimed one after another!

"Dukong king, is there any misunderstanding? Why did you attack our golden Sabre gate?" The master of the golden Sabre sect said quickly when he heard the breath.

"Originally, today's top happily came here to play, but your doorkeeper wanted to chop me and feed the dog. My baby has a little temper and can't coax well!" Heartless son smiled.


Wen Xi and others had their hearts in the dog. They always kept guard against the tragic king and warned the disciples not to offend strange teenagers.

Unexpectedly, the tragic king didn't meet, but he met wuxinzi and offended wuxinzi

Isn't this heartless son following the tragic king?

How does it feel like a conspiracy?

The golden sword sect thought in their hearts.

However, wuxinzi didn't give Wen Xi and others time to think. I saw that wuxinzi's fourth chakra magical power was blooming purple!

"No! The king of dukong is going to do it. Stop him!"

Wen Xi and others burst into strength one after another. The strong man of Yunwu hall guarding the golden Sabre gate also showed his magic seed separation, and the strength broke out in the middle of the spirit realm!

Heartless son smiled gently, "enjoy my fourth chakra magic power, Tianfu array!"

When wuxinzi casts the "Heaven talisman array", a huge round true power talisman appears over wuxinzi, covering half of the golden sword gate!

"What magic power is this?"

"Is this the strength of dukong king? It's terrible. The five kings are monsters!"

"Run away!"

The disciples of the golden Sabre sect dare not stay here at all. This heartless magic power is terrible!

But it's too late to escape!

"Hey, hey... Tianfu array - Yanhai!"

With, Wu Xinzi waved the Tianyan array flag in his hand!

The huge Tianfu array emits flames and pours down. The flames are like waterfalls, with amazing momentum and power!

Suddenly, the sea of fire shrouded the strong of the golden sword sect

"Oh my God... I didn't expect to escape. King dukong, I won't let you go in Yunwu Hall..."

The people of the golden Sabre sect didn't resist at all. They were swallowed by the flame sea and turned into white bones!

The strong man in the middle stage of the spirit state of Yunwu hall is still struggling to resist, but he was hit by heartless son's "crossing the air", which directly broke his heart and died!

Soon, the strongman of the golden Sabre sect was easily killed by wuxinzi, and other disciples were killed by a super large-scale "Dayan thunder robbery" by wuxinzi!

In this war, almost none of the disciples of the golden Sabre sect escaped the net and were killed by heartless son alone!

The three of Bai miserable in the void stared at wuxinzi

Countless sleeping slots floated in my heart. I didn't expect that wuxinzi's strength reached the peak of the spirit state. It was so terrible!

"It is worthy of the reincarnation of the old man Tianji in the divine world. This strength is comparable to the invincible in the same realm!" Bai miserable was surprised.

Awesome collocation is also very good for the lobster pig. This is "devouring" the magic power, it is too powerful, with a heart without heart, and a solitary laugh, brother stark and other metamorphosis, not too strong!

After solving the golden dagger gate, the strongman of the refining clan takes over the golden dagger gate territory, and Bai miserable and others set out towards the next goal.

On the way, Bai miserably pinched wuxinzi, this pinching, that pinching, tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut tut

Lian wutie and Hao Shang also looked at wuxinzi curiously. It's too abnormal. I can't believe that wuxinzi is only four years old!

This talent makes them ashamed!

Heartless son looked at Bai miserable contemptuously, "brother Bai, you are still popular and spicy. You owe me 300000 best source coins at the auction, but you haven't paid it back yet..."

"What is this? Am I the kind of person who owes money and doesn't pay it back? I don't have so much money with me. The money is at the starling. When I see the starling, I'll pay you back 300000 immediately!" Bai Nai laughed.

"Chief Bai, I'll pay back the 300000 yuan for you. So many forces belonging to the Yunwu hall have been destroyed these days. You haven't taken anything and left it to my weapon refining sect. I'm a little embarrassed." Said Lian wutie.

"Master Lian, the weapon refining sect needs a lot of manpower, material and financial resources to unify the sky and stone domain. Your weapon refining sect can build here and create pressure for Yunwu hall in the future. I'm optimistic about your weapon refining sect!" Bai miserable said.


"OK! Chief Bai, don't worry. After unifying the Tianshi domain, our weapon refining sect will try its best to build an excellent battlefield. Yunwu hall dares to attack. This is where they stop!" He said with confidence.

"Hahaha... It's enough to have master Lian. The third rate lion camel sect is coming..."

Bai smiled miserably.

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