The immortal mark of heaven is very reliable, and Bai miserable's soul is reborn again.

It's just, what's the matter with this pig?

Calm Bai miserable opened a new memory. It doesn't matter. It's a pig's memory.

I've been in the pigsty since I was born. Besides eating, I sleep, eat, eat and sleep... How happy!

"I'm happy, your sister, happy!"

Bai miserably wants to kill himself, but he finds that many of his peers can't move.

"Want to bite your tongue and commit suicide, yes, bite your tongue and commit suicide!"

Bai miserable bit for a while and found that tongue biting suicide was not suitable for pigs. Depressed Bai miserable was still crowded around

"I said, man, can you stop pushing!"

Bai Nai was stunned for a moment and magically mastered the pig's language.

"You're just my friend. You think I'm on my way." A sow complained.

"... where are we going?"

Bai Nai found that several people were driving a group of pigs and occasionally whipped themselves with a few whips

"Hey, it hurts. Although I'm a pig, I'm also a pig with flesh and blood."

In the eyes of others, it was the pig howling, which made people upset


It was another whip.

"Your sister's! Lao Tzu's, wait until I turn over and see if I don't come back and peel your skin..."

Then Bai miserable looked left and right, trying to remember which bastard smoked himself.

Unfortunately, the pig's eyes are too small to see passers-by a.

Soon, a group of pigs were rushed to a shed, and a strong smell of blood came.

"Sleeping trough, where is this?" The white pig's face is confused.

"I said, brother, are you really stupid or fake stupid? This is a pig slaughterhouse. Our pigs are fattened. Of course, they came here to be killed. They are as stupid as pigs." A big pig looked at Bai miserable with contempt.


I said, old pig, how proud you are, to be killed and so calm, and to make complaints about it.

Wait, pig slaughterhouse? Pig slaughter? Can't I be free?

Well, although death is painful, being a pig is more painful. It's better to be reborn as soon as possible

Think about it, Bai miserable, suddenly rushed to the front, pig gas soared to the sky, shouting, "come on, give me a knife, or my grandson!"

"What happened to the pig?" One asked.

"I don't know. It feels like mocking us." Said another.

"Hey, I work for Qingyang sect these days. I'm ridiculed and scolded by external disciples every day. Unexpectedly, the pigs raised by Qingyang sect dare to ridicule our factotum disciples..." said the factotum disciple grinding the pig killing knife.

"Lao mu, you think too much. How can the pig ridicule us? Has it become a sperm..."

"That's right!"

"Qingyang sect recruited new disciples today and wanted to make a whole pig feast for them."

"Just do it."

"You don't know. It's said that Fang Qiu, the elder of the inner door, accepted a female apprentice. It's said that she came from the small place of white fog city and asked Li to come?"

"Li Ge!"

"Yes, Li Ge!"

"What? Li Ge? It turns out this is Qingyang sect. Wait for me. When I rise up, I'll settle with you!" Bai miserable cursed fiercely in his heart.

"Li Ge asked that the roast pig for her should be roasted when the pig is alive and the skin should be removed so that the pork tastes sweet..." said a worker disciple.


Live... While... Waiting... Roast!!!

And... Peeling?

Oh, I'll go!

I want to die, but I don't want to die like this. I can't be a pig. I shrink first.

"Well, the pig that barked just now is good. It's strong and has a loud voice. Eh? Where's the pig?"

"There, I just remembered it. There was a cross blood mark on my back. I hit it. It's right."

"Didn't it just shout? Why did it hide in the corner?"

"Whatever it is, take it to the barn." Lao Mu said.

"I'll go. What's the matter with this pig? Why don't you fight it?" Said the factotum disciple who came to catch Bai miserable.

"Roast live pigs. If you don't go, you won't kill me. You can kill me here." Bai miserable kept howling.

"Hey, I don't believe it. I can't subdue a pig."

The factotum disciple grabbed Bai miserable pig's head and fell over his shoulder


He fell pale and dizzy, "very good. Just fall and kill me. You can't kill me. You're my grandson."

"Shit, it's rolling its eyes at me and despises me. I can't stand my temper."

The factotum disciple said and fell miserably several times.

"Well, don't fall again. If you fall again, you'll die."

Bai miserably broke the pig's waist bone and couldn't move. The hateful factotum disciple took Bai miserably's pig tail and dragged him to the grill.

"Oh, roar, it hurts..."

The pig kept barking, which was sad.

"No, help, I don't want to be roasted alive. Heaven, help me. I won't be a Taoist!" Bai miserable wailed, but no one paid attention to him.

It really shouldn't be every day. It doesn't work


The washed white man was tied with his feet and put on a large chopping board, and then a disciple from the outside of the kitchen with a scalpel came.

"You can see elder martial brother Bu's peeling knife again."

"Yes, elder martial brother Bude's Sabre technique is famous outside."

"Peeling... Knife? Shit!!"

Bai miserable hears the pig's cold sweat. Run, run. Unfortunately, his limbs are tied and his waist bone is broken again. He can't run.

Whew, whoa!

After a while, the white pig's belly was peeled off and the painful white pig screamed.

Whew! Whew! Whoa, whoa!


In the scream, Bai miserable was stripped of all the skin except the pig's head. He was bleeding and had strong vitality. Bai miserable roared helplessly.

"Sure enough, it's a good pig with a loud cry. It can be roasted for a long time." Budzan said.

"I praise your sister, bu De, don't you? I remember you and dare to peel my skin."

Bai miserable was put on the oven, and the chef put a pile of spices on Bai miserable.


Pain, pain through the heart, high calorie fire, barbecue every inch of skin, plus the seasoning constantly drenched on the body, that kind of pain is estimated to be unforgettable in my life.

"Pit father's Li Ge, you can eat pork, you have to eat roast pigs, roast live pigs and peel them. I curse you that no one wants them all your life..."

"Ah... I remember you, you fat pig chef, and bu de..."

The trauma of the body is deeply printed on the white and miserable soul. However, the soul has nothing to do and can only feel pain. This kind of suffering is comparable to lingchi.

Gradually, the meat on Bai miserable body came meat fragrance, and the cry gradually became smaller. Bai miserable finally survived. After several hours, Bai miserable was finally free.

After breathing, the soul disappeared with the vortex again, and the pig turned into a blood mist with a sudden bang.

Startled the crowd, "..."

"How did the pig explode into a blood mist?"

The strange situation frightened everyone for a long time.

"No, the party is about to begin. Catch another pig quickly, or you won't catch up." The chef shouted.

The factotum disciple who threw the pig before hurried to catch another pig. Bu de used the peeling knife again.

Another pig howled in the barn!!!

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