The chaotic ice sheet is an endless huge iceberg and snow field. In the middle is an abyss crack that can't be seen at all. It looks like a lip from high altitude.

So people here give the chaotic ice field a beautiful name, the kiss of the ice goddess.

Chaotic ice sheet is the boundary between Bingwu Kingdom and Tianyun Kingdom, where the north wind is rustling and snowflakes are floating all year round.

Martial artists of the two countries, sect disciples, animal hunting regiments, monsters and so on, all forces fight in the chaotic ice field all the time

Death is common. If the fortress city in Tianyun kingdom is the strongest, it should be Beiding city.

Beidingcheng, which guards the north of the kingdom all year round, is close to the chaotic ice sheet. There is frequent unrest here

Only when the North Hall of the general of Peking University, one of the four generals protecting the country, is broken, can it be restrained.

At the moment, in the secret room of the general's house, beitangpo is meeting a mysterious man.

"How's the sacrifice collection?"

"Emissary, these days, I have sent dead soldiers, disguised as soldiers of the ice Kingdom, hunted and captured more than 8000 people and detained them in a mountain in the chaotic ice field. Emissary, this is the location map."

"Well done. It's worthy of being a dark chess that my ancestors valued most..."

The mysterious man left with a smile. Beitang po said respectfully, "send off your excellency."


Two monsters in the sky flew over Beiding city and flew towards the chaotic ice sheet

It was Bai miserable and Li Dashui who flew for many days and finally came to the chaotic ice field

As the snow, ice and cold wind are fierce, and the ground cannot be seen clearly in the air, Bai miserable can only choose to return to the ground.

"Young master, why are you here? This is the chaotic ice field of Tianyun kingdom. Fighting is a common thing..."

"Go to a very important place!"

Bai miserable is wearing thick clothes. Li Dashui is fine. After all, he is a born martial artist. This cold can't affect him.

The big bear was released by Bai miserably, and they set out on the ground shaking bear.

According to Beiyu's memory, Bai miserable walks towards a direction called Beilin town

With big bear 2, the way is unimpeded. Ordinary beasts and fierce beasts don't dare to get close to the ground shaking green bear at the level of little demon.

A day later

When they came to Beilin Town, Bai miserable took back bear two and entered with Li sledgehammer

This is the birthplace of Beiyu and the place where the Beiyu family has lived for generations.

Relying on the remnant of the ancestral "green wood formula", I have a small family here

With his memory, Bai miserable soon came to Beiyu's home... A small family in Beilin town!

A middle-aged woman saw them and asked, "who are you?"

Looking at this woman, Bai miserable's nose is inexplicably sour. This is Beiyu's mother. Her memory is very clear

"You are aunt Liang, Beiyu's mother... Beiyu often mentioned you to me. We are friends of Beiyu of Qingyang sect!"

"Ah... It's Xiaoyu's friend. Please come in and sit... Beiliang, stop chopping firewood and pour tea!"

In the hall!

Beiyu's younger brother, Beiliang, came over with tea and touched his head fondly

But Beiliang glared at Bai miserable, put down the teacup and jumped to one side. Bai miserable knew... Beiliang only touched his brother Beiyu's head, but others couldn't touch it

Bai Nai smiled awkwardly and chatted with aunt Liang without a word. It was all about Beiyu and his family.

Aunt Liang also believes that they are Beiyu's friends, otherwise they won't know so many things about Beiyu's family

Normally, Beiyu's father should have come out... But he hasn't seen anyone. Beiliang is also unhappy

"Aunt Liang... Why don't you see Uncle Bei?"


"What's the matter? Aunt liang?"

"To be honest, Beiyu's father went hunting animals outside the chaotic ice sheet with the hunting team in Beilin town a few days ago. There is no news about it..."

"Could it be the weather that delayed..."

"No, he hasn't been there for so long, and the others haven't come back..."

"When so many people go together, there will always be news. Aunt Liang, don't worry..."

"That's the only way... It's getting late. Why don't you two stay for a potluck tonight..."

Bai smiled miserably, "no, aunt Liang, by the way... Aunt Liang, I've always heard Beiyu say that there is a powerful heirloom at home. What's the name of green wood knife? Can you let me see it!"

"Where... Beiyu is talking nonsense, but the knife is really a blade handed down by his ancestors. Here, the one who cuts firewood in Beiliang..."


Bai miserable comes to the courtyard and picks up the firewood chopper. It's really a blade. It's dirty.

But it still looks very sharp. It was made into a firewood chopper by Beijia

Beiyu doesn't remember this. It seems that it happened after Beiyu went to Qingyang sect!

Bai miserable took a firewood chopper and said to Aunt Liang, "aunt Liang, can you sell me this firewood chopper? I'm willing to pay a high price."

"Xiaobai, I can't promise you this. After all, it's handed down by the ancestors of the north family. Only Beiyu's father and the north family owner can decide its way."

"Ha ha... I'm just asking, aunt Liang... I'll visit you when Uncle Bei comes back!" Bai miserably touched his head and smiled



Three days later, Beiyu's father still didn't go home. Bai miserable's eyebrows were tight and he was a little worried.

In the afternoon, a big event happened in Beilin town. One person came back from the previous hunting team.

Bai miserable heard the news, so he took the sledgehammer to the gate of the town!

The man was wounded and dying, and a group of people were crying sadly!

Bai miserable inquired and learned that their hunting team in the north of the town was hunting in the chaotic ice field.

I met the soldiers of Bingwu Kingdom and was caught by them. One person was injured and escaped. I didn't return to Beilin town until today

Aunt Liang, who heard the news at home, immediately turned pale and covered her face with tears. Bingwu Kingdom and Tianyun Kingdom didn't deal with it. If they caught her, there was no way to live.

Looking at the weak Beiliang... I didn't know what to do for a while. Aunt Liang saw Bai miserable coming over.

Wipe your tears and tell them to go back to Qingyang sect... Don't tell Beiyu about it, so as not to affect Beiyu's cultivation.

It made Bai miserable feel uncomfortable. In fact, Bai miserable wanted to tell her that Beiyu had already died, but he couldn't open his mouth

After saying goodbye to Aunt Liang, Bai miserable and Li dahammer went out of Beilin town and directly called out monsters.

According to the people who came back, they were attacked on snow wolf peak outside the chaotic ice sheet

Snow Wolf peak Bai miserable knows which direction it is. In Beiyu's memory, his father took him once when he was a child. It is the territory of a star beast Snow Wolf

Soon Bai Nai and sledgehammer come to snow wolf peak and find hunting tools. Bai Nai recognizes that this is a common hunting tool in Beilin town

Bai miserable looked around and suddenly saw a special mark engraved on a tree. Bai miserable's eyes coagulated. This is the special code of Beiyu's father. Only Beiyu's family can understand it

"Sledgehammer, this way, go!"

Bai miserable and Li Da Chui rode the ground shaking Cang bear, followed the special mark all the way, and all the way to a remote valley, they saw that the mark turned into a mark, which means that this is the end.

Because there are no fierce beasts and no spiritual materials in this place, almost no one comes. It is a zone near the periphery of the chaotic ice sheet

Inside is a valley surrounded by mountains on three sides!

Bai miserably receives the second bear, summons the crane girl, signals her not to cry, and flies directly into the air. Li dachui follows on the golden Lingtian falcon.

They looked down from a high altitude and saw a dense crowd. The whole valley echoed with screams

"Young master, it seems that many people have been caught here..."

Bai miserable doesn't know why so many people are concentrated here, but it's definitely not a good thing

"Go down and have a look!"

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