The whole beast gate learned that Bai miserable was leaving the beast king continent for the big world.

A grand farewell banquet was held!

Little Mengqi hugged Bai miserable all the way, because she didn't know when to meet next time.

"Brother, I'll be old next time I meet." Little Mengqi said with a mouth.

"Hahaha... I also want to grow tall with little Mengqi, but my brother wants to find sister Bilian. She will be very lonely in a strange world." Bai miserable said.

"Ah... I need to find my sister earlier." Little Mengqi said lovably.

"Yes, get back Bilian early!"

Then Bai miserable shouted to everyone, "have fun today. See you next time, maybe a hundred years later."

"I wish brother Bai a successful recovery of Bilian. At that time, take Bilian back to the beast gate and don't get drunk together."

The crowd cheered.

"OK! Do it!"



At night, most people were drunk. Bai miserable drank a lot of wine today and died.

Then as soon as he resurrected, he returned to normal. At the moment, Bai miserable was sleepless. He was alone on the roof of the main hall, quietly looking at the night sky.

"Woof, woof!"

Jingba shouted below.

Bai miserable smelled the sound, flew down, picked up Jingba, and the soul said, "Jingba, why are you here?"

"Emissary, I miss sister Bilian." Jingba said.

"Then you have to live longer, or you'll die of old age and have no chance to see you again." Bai miserable joked.

"Emissary, I want to practice!"

"Are you serious?"

"Well, I want to live longer..."

"Let me see..."

Bai miserable recalls the memory of alchemy and looks for it. There is really a blood pill that can improve the blood of the beast family. As for how far it can reach, it depends on the nature of the beast family.

Refining is not complicated, but the main medicine needed is the blood essence of monsters. The more noble, the better.

What Bai miserable needs most is this kind of blood essence. The blood essence of starling and little stone duck is noble enough.

In order to protect him, Bai miserable chose to use the blood essence of little stone duck. After all, starlings always felt unreliable, which made starlings despise for a while.

"You're unreliable. I'm the only yin-yang rabbit blood in the world. You say my blood is unreliable? Brother Bai, give you a look and feel it." Make complaints about the eight way brother.


Bai miserable quickly found other materials and called lobster and pig. Then he asked the little stone duck to vomit a mouthful of blood essence and began to refine blood pill.

It took half a day to refine it successfully, and then it was swallowed by Jingba.

After swallowing, Jingba fell into a deep sleep

Bai Nai calls sledgehammer to take care of Jingba in the future!

The sledgehammer took Jingba directly and whispered, "I just lack a watchdog..."


Bai miserably looked at the sledgehammer and left, "I hope this pit goods will not abuse Jingba."

After dawn!

Bai miserable goes to the chaotic ice field, and a large group of people follow Bai miserable

When Bai miserable comes to the chaotic ice field, countless people have gathered here to see Bai miserable off. The places where they can stand are full of people.

Many people and monsters are waiting for Bai miserable in the air. Even the cloud world comes to see Bai miserable off!

Of course, only Bai miserable knows the identity of yuntianxia, but others don't.

"Soon I will pass the big world, and I will catch up with you and even surpass you!" Yuntianxia said.

Bai Nai smiled and said, "OK! I'll wait for you in the big world!"

A smile appeared under the blue mask of the cloud world, and then flew away

Dongfang ruoxian, Chu Yunxi, Lian cangming, Bian Shifang and other familiar people came to say goodbye to Bai miserable.

Bai miserable waved goodbye one by one, "see you again!"

"Have a nice trip!" Countless people said goodbye.

After Bai miserable performed "dead turn", he flew over the kiss of ice goddess, looked back at the people and waved goodbye!

Then fly directly into the crack, enter the looming boundary road and disappear!

March 10 of the first year of the beast king calendar!

This is the day when Bai miserable left the beast king's mainland. It is called miserable King's day by the world!

This day will become the biggest day for the beast king to commemorate the king of tragedy in the mainland in the future, forever!


Boundary road!

Bai miserable flies all the way alone, constantly with the force of terror and space, which makes Bai miserable beyond recognition.

Fortunately, with the support of "dead turn", it can barely fly for a period of time

As soon as the time of the "dead turn" secret method arrives, Bai miserable falls on the boundary road and waits for resurrection. He immediately performs the "dead turn" and continues to move forward!

This boundary road is very dangerous. Unless there is bad luck and means, 99% of the strong people in the ordinary British spirit level will fall here!

Bai miserable also relies on his ability to die and the special secret method of "dead turn", so that he can move forward slowly on the boundary road.

Of course, the premise is that you can't encounter a space storm, otherwise you may get lost in the void

So repeatedly, Bai miserable doesn't know how long the time has passed, nor where this boundary road leads

Maybe it's the big world, maybe it's a world connecting heaven and man.

However, even if it is a tiger's den, Bai miserable will pass

When Bilian was blown to pieces, Bai miserable's heart felt an inexplicable pain, not an ordinary pain, but a pain as if she had lost the most important person in her heart.

Bai miserable is not sure whether he already has Bilian in his heart, but he doesn't want to admit it.

Maybe aunt yuan is right. She has fallen in love with Bilian in her heart, but she doesn't admit it.

Anyway, be sure to find Bilian!

Find Bilian, face Bilian, feel it with your heart, and you will know whether there is Bilian in your heart.

Think about it, Bai miserable, move on!

"Bilian, you must not die. You must live..."


Endless world!

Six virtual shadows gather!

"The army of the heavenly family has retreated!"


"Unexpectedly, their purpose is not to start a war, but to sneak through the old warehouse, almost killing the reincarnation seed!"

"Fortunately, Bilian just got the invincible seal, otherwise, we will lose a lot!"

"The body has been destroyed, and the remnant soul can't last long!"

"Everything depends on her own creation!"

Then the invincible seal that wrapped the ghost of Bilian turned into streamer and flew towards the six worlds

Then, a virtual shadow looked in the direction of Bai miserable, immediately bridged the boundary road connecting the endless world directly to the tianwu world, and then smiled:

"Jiudai, you chicken thief, even if you have experienced the mysteries of all living beings, you still want to steal chickens to the endless world! The endless world can't let you come, otherwise it will be bad for the family of heaven to find your existence. Just walk in the six worlds."


on the other hand!

Tianwu world!

Xingyue palace!

When the recovered Yun Zhanxia saw Yun Yanshui who looked like herself and confirmed that Yun Yanshui was Yunxiao's mother, that is, her grandmother, she immediately cried, "grandma, my father is dead..."

"Good granddaughter, I know. I feel it. How can you get into the void? How dangerous it is. Even the strong in heaven and soul dare not enter the void easily without some means." Cloud Yan water said.

"It was my father who sent me into the void before he died, hoping to have a chance to survive!" Yun Zhanxia cried.

"Hmm? What do you mean?"

Yun Yanshui had been the Lord of the Yunwu hall, and suddenly guessed that there was an inside story.

"Yunwu hall wants to recapture the rule of Yunwu mainland and rebuild the Yunwu Empire, but the invincible strong man is not dead. He killed more than half of our army with one move. My father finally decided to wake up the eight armed Yan devil to seize Yunwu mainland separately, but... Wuwuwuwuwu..."

Yun Zhanxia said with tears in her voice: "there was a white tragedy in the beast door. He strangely became very powerful. He killed the eight armed Yan devil with one move. In the end, although his strength was only the peak of the British spirit realm, he could use everyone's magic powers, including magic mind skills, which was unparalleled. The cloud martial arts hall was destroyed in Bai tragedy's hand... Wuwuwuwu... My father died in his hand!"

"What? Xiao'er was killed by Bai miserable?"


Yunyanshui thought Yunxiao died of old age. Unexpectedly, he was killed by someone!

Suddenly, Yunyan water was furious. The power of the law surged wildly and shouted, "Bai miserable, I want you to bury my son!"

"Mother, your breakthrough is imminent. Don't get angry easily. I'll take over the Revenge of brother Xingyue!" Xingyue Zun said coldly.

"Good granddaughter, this is your uncle. Tell us everything about Bai miserable. As long as he dares to appear in the tianwu world, he has no good life!" Cloud Yan said in a voice.

Yunzhanxia reported everything to Yunyan water and Xingyue Zun in detail

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