It's not so fast to find out the information of xiangtian village disciples who have participated in the assessment. After all, there are too many people coming to the assessment.

Therefore, Bai miserable had to continue to wait while watching Dabi.

"Elder Bai, the strongest disciple of the outer gate, Dian Shi, is already the peak strength of the triple heaven in the realm of destiny. In fact, he can reach the quadruple heaven to enter the inner gate long ago. However, he wants to win the first place again this year and advance after getting a good reward." Said the flying bamboo stream.

"Oh? The first person in the outside world is very strong. The disciple in the middle of the triple heaven of the destiny realm is not the enemy of his three moves." Bai zhenzan said.

"Elder Fei, what is that female disciple? She looks very strong." Bai miserable asked, pointing to a battle platform.

"That's Bingxiang, one of the top ten disciples of the outer gate. In the later stage of the triple heaven of heaven's destiny realm, that's her lingbing Dharma phase. Her talent is no worse than that of the temple world."

"Elder Bai, do you see that smiling fat girl? Her name is Xi Yiji, and she is also one of the top ten disciples. Although she is short and fat, her strength is very good. She is in the late stage of the triple heaven of destiny."

"That's Mei Qi. She's good at plum blossom dart. Her strength is half that of Xi Yiji."

"The young man who plays marksmanship is Pan Zi. His marksmanship talent is strong, and his strength is also the top five among the top ten disciples in the outside world."

"Elder Bai, Yi GUI played. Last year he was seventh. I don't know if he can make progress this year."

"Eh? It's surprising that Wei Bolu has broken through the triple heaven peak of destiny. I don't know if he can defeat Dian Shi this year!"

Feizhuliu introduced the top ten disciples of the outer gate to Bai miserable one by one.

Bai Nai also roughly determined that one or two of Dabi in Duanjian mountain villa this year are estimated to be born from Dian Shi and Wei Bolu.

Other disciples compete for other places!

As for why all the disciples of Dabi use the best holy ware this time, this is also one of Dabi's rules, and they are not allowed to use the divine weapon.

After Bai miserable saw it for most of the time, a disciple came over and said respectfully, "elder Fei, elder Bai, I have found the result of the inquiry. I checked it again and again and confirmed that none of the disciples of xiangtian Shantian village signed up for the examination of Brokeback Mountain Villa this year."

"Hmm? How could it be? They came to Brokeback Mountain Villa from the sword casting city for assessment. Why didn't anyone sign up?" Bai miserable asked solemnly.

"Elder Hui Bai, really not!"

After the disciple confirmed that Bai miserable had no intention to watch the battle, he said to elder Feizhuliu, "elder Fei, I'm really sorry to bother you for so long. I need to investigate the disciple of xiangtian Shantian village, so I'll go first."

"Hahaha... It doesn't matter. Elder Bai has something to do. Deal with it first. Anyway, I also want to see the result of Da Bi." Feizhuliu laughed.

After Bai miserable apologized again, he rode the guy lion chicken directly to the sword casting city!

Two days later!

Bai miserable returns to the sword casting city and goes directly to the city master's house to find Ouyang Minghai and Shui Lingyun!

"Minghai, you drink tea on the side first. Don't disturb my conversation with Xiaobai." Shuilingyun said.


Ouyang Minghai had to turn his face and drink stuffy tea!

"Xiaobai, why did you suddenly rush back to casting sword city? Did something happen?" Shuilingyun asked with concern.

"Aunt Yun, it's like this..."

Bai miserable told Shui Lingyun what happened before!

Then he said, "so, aunt Yun, I want to ask the city Lord to send someone to investigate for me. Tian boguang and others set out from the sword casting city that day. Where did they go and what happened!"

"So it is. No problem. Aunt Yun will help you with this."

"Thank you, aunt Yun..."

"It's a piece of cake!"

Then shuilingyun stared at Ouyang Minghai and said, "have you had enough?"

Ouyang Minghai, who was tasting tea, was stunned. "Er... Madam, didn't you let me drink tea? Why?"

"Die for me!"


Ouyang Minghai quickly put down his tea cup and came to shuilingyun. He looked at shuilingyun affectionately

"You heard what Xiaobai said just now. Go ahead and do it. If there is no result tomorrow, you know what you will face!" Shui Lingyun said leisurely.


Ouyang Minghai was so frightened that he hurried out and called the general leader of the city Lord's guard to deal with the white tragedy!

And Shui Lingyun takes Bai miserable to the living room and prepares food for Bai miserable

Having the power of the city Lord's residence to investigate, I believe there will be results soon. Bai miserable put down his heart and ate and drank a lot.

Ouyang Minghai was so distressed that he looked at Bai miserable with contempt in his heart

"You are so kind that you come to eat and drink again, eat and live with me, and let my city Lord's house work for you free, which makes me bear the risk of being punished by my wife. Are you born to pit me? Remember you pit goods!"

Ouyang Minghai said in a broken heart.


the second day!

The general leader of the guard of the city Lord's residence hurried to report!

"Inform the city Lord, the city Lord's wife, the investigation has the result!" The general manager knelt down on one knee and said.

White miserable eyes shine!

Ouyang Minghai suddenly wanted to show his style as the city master, so he said faintly, "don't report it quickly!"

"Yes! Mrs. mayor!"

The general leader suddenly reacted. It was just the city master's opening. He quickly changed his mouth and said, "Oh! No! It's the city master!"


Ouyang Minghai's face turned red, while Shui Lingyun and Bai miserable were speechless.

The chief felt a cold sweat on his forehead, and he thought in his heart: "the wife of the city Lord always will not speak." the owner of the city did not make complaints about cheating.

However, we still have to report the business first. The general manager, without blushing or jumping, reported: "Returning to the city master, Tian boguang and others left the casting sword city that day. They took the normal and safe route to Duanjian villa. When they were on their way, a man caught up with them and took them to the southwest. It was sparsely populated. We searched in that direction and found some clues. It seems..."

"Well? What does it seem?" Bai miserable frowned and asked.

"It seems that they have all been killed!" The general manager said directly.


Bai miserably listened and stood up in direct shock. He couldn't believe it and said, "once again, they were really killed?"

"Hui Bai, yes, the disciples of xiangtian Shantian village and others should have been killed!" Said the general manager.

"Go! Take us there!" Shuilingyun said.

"Yes! Mrs. mayor!"

The general leader rode on the red Lin fire eagle and set out, followed by Bai miserable and Shui Lingyun!


Ouyang Minghai stayed in the city Lord's residence and issued boring orders frequently in order to show his style of the city Lord!

"You, go and see if Lao Wang in the city has done something angry again!"

"You, go and urge the guard to practice well. Don't just stand guard all day!"

"You, go to the fourth floor of Wanbao building to see if there are any treasures recently!"

The guards took action one by one. Ouyang Minghai sat high on the throne of the city master in the hall and nodded with satisfaction. "These guys seem to be restrained by my style and work much more efficiently."


The general leader of the guard took Bai miserable and Shui Lingyun all the way to the land where Tian boguang and others fell!

In the wild mountains, Bai miserable looked at the charred bodies excavated by the guards, and his face became more and more gloomy

"The city Lord's wife, white master, someone killed them and wanted to destroy the corpses, but it seems that the technique is very rough, and some corpses are not burned through!" Said the general manager.

Bai miserable looked at the unburned body and recognized the Tiancun disciples participating in the assessment. "It's a group of Tiancun disciples coming to participate in the assessment of Duanjian mountain villa!"

"White master, we carefully examined the bodies and found that they were abandoned and tortured to death!" The general manager said again.


"Do you know who brought Tian boguang and others here?" Bai miserable said gloomily.

"Yes... Yes..."

The general manager took a look at Shui Lingyun

Shuilingyun understood and frowned. She thought, is it related to Brokeback Mountain Villa?

But shuilingyun still said, "but it doesn't hurt to say!"


"Hui Bai is a disciple of Duanjian mountain villa, LAN Shou!"

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