White fog city originally had three families!

The strongest Bai family, the second Fang family, and the last Huang family.

Due to the emergence of a Li Ge, the Li family, supported by the city master, quickly rose to become the fourth largest family in white fog city.

But secretly, the three families do not recognize the upstart Li family. This time, the leader of the Li family was killed, and the three families were secretly surprised

The three families all know that the murderer hasn't left in the city, and there has been no news in the city master's house

Therefore, today Fang Rushi, the owner of the Fang family, and Huang Shilong, the owner of the Huang family, came to the Bai family, hoping to unite and unite

If the murderer continues to commit murder and the three families work together, they can protect themselves

Laughter came from the Bai family hall!

"A self righteous upstart is finally kicked to the iron plate, and even the city Lord can't save him..." Fang Rushi said.

Huang Shilong echoed, "what brother Fang said is... In those days, the Li family flattered us everywhere like a grandson... When Li Ge came out, he turned his face and didn't recognize anyone. He thought he was superior..."

During the day, I was also angry. On that day, Li Duanwu and Li Ge forced me to come to the door and force my son to lift the oath of heaven

At that time, there was a breath in his heart. Now Li Duanwu was forcibly killed at home. This evil breath came out. How happy

The three masters communicate freely in the hall

At this time, Bai miserable and Li Dashui have come to the gate of the Bai family!

Although the guards of the Bai family don't know Bai miserable, there are a large group of people not far behind them... They still know

Listening to the comments of the people, the guard immediately knew that the boisterous young couple group in white fog city was the person in front of him, and suddenly he was in a cold sweat

"No, come on, go in and inform the owner..."

The guard doesn't dare to stop Bai miserable at all, so they can only follow Bai miserable around

Bai miserable walked all the way to the house where he lived before the day shift. There was the most precious thing of the day shift, the spirit card of the mother of the day shift!

"Master... Not good!" The guard ran to the hall and said quickly.

"What's the matter? Don't you know there are guests?" Scolded during the day.

"The owner... Is coming..."

"Who's here?"

"Those two teenagers!"

"Bastard... Make it clear to me, what two teenagers!"

"The two teenagers who killed the leader of the Li family... Are coming!"


The three masters stood up at the moment of surprise and looked dignified during the day, "brother Fang and brother Huang, please help if you start later!"

"Brother Bai, don't worry!" The two returned.

During the day, he quickly asked the guard, "where are they now?"

"Home Lord... They... Went to... The residence of the day shift young master..."


Although I don't know what the two teenagers want, I'm not going to wait here for them during the day. I quickly ordered someone to call the strong at home, and then a group of people walked towards the day shift residence

Bai miserable comes to the house where he used to live in the day shift and finds that he has been occupied by servants

Bai Tong knows this servant. It's Wu Yong. Bai Tong was called to the hall by Wu Yong as soon as he came to the world. Then there was a follow-up

I know from the day shift memory that I have been beaten by Wu Yong

Wu Yong saw a large group of guards following two teenagers, and one of the two teenagers stared at him

He was so frightened that he didn't dare to make a sound. He thought Bai miserable was a disciple of a big family

Bai Nai smiled at Wu Yong and said, "sledgehammer, palm... He... Mouth!"


Wu Yong was frightened. What... What's the situation? You have to slap him in the mouth? He doesn't remember offending any big people

Moreover, the guards of the Bai family seemed to be indifferent. They took Wu Yong's guess more seriously and were so scared that they quickly knelt down and begged for mercy.

"My Lord, I'm just a white servant. I haven't offended you..."

"Because you don't look good!"


A group of guards are speechless. You don't look good. Wu Yong is at least one meter eight and looks handsome. You are one meter seven and have a public face. It's good to say that he doesn't look good. What's the logic

But they dare not act rashly, at least before the owner comes

When the sledgehammer grabbed Wu Yong, it was a big slap in the face. Bai took a miserable look and went straight into the room

After looking for a while, I found that the box where the mother's Spirit card was stored before the day shift was missing

Bai miserably came out angrily, picked up the pig's head and face, Wu Yong, "said! Where was the box put in this room before the day shift?"

"Big... Man... I don't know... Wei Zhu took it!"

"It's her..."

Bai miserable's eyes are full of killing intention. The mean woman is that she has been detaining the food of the day shift for fun.

Also often humiliate the day shift mother, the toad wants to eat swan meat, and wants the crow to fly up the branches and become a Phoenix

"Where is she?"

"My lord... I don't know... Spare me..."

Bai miserable once swore that he was the first to break his leg when he got up. Bai miserable kicked Wu off with one leg!

"Ah ~"

Wu Wu is wailing with his legs covered

Wait during the day... Get here at this time

Bai miserable squints... Looking at this familiar face, the biological father of the day shift personally orders the family law to serve and kill the man of the day shift during the day!

"Who is your excellency? I don't know why he broke into my white house?" During the day, he looked at Wu Yong, then looked at Bai miserable and said.

"Master Bai, I'll give you a column of incense and gather everyone in the house in the hall..."

Bai miserably releases the Demon power of Xiong Da, Xiong ER and two beasts. After frightening a group of people, he walks towards the hall, and Li sledgehammer keeps up!

When passing Fang Rushi, the owner of the Fang family, and Huang Shilong, the owner of the Huang family, Bai miserable stopped because Bai miserable recognized them

"Now that you're here, don't leave first. You have to come to the hall..."

"This... This..."

Pit dad, can I say... Are we just here to make some soy sauce?

The smell of two monsters, and everyone present in the town was astringent and trembling

The three masters are smiling bitterly and have a fart in common. The strongest of their three families will rush into the territory half a step into the sky. No wonder the city master can't stop the two teenagers from killing Li Duanwu

White House hall!

Bai miserable is drinking tea on the throne, and sledgehammer is holding Zhenyun sword and standing aside.

Seeing people coming, Bai miserable said faintly, "where is Wei Zhu?"

White family, look at me, I look at you

Bai miserable shouted, "Wei Zhu, get out of here!"

But... No one came out.

At this time, a servant who knew Wei Zhu stood up trembling and said, "my lord... Wei Zhu... She's not here... She didn't come back after she went out three days ago. She disappeared..."

Bai miserable stared at the female servant and said faintly, "you... Take me to Weizhu room... You, wait here..."

"Sledgehammer, without my opening... Whoever dares to leave, just cut off his feet for me..."

"Yes, young master."


A group of people are confused, but they don't dare to ask. The two monsters outside the hall are too frightening... They... Can't provoke

Bai miserable found the box of the day shift in Wei Zhu's room, but... He didn't find the spirit card of the day shift's mother

"Say... Where did Wei Zhu put the things before this box?"

"My lord... I don't know..." the maid knelt down.

Bai miserable thought for a while. It seems that he has to find Wei Zhu

"Bastard Wei Zhu, if you damage the spirit card of the day shift mother a little, I'll cook you alive..." Bai miserable thought bitterly and went back to the hall.

All the Bai family, including the bodyguards, gathered inside and outside the hall. Bai miserable didn't make a sound, and they didn't dare to speak

Bai miserably looked at the children of the White House and the father, grandfather and elders of the "day shift", and his heart was mixed.

Once the day shift also received the care of the Bai family, which can be regarded as a happy childhood

Small families are not more powerful than clans. There is no strong congenital environment. Once a child is born, he cannot detect his talent. Only when he grows up about eight years old and exercises his body, can he probably know his talent

Since the day shift was found to have blocked Qi and blood and no martial arts talent... His status has plummeted. Looking at his face, the respectful servants dared to bully him

Thinking of this, Bai miserable asked the Bai family to bring a pricked whip, which had to be followed by his father during the day.

Bai miserable takes a whip, bypasses Bai's children and comes to a group of guards.

Squinting, showing a strange smile, looking at them

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