
The sword eating queen ant quickly kills Bai!


Bai miserable carries the red moon on his back. His speed has an impact, but he is still faster than the queen ant who eats the sword!

However, the sword eating queen ant has a more gifted ability than the ape king, that is, she can sense danger. Every white tragic attack will be perceived by her and hide.

"The queen ant seems more difficult than the ape king. She actually has the ability to perceive danger similar to the cloud world."

Bai miserably hit and missed, dignified thought!

The queen ant who ate the sword breathed a sigh of relief. The white tragic strength, defense and speed are unparalleled and stronger than herself!

But he has natural antennae that can sense danger, and can also avoid white tragic attacks. As long as he can't hit himself, he's not afraid of him!

The woman behind him is a weakness. If you attack this point, you will make him disorderly. If you cooperate with Gu Jing, you will be able to catch him!

Think about it, the sword eating ant queen shot again!

The goal is very clear. It seems to cut to white tragedy, but it is actually aimed at the red moon!

Finally, after a stalemate, the sword eating ant queen seized the opportunity and fiercely displayed her group sword attack skills.

"Sword eating skill - ant wind!"

The all-round attack made Bai miserable unable to escape. He quickly shouted: "red moon, pay attention, don't die!"

The red moon looked at the queen ant's attack without dead corner, took the bleeding moon blade and directly cast "blood moon triple break" to resist the queen ant's attack.

This made the sword eating queen ant angry for a while and thought, "unexpectedly, this Terran woman also has good combat power in the peak state of the law realm. She can block her sword skills. It seems that it's difficult to win these two guys!"

At this time, the impatient Gu Jing, who had been waiting for a long time, directly smashed down the huge head!


I wanted to continue to attack Bai miserable sword eating queen ant. Sensing the danger, I retreated in advance!

Bai miserable suddenly felt the huge shadow enveloping him, looked up, and immediately moved to avoid quickly!

Gu Jing's head fell on silent hill. The whole Silent Hill suffered another big earthquake. Many sword eating ants were killed by the earthquake. They were scared to withdraw from silent hill and dare not step into silent hill easily.

"This bastard is quiet!"

The sword eating ant queen watched her child be killed by Gujing and scolded in her heart!

"Queen ant, you can't even make up your mind. What's your use?" Gu Jing roared.


Fucking great sword make complaints about the "little bull, you can fix this strange human son," as if you could fix it!

The oppressed sword eating ant queen dared not directly fight against the bone static generals, so she had to vent her anger on Bai miserable and continue to attack the red moon.

The tripartite war began!

Gujing battle general is simply a shit stirring stick. A random attack is a large-scale attack. It's hard for the queen ant to eat the sword!

The red moon was targeted by the sword eating queen ant. Although it was OK for the time being, she had begun to be injured. Her combat power was still a little worse than that of her generals!

Otherwise, Bai miserable would have been killed by the sword eating queen ant.

No less powerful than the double heaven of destiny, coupled with powerful sword skills, soul eating double swords, and natural ability to sense danger, it is a terrible strong man.

If it goes on like this, the red moon is really dangerous. We have to find a way!

Bai miserable thought in his heart!

The threat of sword eating queen ant is not very big. The biggest thing is to stir excrement stick bone static generals. If this big guy doesn't solve it, it's a big trouble!

After thinking about it, Bai miserable suddenly shouted, "queen ant, take the move and let you see that I have the best killing move!"

As soon as the queen ant ate the sword, she quickly focused on it. She was afraid that Bai miserable really had a big move!

Then Bai miserable said to Hongyue's soul, "Hongyue, move and cut it off!"

The red moon directly displays "Red Moon - Triple break" to cut the sword eating ant queen!

This makes the sword eating queen ant look dignified and dare not be careless. She uses "ant hunting" to resist the "Red Moon - Triple break"!

While Bai miserable took advantage of the sight of the queen ant who ate the sword to be resisted, he fled directly and flew towards the Gujing battle general!

Bai miserable quickly flew to the dead corner of Gujing's line of sight, so that it could not see itself, and then flew towards its head!

The sword eating queen ant regained her sight, but lost the trace of Bai miserable. She quickly prepared in the air, but she didn't see Bai miserable for a long time.

Then, looking for the trace of Bai miserable everywhere, I suddenly saw Bai miserable in the direction of Gujing general!

When the queen ant saw this, she roared, "bone quiet, that boy is at your neck and flying towards your head!"

Hearing the roar of the sword eating ant queen, Gu JingZhan glanced down at Bai miserable and saw Bai miserable flying quickly.


Bai miserable secretly scolded, "bastard queen ant, was found by it!"


"Terran boy, do you want to fight me? You little one, die!"

With that, Gu JingZhan directly shook his neck and hit Bai miserable!

The distance is too close. It's too late to dodge. At the moment of crisis, Bai miserable quickly let the red moon enter his hands to accept the ring.

Then Bai tragic was hit by a huge force, but although this force was large, it still belonged to the power category of destiny realm. The Xuanwu armor resisted it!

Just listen to the loud bang of "bang", Bai was knocked out and turned into a meteor. He directly fell into the silent mountain, smashed a long crack, and hit the big crack of silent mountain that will be cracked by Gujing war!

Looking at the sword eating queen ant, she was happy for a while. Then she quickly carried the spirit eating double swords and killed them at the place where Bai miserable fell!

Bai tragically found that he was stuck in the crack of silent hill. Even if he summoned up his strength, he couldn't get rid of it for a moment!


Just when Bai miserable wants Er Niu to come out and save himself, the sword eating queen ant flies, "Yo, stuck? I finally caught you, boy!"

As for the red moon, Bai miserable couldn't release her here, so she had to hold it in Najie for a while

"Catch me? Stop laughing. You have the ability to catch me. My backhand is a blow to your head!" Bai miserable despised in the crack.

The sword eating queen ant really doesn't dare to get Bai miserable out, but she can let Gujing battle general... Control him!

After thinking about it, the sword eating queen ant flew out and communicated with the calcaneus static war general.

"Tut tut... I can be trapped. I really convinced you."

Qingtianying said sarcastic words.


"I said, find a way to get me out!" Bai miserable speechless.

"Ha ha! There's no way, rely on yourself!"

After qingtianying said it, he ignored Bai miserable.

At this time, the whole crack was shaking. Bai was very happy. He thought that Gujing war would be angry again. I hope it can shake the crack open so that he can go out.

But Bai miserable thought more. In fact, it was the queen ant who ate the sword who told Gu JingZhan that he would be trapped in the crack, so Gu JingZhan bit him directly.

Bite Bai miserable's position directly, turn the bone spirit into blue fire, wrap his head and form a sealed prison.

Then, the mud head stone was bitten to pieces, and Bai miserably fell into the mouth of Gujing general.


Seeing that he was in Gujing's mouth closed by blue fire, and he was bitten by Gujing's two huge teeth, he couldn't move. He was speechless for a while.

"The boy has caught you. How do you want to die?"

The voice of Gu Jing's general sounded!

"Brother, I'm new here and don't understand the rules. Can you be merciful?" Bai miserable soul preached.

But according to Gu Jing, Bai miserable said the language of bone spirit.

"Hmm? How can you my bone spirit language?" Gu Jing was stunned.


Bai miserable thought to himself, "Gujing war will be the spirit of the birth of the dead monster bones. It is the bone spirit. It takes many years to speak other languages, such as the common language of tianwu world, so his soul transmits the sound. The immortal mark of heaven is the language of bone spirit, which makes Bai miserable see a glimmer of hope."

"Cough! To tell you the truth, brother Gujing, in fact, I am also the bone spirit born of a corpse. We are the same kind!" Bai miserable said brazenly.


"You lie. You have flesh and blood. How can you be a dead?" Gu Jing said angrily.

"Er... Don't you believe it? I'll show you. Let me go first!" Bai miserable said.

Instead, in her mouth, Gujing didn't worry that Bai miserable could escape, so she loosened her teeth and let Bai miserable recover her freedom.

Bai Zhen, who stood up, received the Xuanwu battle armor. The voice of the soul smiled and said, "brother Gujing, look at it, Ah Da!"

Bai Zhenli was instilled in his right hand, and then he blew his fragile dead head with a fierce fist, fell down and died!


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