After a day and a night of challenge, Bai miserable fought thousands of times in a row, and the number of wooden fighting animals is increasing.

Although the strength of each wooden fighting beast is the same as that of the first one, Bai miserable also needs to spend more and more time to kill in the face of the increasing wooden fighting beasts!

"If it goes on like this, I don't know if I can handle this ten thousand winning streak challenge for a month!"

Bai miserable thought in his heart!

"Er Niu, is there any way to quickly solve these wooden fighting animals?" Bai miserably asked.

Er Niu said, "brother Bai, I have an idea, but I don't know if it's OK!"

"Oh? What idea? Let's talk about it first!"

Bai miserable said while attacking the wooden fighting beast.

"Brother Bai, I found that your chakra magic power qingtianying has a strange power, similar to the power of speed Tao pattern, but not very strange. Therefore, brother Bai has such a terrible speed blessing in Tianchong!" Er Niu said.

Bai miserable frowned. Er Niu said the power similar to the Tao pattern, which is estimated to be the power of the speed mark of heaven!

Qingtianying said that he had nothing to do with the eighth generation. He didn't believe Bai miserable!

"What does this have to do with your idea?" Bai miserable said.

"Brother Bai, I want to borrow the speed ability of qingtianying!" Er Niu said.

"How can I borrow it?" Bai miserable asked curiously.

"Let it transmit that special power to me. I use my power to maintain this power. In this way, I can have a powerful speed blessing and kill these wooden fighting beasts quickly. I just don't know if I can succeed!" Er Niu said.

"Nothing, let's try!"

Then Bai miserable smiled at qingtianying and said, "little brother qingtianying, transfer your speed and power to my knife."

"Sorry, I can't do it!" Qingtianying said directly.


"How do you know you can't do it without trying?"

"Why should I try?"

"I don't want to solve these wooden fighting beasts quickly!"

"It's none of my business! If it weren't for your advice, I wouldn't bother to pay attention to you!"


Bai miserable was so angry that he almost couldn't help but scold qingtianying again. He could only say to ER Niu depressed: "you heard that, this bastard is a guy who is angry and doesn't pay for his life!"

"Hee hee... Brother Bai's blue sky shadow has a good personality. There's no way. We can only kill them one by one. Brother Bai, let's divide our work and cooperate!" Two girls smiled.

"Wu Wu... Er Niu is considerate. We won't bird the blue sky shadow in the future!"

With that, Bai miserable killed the wooden beast alone, and ER Niu went to kill the wooden beast independently!

Not to mention, the speed has accelerated a lot!

After fighting for two days in a row, we only fought more than 3000 games!

"Spit blood. It's too slow. I knew I'd win ten consecutive challenges!" Make complaints about the way.

Qing Tianying was tired of watching it, and youyou said, "I said, you counsellor, do you really want to fight 10000 games here?"

"Nonsense, it's not ten thousand fights. I can use it to discuss with you the speed to solve the wood fighting beast?" Bai miserable despised.


"If you want me to watch these wooden fighting animals like shit all the time, I'm disgusting. Otherwise, don't let me out..." qingtianying said.


Bai miserable was speechless for a while and directly scolded: "no, you don't need you. You want me to play here for a year? If you don't want to see it, you can cooperate with ER Niu, or you can bear to continue to see it."

"You... You are cruel! Just this time, tell me, how can I cooperate?" Qing Tianying said with hate.

Bai miserably heard this, he was immediately happy and hurriedly called back Er Niu.

Then tell qingtianying Er Niu's guess.

After hearing this, qingtianying directly transferred her ability to Erniu, who constantly absorbed the speed power of qingtianying.

"Brother Bai, it can be maintained, but it takes some time to absorb more." Er Niu said.

"No problem. You absorb more slowly first. I've exerted a dead turn. My true strength is enough to last for a long time. Call me when you're good."

After that, Bai miserable went to kill the wooden fighting beast alone!

Four wood generals and other monsters looked at Bai miserable strangely. They didn't know why Bai miserable didn't use the powerful broken knife suddenly.

"Why doesn't Bai Changlao use the magic knife?" The red moon murmured.

"I guess Lord Bai should be preparing some big moves!" The golden spirit sword mouse thought.


Half a day later!

As soon as the time came for Bai to die miserably, he fell to the ground again and died. The wooden fighting beast came surging!

Er Niu burst into blue light all over her body, so fast that she couldn't be seen by the naked eye





In an instant, the remaining hundreds of wooden fighting animals were killed!


Four wood war will be surprised to stand up!

Even it took a lot of time to challenge 9527 games. It couldn't kill hundreds of wooden fighting animals in an instant. Unexpectedly, a man's youth did it with a broken knife.

"This broken knife is definitely a powerful sword against the sky. If I get it, I will become the first battle general, and even help the young master to complete the big plan!" The four wood war general was excited to think of it.

After Bai tragic's resurrection, seeing thousands of wooden fighting animals appear, we know that Erniu has just killed hundreds of wooden fighting animals.

"Er Niu, have you absorbed enough?"

"It's almost done. First show and kill the wood fighting beast, and then absorb it after consumption!" Er Niu said.

"OK! Er Niu, show yourself to your heart's content. You are the best!" Bai smiled miserably.

"Watch it, brother Bai!"

After that, er Niu was too fast to see with the naked eye again. A green shadow swept back and forth. Thousands of wooden fighting animals fell one by one without responding!


The monsters and the red moon stared, as if they saw a miracle!

With the speed of Er Niu and Qing Tianying, the power can be called arrogant. Thousands of wooden fighting animals were killed in the blink of an eye.

A new batch of wooden fighting animals appeared, and ER Niu was killed again soon!

So, with the constant cooperation of Erniu and qingtianying, Bai miserable quickly killed 9527 games all the way!

"Oh, my God, we have reached the number of four wooden generals, and the speed is fast. I don't know how many times. Are we going to break the record?" The beasts exclaimed.

The four wood generals clenched their fists and said angrily:

"This hateful boy, won't his strength be exhausted? My challenge is to leave the last wooden fighting beast to control it without killing, and then slowly restore the consumed power of the law. It's almost time to kill and enter the next game!"

"This bastard boy has been fighting all the time without stopping. How can there be such a human race with strong persistence?"

Soon, er Niu killed the last wooden fighting beast and announced that Bai miserable entered 9528 challenges!

This attracted the cheers of countless monsters, "Oh! The record is broken, strong, strong, strong!"

Although Bai miserable was an outsider in tianwu world, he won their respect at this moment.

The strong, no matter in which world, will win respect!

"Er Niu, it's almost 10000 games. Come on!" Bai Zhen encouraged.

Er Niu's practice actually consumes a lot. Although it doesn't consume as much as using Bing Dao patterns directly, it will also make Er Niu weak for a period of time.

"Brother Bai, don't worry, I can continue!"

With that, Erniu continued to attack and soon helped Bai to the first ten thousand massacres. At this time, Erniu had to take a rest

"Brother Bai, I'm so tired. I'll have a rest first..."

"It's hard. You can have a good rest. Leave the rest to me. Although it's much slower, it won't take a few days to deal with 10000 wooden fighting beasts."

"Well... Brother Bai, come on!"

After that, Bai miserably takes back Er Niu Dao, and then waits for the last challenge!

However, there was no wooden fighting beast this time, which made all monsters confused, because no one had seen the first 10000 challenges except the four wooden generals

"Isn't it the wooden fighting beast that appeared in the first ten thousand games?"

The demons thought!

Simu battle will begin to recall that the kings of the seven Jianshan mountains have actually challenged the Mudou field for ten thousand consecutive victories.

Only the sword king came to challenge, and the four wooden generals were closed, so no one knew what the test was!

The seven sword kings have challenged 10000 games, but they all failed in the 10000th game

Because the first ten thousand games are not the test of the youth Lord, but the set test from the supreme power!

Therefore, the king of the golden sword came to meet the green Lord many times and wanted to know the secret of Wan Liansheng at a high price, but he couldn't see it!

At this time, the voice of Aoki sea tree sounded again

"No, Terran boy, you have the potential of an invincible strong man and the first 10000 challenges. To be honest, it's not the challenge I gave you, but the challenge given to you by the supreme sword emperor. Accept the test of the sword emperor!"

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