Yin Fengwei gathered to one side, did not speak or attack, and quietly seemed to be waiting for someone to come.

The battle of Brokeback Mountain Villa has long been watched by many strong men of other forces.

But they are all watching from a distance and dare not go forward for fear of getting angry.

Seeing that the war suddenly stopped and there was no fluctuation for a long time, these strong melon eaters dared to come closer to see what happened.

However, it was found that Jianshi and 100000 Yinfeng guards were looking at each other and did not make a move peacefully, which made the melon eating people feel very uncomfortable.

Now the three sides have no action, quietly waiting for the passage of time!

Jianshi takes out the Tongyin stone and tells hydrologic and others about the situation here. However, Jianshi asks hydrologic and others to stay in Shuiyue cave for the time being.

Then Jianshi contacted Bai miserable with Tongyin stone and felt the change of Tongyin stone. Bai miserable quickly took it out and asked the guy, lion and chicken to input the power of the law.

"Senior Jian Shi, if you can contact me, it means you're all right." Bai miserable put down his worry and said.

"I'm fine, but I'm fine. All the other old guys who stayed to resist Yin Feng Wei are dead." Sword ten lonely said.


Bai miserable didn't say a word, but directly facing lengrufeng was a blow.

Bang Bang

"Ah! It's none of my business!"

"Ah, stop fighting!"

"Oh, my face!"

It's as cold as the wind!

The sword eleven array was curious and said, "white boy, who are you fighting?"

"It's as cold as the wind! His grandmother's killed so many people. I'll beat him first!" Bai miserable said while fighting.

"How did you catch him?"

Sword ten was stunned

Bai miserable tells Jianshi about the dragon and tiger Hall

After hearing this, Jianshi realized why 100000 Yin wind guards suddenly stopped. It turned out that cold as wind was caught by Bai miserably.

"Master Jian 10, I'm going back to Brokeback Mountain Villa now!"

Say, white miserable let the guy lion chicken go all out.

On the way, Bai miserable confirmed the situation of the next two girls.

Erniu told Bai miserable that although the power of the soldiers' Dao pattern was used, it was only a short time. The consumption was not particularly large. It was estimated that it would recover after a few months of rest.

So Bai miserably puts Er Niu into the birthday spirit pot and puts it with Jin Xinxin stone and GUI Ling blood cream.

Now Guiling blood cream has reached the level of jiupinling holy medicine, and Bai tragically and strangely found that the root of Guiling blood cream is attached to the golden soul stone.

After communication, it turned out that they became symbionts under the action of the spirit liquid of the birthday spirit pot.

Er Niu said that this situation may give birth to a very strange life.

Bai miserable will ignore it!


A month later!

Bai miserable returns to Brokeback Mountain Villa with cold wind!

Looking at the dilapidated broken sword mountain villa and the bodies of many strong people in broken sword mountain villa, Bai miserable couldn't help but ignite an unknown anger.

Jian Shi saw Bai miserable appear, hurriedly flew over and said, "white boy, how to deal with him?"

Leng Rufeng said, "Bai miserable, don't let me go. I'll leave the wasteland sword area immediately with Yin Feng Wei."

One hundred thousand Yin wind guards quickly surrounded Bai miserable and sword ten, and said in a fierce voice: "asshole, let my wife go, or there will be no amnesty!"

Bai miserable said to lengrufeng lightly, "I wanted to let you go, but I decided not to let you go when I saw that your men killed so many people and destroyed Brokeback villa!"


"Bai miserable, you have made an oath of heaven!"

Cold as the wind roared.

"Heaven swear? It can kill me!" Said Bai miserably.

"Hiss... You madman, dare not even pay attention to the oath of heaven. You'll die!"

It was as cold as the wind.

Bai miserable disobeys the oath of heaven, and an inexplicable force gathers here. He is as cold as the wind, and his face is pale. He is afraid that Bai miserable will die with him.

Bai miserable let the sword look so cold!

After a while

The power of heaven's oath broke out directly around Bai miserable. Bai miserable disappeared in an instant, leaving no trace.


Without demur, he looked at the white miserable man, and he thought he was going to make complaints about it. "I'm going! Brother, are you too fierce?"

Yin Fengwei and a group of melon eating audience were also stunned to see Bai miserable blown to ashes by the power of heaven's oath.

"What is this? Suicide?"

However, the next moment, their collective shocked eyes will pop out.

I saw Bai miserable recover quickly in the air!

After a while, Bai miserable full state resurrected.

There is not a hair missing except that you are naked!

The guy lion chicken catches Bai miserable. Bai miserable puts on a suit again, and then lightly says to Leng Rufeng: "the oath of heaven doesn't seem to kill me!"


It's as cold as the wind.

I thought Bai miserable was very strange and powerful before. Now I can't kill Bai miserable when I see the oath of heaven. What else can kill Bai miserable?

Is this guy a terrible strong man to experience life and pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger?

Bai miserable continued: "I'll give you a way to live now. Under the witness of everyone, you let all Yin Feng Wei explode to fight me with the power beyond the ten Heavenly peaks of the destiny realm. I promise to let you leave the wasteland sword field alive. Otherwise, I'll kill you now and fight them again!"


Leng Rufeng doesn't know Bai miserable's idea. He wants all his 100000 Yin wind guards to be arrested by the boundary guardian and put in the boundary prison!

"Impossible! Even if I order, they may not be willing. Change the terms!"

Bai miserable ignored the cold wind, but said faintly to 100000 Yin Feng Wei:

"Your madam Leng said that you wouldn't try your best to fight me in order to save him, so I want to try whether he is really unimportant."

With that, Bai miserably took out a cold family Sabre and directly cut off Leng Rufeng's hand!



Cold as the wind covers his hands, his painful face is pale, and he hates it. At the same time, he is very frightened. His hand is broken, and some natural materials and earth treasures can be recovered.

But if Bai miserable really killed him with a knife, he would be hopeless.

"Save me! If you don't save me, go back to Yin Feng hall. The hall Lord will also execute you, fight with him, kill him with all his strength and speed, and then escape from the wasteland!" Cold as the wind roared in pain.

Yin Feng Wei, look at me, I look at you

Leng Rufeng is right. The Lord of Yinfeng hall gave them orders and absolutely obeyed Leng Rufeng's orders.

If something happens to Leng Rufeng, they will all be executed, and the incidental family will be destroyed by the crazy woman!

The Yin Feng guards, who were forced to be helpless, had to burst out one after another to surpass the top ten days of the destiny realm. The weakest Yin Feng guards all have the power of the top twenty days of the destiny realm.

With such terrible strength, the strong people who watched the war were scared to flee without looking back.

"It's terrible. Broken sword mountain villa offended such a terrorist force. It's dead."

"Run away, you can't beat it!"

"One can sweep the whole barren sword field, not to mention nearly 100000. I hope it won't affect the whole barren sword field..."

Sword ten is amazing. The Yin wind guard is so powerful!

Bai miserable was fearless and handed cold as the wind to sword ten.

"Master Jian 10, you just need to watch him. If Yin Feng Wei dares to come near you, kill him. He has no accomplishments now. Any strength can kill him!"


Leng Rufeng was shivering. He knew this would be the case. He would not avenge the Leng family and went straight back to the Yin wind area.

It's been bad luck for eight generations to meet Bai miserable, and it's as cold as the wind. I always feel that Bai miserable won't let him go easily. People who are not afraid of death will still be afraid of fame?

Sword ten said he understood and let Bai miserable be careful.

After all, there are so many terrible Yin Feng guards. Jianshi can't imagine how Bai miserable will deal with them.

"Don't worry, elder, it's just a group of vegetable chickens. They don't even have the qualification to tickle me!"


With that, Bai miserable directly displayed "emptiness and emptiness", floated to the sky, mocked the Yin wind guards and said, "come on, rookies!"

"Go! Speed killed him!"

After a Yin Feng Wei roars, all Yin Feng Wei erupt into the most powerful attack means and blast to Bai miserable.

It's amazing that the guardian of the realm feels so much power beyond the ten Heavenly peaks of destiny!

"What a death wish!"

The United States stall owner rushed to Brokeback Mountain Villa at an angry speed!

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