At the time of the great shock in the tianwu world, Bai miserable was in the wind swallowing bag, fighting with a tool spirit.

"I say you're a mallet. Do you understand that the overall situation is important?"

Bai miserably hates iron and doesn't become steel. He looks at the spirit of the wind swallowing bag, the spirit of a snake.

The snake spirit angrily said, "hum! I don't care if heaven and earth are destroyed. I will only complete my mission."

"Hey! I'll go! Your dead mallet, you can let me out if you don't let me out. Go and tell the people of Yin Feng hall the secret of heaven and man. Will you die?"

Bai was so angry.

These days, Bai miserable wants to communicate with the spirit of swallowing the wind bag, hoping to persuade it, and then let the spirit take the initiative to release himself. Unexpectedly, the snake spirit is an elm head and can only do its ghost mission, ignoring everything else.

"You call me dead mallet again, and I'll hit you!"

The snake spirit manipulates the wind swallowing bag, and the wind blade turns into a wind blade tornado. He wants to kill Bai miserable, but all the attacks are penetrated by Bai miserable and have no effect at all.

"You are so annoying and hateful that you can't be killed. The snake spirit doesn't like you. It will trap you forever and annoy you!"

The snake spirit tooted his mouth and said angrily.


"If Er Niu wasn't recovering and couldn't interfere with it, I would never force a knife to chop your dead mallet!"

Bai miserable continued to fight with the snake spirit.


Secondary domain, white hill domain, white wolf sect!

Langbei's four heavenly men started the altar for several days and finally contacted the Lord of heaven Avenue.

When the four heavenly beings stop instilling the power of heavenly soul, the guardians of the nine realms of tianwu can't feel the power of heaven and man at the same time.

"No! The power of heaven and man has disappeared! I can't feel it."

Feng Li exclaimed.

"Continue to search with all your strength. Heaven and man must be planning some amazing plan. If you can't find it, it's estimated that a great disaster will come!"

The nine level realm Guardian shouted anxiously.

Now, in the endless world, a six gate master led 36 students to rearrange the pattern of the endless world because the Tianzhi family had previously attacked and assassinated the inheritors of the reincarnation emperor.

Therefore, the safety of the tianwu realm is guarded by the guardians of the nine realms.

If the nine of them can't find out heaven and man as soon as possible and confirm their plans, they will become sinners!


White Wolf sect forbidden area!

Four heavenly beings knelt on the altar.

"Welcome the Lord of heaven Avenue!"

Fog slowly appeared over the altar, and then formed a pair of black hole like eyes.

"Your task has not been completed. Why contact me in advance? Is there any change?"

The level of the heavenly family is strict. Even if wolf Bei makes mistakes, wolf Bei is still the captain of the four person team. If you answer, you can only be represented by Wolf Bei.

Wolf Bei said respectfully, "tell the Lord of heaven avenue that I have made a big mistake and am a sinner of the family of heaven!"

With that, wolf Bei told the Lord of heaven Avenue about the white tragedy.

"Bai miserable? It's a familiar name. Heitian seems to have mentioned it. Huang Tian also said it. Unexpectedly, a hairy boy mastered the immortal secret method and inadvertently broke my sneak attack on the tianwu world."

"Lord of heaven Avenue, what should I do now?" Asked wolf Bei respectfully.

"Chongtian, you have made such a big mistake. The whole family of chongtian will be punished for you!

”Yes! "

The wolf was trembling.

At the moment, wolf Bei hated white miserably.

"So far, the Tianji transmission array's plan to sneak attack on tianwu world has been cancelled. It will concentrate the forces to the dead Tianchi, soul Tianchi and white bone Tianchi, take them to any small world in tianwu world and open an access port. Then, the four of you can return to their respective positions and prepare to die for the Tianzhi family."



After that, the projection of the Lord of heaven Avenue disappeared, and the altar collapsed into air.

The four heaven and man looked at each other and hurried to deploy.


Endless world!

The ancient boundary of heaven!

Five pairs of terrible eyes appeared, and each eye was like an incomparably huge black hole.

"God, the plan failed?" A boulevard Master said faintly.

"Failed. It was accidentally cracked by a little guy named Bai miserable. Now, I want to kill."

"Another white tragedy! What's his strength and talent? Does he have the qualification to become a sect leader?"

When the sky heard the question from the dark sky, it was very depressed and said faintly:

"According to chongtian's account, it hasn't reached the law realm yet. It's still the initial realm of Linghui realm in tianwu realm."



The avenue owners vomited blood in their hearts.

"You mean, a mole ant in the early stage of Linghui territory broke your game?"

The dark sky was stunned.

"Well, he seems to have mastered the secret of immortality. He can die and rise again. It is estimated that he has obtained the means of Lvji, the goddess of life."

"Next, how did you arrange it?" Another avenue Lord said in a low voice.

"Let the four little guys build a boundary road access to the small world with the strength they have collected for many years, and prepare to slowly open up a new boundary road, and then raid the tianwu world!" The sky said faintly.

"Do we need to use our dark chess in other big worlds?" Said the light during the day.

"No, it's not necessary for the time being."

"I see. Let's get ready!"

Say it, five pairs of terrible eyes disappear!


A few days later!

Level 3 domain, Yin wind domain, Yin wind hall!

Suddenly, the red scale Yin snake statue erupted into a powerful red light, and the Yin snake cave stopped shaking.

Yin Gong Zhuo and a group of strong red scale Yin snakes looked at the holy image in shock.

"What's going on?"

A red scale Yin snake, the strong one smacks his tongue.

When the red light reached the extreme, a terrible threat appeared, frightening all the strong in the Yin Feng hall.

The head of a beautiful girl began to appear from the statue.

Subsequently, the upper body also appeared, wrapped in red light, beautiful and moving.

Yin Gong Zhuo was shocked when he saw the girl

"How? It's the little girl named Ouyang LAN!"

When Ouyang Lan's lower body appeared, he was completely shocked by Yin Gong Zhuo and a group of strong red scale Yin snakes.

Because, at the moment, Ouyang Lan's lower body is actually a snake body, or a snake body similar to the red scale Yin snake, but it is more noble, mysterious and powerful than the red scale Yin snake.


Yin Gong Zhuo exclaimed.

The strong men of red scale Yin snake saw Ouyang Lan's half man and half snake shape, coupled with the terrible suppression of blood, they fell down in panic.

"Meet Lord snake god!"

The Yin palace Zhuo trembled and said, "the biggest secret of the Yin wind hall is true. The holy image really has a startling inheritance, half man and half snake. This power, this pressure, this is the supreme inheritance of the snake Protoss. How can you get it by your little girl?"

Seeing that the Yin palace Zhuo didn't kneel down to worship the snake god, the strong red scale Yin snake immediately scolded: "Hall Lord, don't kneel to meet the snake god? Offending the snake god is a capital crime!"

Yin Gong Zhuo couldn't believe that a woman kidnapped by herself would suddenly become a snake god, which simply made her mind out of order.

Since the establishment of Yinfeng hall, every generation of hall owners will get a shocking secret, and the holy statue of red scale Yin snake has been greatly inherited.

The boundary guardians also perceive the existence of the holy image. Therefore, the boundary guardians will take special care of the Yinfeng hall and hope that there will be a peerless figure in the Yinfeng hall.

As a child, Yin Gong Zhuo, who was the successor of the next generation of temple Lord, was instructed by the guardian of the secondary domain.

The hall masters of all dynasties tried to get this inheritance, but without exception, they failed, and Yin Gong Zhuo failed.

Unexpectedly, a little girl in the first level domain got it today. How can Yin Gong Zhuo be reconciled.

Yin Gong Zhuo was obsessed with whether to obey the arrangement of fate and submit to ouyanglan, or challenge fate. Before ouyanglan grew up, he destroyed her and seized her inheritance.

Just when Yin Gong Zhuo was tangled, Ouyang Lan said to Yin Gong Zhuo indifferently and nobly: "hand over brother Bai and encourage you to die!"


Yin Gong Zhuo was very angry. A yellow haired girl rode on her head immediately after she got the inheritance of the holy image.

Seeing that Yin Gong Zhuo didn't respond, Ouyang LAN gently raised her hand and waved it at will. A red light smashed at Yin Gong Zhuo fiercely.

The shocked Yin Gong Zhuo tried his best to resist, but when he touched, he was blown away by the red light, vomited blood in his mouth, paralyzed, seriously injured and couldn't afford to fall to the ground

"How... How... So... Strong? How long did she get inherited...?"

Yin Gong Zhuo looked at Ouyang LAN with great fear.

Other strong red scale Yin snakes were too scared to move and lay on the ground piously.

"I've been merciful just now. I'll ask you again. Will you hand it in or not?"

Ouyang Lan said, staring at Yin Gong Zhuo with killing intention.

"Snake god, spare my life. I'll hand it over. Please forgive me for the sake of protecting and inheriting the snake god from generation to generation in Yinfeng hall!"

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