The dust settled and the White House was in ruins

Unexpectedly, the ghost Xiu of the corpse soul family was an elder disciple of Qingyang sect. Bai miserable's eyes coagulated. It seems that this clue is very clear

When he was the leader of Qingyang sect, Qingfeng, wearing a sword, he didn't find that he practiced this kind of ghost skill. Maybe it was the ghost behind the scenes who practiced in Qingyang sect.

So... Go to Qingyang sect to confirm anyway. Of course, Bai miserable is not stupid enough to go to Qingyang sect with a sledgehammer.

If Qingyang sect is really the home of ghost repair, it's hard to think of it.

Bai miserable decides to go to Nanding city first and find some help.

After thinking about it, Bai miserable went out of Bai's house with a sledgehammer and saw the dense people outside Bai's house

Of course, standing in the front are the Li family, as well as commander Shen Gonghu and others

Li Neng was stunned when he saw Bai miserable. "Where are my daughter Li Ge and elder Fang Qiu?"

Facing such a retarded question, Bai miserable is too lazy to answer.

The sledgehammer said loudly, "Li Ge of the Li family and the elder of the Qingyang sect have been killed by our young master for cultivating evil demons and crooked ways, offering sacrifices to living people and swallowing cannibals."


The crowd screamed and couldn't accept it for a moment. They always wanted their disciples to enter the sect. Now tell me that the elder disciples are evil?

Bai miserable gestured to commander Shen Gonghu to tell the situation of the city Lord's house. Shen Gonghu saw it and announced the affairs of the city Lord's house

Many people who escaped from the underground secret room of the city Lord's residence can testify that this time they burst open the pot

Zhao Baishan, the city Lord, was a disciple of Qingyang sect before. Everyone knows that he is also refining the living people

Is what the boy said true? The ghost roar from the Bai family is really elder Fang and Li Ge of Qingyang sect? Is Qingyang sect really evil?

When Li Neng heard that Li Ge was dead, his face was bloodless. It was rare for his head to shine. Once Li Ge was a demon, his Li family would be destroyed

"No, he's bullshit. They're evil devils. They're two devils!" Li can yell quickly.

The crowd looked at Bai miserable and sledgehammer suspiciously. Bai miserable didn't bother to pay attention to Li Ge's father and said to commander Shen Gonghu, "where are the people who were found to have been poisoned by corpses and souls in white fog city?"

"Lord Hui, they are in the city Lord's residence, but they are very irritable and become bloodthirsty..."

Bai Nai knows... It seems that they were poisoned by Zhao Baishan's corpse soul, and Zhao Baishan is dead, so no one controls them, so the corpse soul poison will change

Bai smiled miserably, "if you want to confirm who is the evil devil, then go to the city master's residence with me!"

Soon a large group of people gathered in the city master's residence!

The Li family were also forced to bring them here. They looked at the faces of the people poisoned by the corpse's soul, ferocious and bloodthirsty.

There are also a pile of terrorist bodies moved out of the basement by Shen Gonghu's orders, as well as the bodies of Zhao Baishan.

Many people in white fog city turned pale with fear, and some even fell to the ground

"Everyone, watch it. These people are poisoned by corpse soul. They can be detected with Lingshui..." Bai miserable pointed to the people tied up and said.

Shen Gonghu asked someone to bring a bowl of Lingshui. Bai miserable poured some on a poisoned head

Suddenly black gas came out, and the man was shouting and screaming!

"Lao Xu!"

The man's family cried out sadly, and then knelt down to Bai miserable and begged, "Sir, please save my husband!"

Bai miserable motioned her to rest assured and faced the crowd, "see? The spirit water of heaven and earth can detect filth and evil..."

See everyone nodding

Bai miserable then pours the spirit water on his head and the sledgehammer head. When they see that there is no black gas, they believe that Bai miserable and his wife... Are not evil devils

Bai miserably said, "gentlemen, can I be trusted this time?"

If everyone in white fog city replied Bai miserable, then... Li Ge and Fang Changlao are really evil demons

The Li family trembled, and Li Neng muttered in horror, "it's over, it's over, my Li family is completely over..."

Bai miserably takes out Bai Zhu and begins to detoxify these people who are poisoned by corpses... A trace of ghost gas and black gas are absorbed by Bai Zhu

Bai miserable learned from starling that corpse soul poison is a special ghost Qi secret method of corpse soul clan. It can make the controlled people use corpse soul poison, control them and let them obey their orders. Even if they die, they will not hesitate

The spirit water is the pure water between heaven and earth. It can make people who are poisoned appear, but it can't solve the corpse soul poison

Bai miserable Bai Zhu can detoxify the corpse soul... Bugs Bunny has been surprised, but he still can't remember what Bai Zhu is.

When the group returned to normal, they returned to their families.

Bai miserable looked at Li Neng and said faintly, "commander Shen Gonghu, the Li family colluded with evil demons and crooked ways, so I'll leave it to you."

Shen Gonghu shouted directly, "take it!"

Others know that the Li family is completely over!


The hall of the city Lord's residence!

Bai miserable gives the money collected in Zhao Baishan's Najie to daytime, which is enough for him to rebuild Bai's family... Bai Xiu is temporarily arranged to rest in the city master's residence after being treated

Bai miserable took out another book of the Yellow level primary level of the innate skill "one gasification five whips"... And gave it to the daytime. When so many people in the Bai family were killed, kowtow and thank you during the daytime!

During the day, he broke through the sky and swept around the white fog city with the method of five whips. He became the strongest in the white fog city and was appointed as the new city master by the kingdom. Of course, this is what will be said later

The Fang family and the Huang family know that the Bai family will rise soon. They say face to face that they will follow the lead of the Bai family in the future. These Bai tragedies don't bother to reason

Explain to Shen Gonghu and report the affairs here to the Kingdom... The strong royal family should not sit idly by then. At least they will send someone to Qingyang sect to investigate, so that there will be another helper

Bai miserable stayed in the white fog city for a few more days and confirmed that there were no people poisoned by corpse and soul in the white fog city.

He flew to South Dingcheng by crane girl, and sledgehammer followed with Dahan.

"Er Niu, do you know this white pearl?"

"Brother Bai, I'm a little impressed. It seems that it's something only in a certain world. I can't remember..."

"Well, I don't care about it. It's like an antidote bead. Er Niu has worked hard for you these days..."

"It's not hard. Er Niu can't help brother Bai much. I saw that brother Bai was killed... I scared the baby to death. Fortunately, you live again... By the way, brother Bai, why can't you die?"

"Because... I'm destined to be a man standing on the top of the road..."

"Wow, then I'm the second girl of the man on the top of the Avenue!"

"Hahaha... Yes!"

Bai miserable suddenly shouted to the sledgehammer, "sledgehammer!"

"Young master, what's up?"

"It is said that you are also from Tianyun kingdom. Where is your home?"

"Young master Hui, my family is in Wangdu, the Li family, one of the three strongest families in the kingdom!"

"Oh? Then I went to Nanding city this time. After I went to Qingyang sect, I went to your house. You shouldn't have gone home for a long time?"

"Yes, young master, I also want to go back... To solve something. I thought of Nanding city and told the young master..."

"OK, that's it. Let's go together then!"

Sledgehammer was overjoyed. It would be much easier to go with the young master. "Thank you, young master!"

"Young master, do you want to keep a low profile when you go to Nanding city this time?"

"Yes, we can't lose the face of the beast king. We should keep a low profile and be a low-key man!"

"Yes, young master!"

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