"He seems to have killed himself!"

The worms don't understand.

"Really dead."

A bug will come to Bai miserable and confirm that Bai miserable is really dead.

"Er... It is estimated that this is a Terran teenager with water in his head. He directly suppresses his body here, so as to frighten the strong people who break into here later."

The leader will say faintly.

At this time, Bai miserable came back to life, and empty Jue Xu showed it again. He smiled at the insects and said:

"Gentlemen, I have given you a life. Should you give me the soul flower?"


The worms were startled, and a dead Terran boy came back to life strangely.

"Young man, I don't care what means you just used. If you come here, you won't leave easily."

The leader will shout angrily.

"So, are you trying to cheat? You'll feel better later, rascal!"

With that, Bai miserable flew directly towards the soul flower.

"Kill this Terran boy together!"

The insect generals shot one after another.

But the powerful attack of the insects also failed to break the space and could not shake the white tragedy.

"Can't you? Our attack can't touch him?"

"We are the realm of demon emperor!"

"Is this Terran too weird?"

The worms blew up the children.

The leader insect will shout angrily, "sacrifice the insect holy instrument and cut him off!"

After receiving the leader's order, many insects will release their own blood essence for sacrifice.

After a while, three strange weapons were fired from the cave wall, all of which were holy weapons.

The three strongest insects will directly kill white with a handful of insect holy vessels.

This time, the attack of the three insect generals can shake the space and pierce the space. They just want to get the white tragedy of the soul flower and are attacked in an instant.




Powerful power, let Bai miserable die in an instant!


Bai miserable was speechless for a while. Unexpectedly, the small world space was cut and could attack himself.

However, you will think of the introduction of the ability of emptiness and emptiness. It is also clear that emptiness and emptiness is equivalent to isolating a space. Once this space is broken, the attack can hurt white tragedy.


"The insect holy instrument is powerful, and the leader is powerful!"

Seeing Bai massacred, the other insects cheered.

But they were stunned by the scene. They saw that the white and miserable wound was recovering rapidly, and soon recovered completely.

And Bai miserable also resurrected in full state again, "it really hurts. I said, you bastards also have holy weapons!"


"Roar! He can't be resurrected all the time. Continue to kill him!"

The leader will roar, and the three strong deep-sea stiff insects will continue to attack baimiserable with insect holy ware.

This time, Bai miserable won't let them attack.

Bai miserable took out the basaltic armor and put it on. His strength and speed can reach the peak level of destiny realm.

For a moment, Bai moved miserably, so fast that the insect could not react, and directly grabbed three insect holy vessels.


The insects petrified them.

"Naughty insects, I see how many insect holy vessels you still have!"

With that, Bai miserably kneaded the three insect holy vessels into a ball, discarded them, and then threw them to the insect general.


Looking at a scrap iron like insect holy ware, the insect generals were frightened and panicked in their hearts.

Such a terrible speed, such a terrible power, coupled with the immortal means just now, all the insects trembled at this moment.

"How can there be such a terrible Terran young strong man?"

"Has he reached that level?"

"How can we defeat him? If the worm king doesn't come out, the dead worm sea cave is dangerous."

The worm will roar in despair.

Bai miserable doesn't care how these rascals roar. He just wants to get the soul flower first, and then teach them a good lesson.

When Bai miserable was like entering a no man's land, he was about to pick the soul flower. Suddenly, the whole stiff insect sea cave moved.

"What happened?"

Bai was stunned.



As if something woke up, an ancient breath came, and the terror of this breath was far beyond the boundary guardian.

"No, is there a strong person in the eternal realm in the Dragon world? It's too fake!"

Bai miserably smacked his tongue.

Suddenly, a huge air wave came out of the deepest wall of the sea cave.

Bai miserable was swept away by this wave before he could pick up the soul flower.

The insect generals felt the breath and fell down one after another. Their bodies trembled excitedly. "The insect King wakes up and the stiff insect sea cave is saved."

"Worm king?"

Bai miserable stabilized his figure and looked at the direction of the deepest cave wall in shock.

"Welcome the insect king to wake up!"

The insects will give a collective cheer.



The wall of the cave burst violently, and the unparalleled force directly pushed the sea water out of the huge sea cave.

For a moment, it became a huge void without sea water.

The deep-sea stiff insects of the whole stiff insect sea cave lie on their stomach, shivering and afraid to move.

Shi Xiaohao and little turtle also felt the breath of the incomparable strong.

"Here we are. There we are. I feel a great danger in my life. I don't know if the master will be all right!"

Shi Xiaohao said solemnly.

Wan Jianqi spirit also said solemnly, "little master, this breath is very old. It's maybe older than the old master. You haven't grown up yet. I suggest you quit the rigid insect sea cave and wait for your master outside."

Shi Xiaohao thought for a while, and then decided to say, "brother GUI, let's evacuate first and wait for the master outside."


As a result, Shi Xiaohao and Xiaogui quickly evacuated the stiff insect sea cave.



A thumb sized monster full of ancient flavor appears when the cave wall is broken. It is similar to a deep-sea stiff insect, but it is not. It is full of aperture. It is very strange.

An endless ancient language sounded from the mouth of the strange insect, "for many years, we have finally waited."

The insect generals didn't understand, but Bai miserable understood at once.

At the moment, Bai miserably thought, "is this strange insect waiting for someone?"

"The world starts from the beginning, or the world starts from the end!"

"The man who gathers the fate of the world, Bai miserable, old reincarnation worm, see!"

The reincarnation insect suddenly knelt down to Bai miserable.


Bai miserably takes back the basaltic armor, displays "emptiness and emptiness", and floats in front of the reincarnation insect.

Looking at the thumb sized ancient reincarnation worm, it was a confused circle.

"How did you know me?"

Bai miserable also said in the language of reincarnation worm.

"Want to know the answer? Come with me!"

The reincarnation insect said and returned directly to the broken cave wall.

Bai miserable kept up without saying a word, but collected the soul flower easily.

All the deep-sea stiff insects still lie motionless.

When Bai miserable stepped into the cave wall, he suddenly came to a strange world.

What is dark as like as two peas, partly hidden and partly visible, is the same as the iris of the reincarnation worm.

At this time, the reincarnation worm changed into an old man in white. With one move, the aperture of this place immediately condensed.

Soon, a special reincarnation light wheel was formed, which was very mysterious.

"Reincarnation worm, welcome the reincarnation emperor to appear!"

The reincarnation insect suddenly said a word, then knelt down with the reincarnation light wheel, and the reincarnation force poured into the reincarnation light wheel.

Then, the reincarnation light wheel seemed to release the long river of years, and a virtual shadow slowly appeared without any strong breath, but Bai miserable was inexplicably convinced that the virtual shadow was invincible.

At the moment when the virtual shadow of the reincarnation emperor appeared, the emptiness and emptiness disappeared automatically.

The reincarnation emperor's virtual shadow glanced at the emptiness and emptiness just now, and then smiled at Bai miserable and soft voice:

"Bai miserable, I'm the reincarnation emperor. I finally wait for you. This is a rubbing left before I fall. I can only tell you what I want to say to you. MY reincarnation body, Chen Mengqi, is estimated to have been successfully inherited."

Listening to the reincarnation emperor's words, Bai miserable has admired his five bodies to the ground. The reincarnation emperor can predict the existence of Chen Mengqi.

"The fate of the future world is on you. Whether all the world is destroyed or Reborn depends on you."

"Poof! Look at me? Look at a piece of wool. With my strength, I have the ability to decide the life and death of the world!"

I make complaints about my miserable life.

"The celestial sphere is the reincarnation center of the earth. The reincarnation light wheel of the rigid insect sea cave and the reincarnation dark wheel of the prison spirit abyss can awaken the reincarnation center of the earth. At that time, it can be brought back to the beast king continent to revive the reincarnation world."


Bai miserable was speechless for a while. "Since the heavenly mystery ball was taken away by Yunwu hall, it has long disappeared. What's the use of getting reincarnation light wheel and reincarnation dark wheel?"

The reincarnation emperor's virtual shadow seemed to know what Bai miserable thought, and then said:

"Don't be speechless. The mystery ball is in the hands of Yun Zhanxia. You can find it in the future!"


"Bai miserable, remember, when you can't make a choice, follow your heart."

After that, the virtual shadow of the reincarnation emperor dissipated.

The reincarnation light wheel returns to its original appearance, and the reincarnation insect's flesh has dried up, leaving only one breath.

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