After Bai miserable entered the boundary gate, he came to the familiar black water. As before, it was very corrosive.

However, there was no bright gate at the bottom of the water, that is, it was unable to enter the prison world and was completely closed.

Bai miserably had to use the dead turn to go upstream quickly.

There is no sun or moon in the water. I don't know how long it has been.


Bai miserable's nose was caught by something.

"Sleeping trough! What caught my nose? Ah, it hurts..."

Ren Xuan, the supreme elder of mingzong, who was fishing for treasure in Mingshen gate, was suddenly surprised.

"Three years, three whole years, finally caught treasure."

The leader of the order sect Bu Youtian and others were overjoyed, "come on! The supreme elder, pull it up and see if it's a treasure that can go out."

Said, Ren Xuanmeng pulled hard and immediately pulled out a lively man.

"Hey! Sleeping trough!"

Looking at the ugly freak whose whole body was corroded, bu Youtian and others were scared back.

The painful white tragedy can only wait quietly for the end of the death turn, and then resurrect and recover.

"Elder Tai, you seem to have caught a monster."

Bu Youtian said in fear.

"It looks like a human monster."

Ren Xuan nodded and said.

"No, he has hands and feet and is still wailing. It should be a person!"

The ancestor of mingzong commented on his sorrow in the rain.

"If you want to know whether he is a man or a monster in the Heihe River, give him a knife to see his blood. It's human blood. It's still easy to distinguish."

The father of mingzong Yun Wai believed in echoing the Tao.

"I'll come. Don't get close. In case it's a cruel monster, I'll die better than everyone else."

Wang Defa, the last ancestor of mingzong, pulled out his Sabre and said.

Bu Youtian four people gave Wang Defa a great look.

"Wang Laozu, you go. In case you fall, we can also set up a monument here for you."

Ren Xuan said seriously.


Wang Defa's mouth is slightly tilted and his brain is blue. These four pits are the same as my death.

Then, Wang Defa carefully came to Bai miserable and stabbed Bai miserable's ass.



Bai miserable, lying face down, uttered a strange cry and gushed in his heart, "which bastard stabbed me in the ass. wait until I recover and see if I don't kill you."

As soon as Wang Defa pulled out his knife, he immediately sprayed a blood column from his white ass and directly sprayed Wang Defa's face.

"My hair! Dying, dying, dying..."

Wang Defa jumped up and down in surprise.

Walking around the sky, the four hurried away from Wang Defa for fear that Wang Defa would be infected by ominous creatures and become a monster.

For a while

Wang Defa calmed down, licked the white blood, and his face was happy, "hmm? It's human blood. He's really a person, not a monster!"

Then, Wang Defa looked at the four people walking in the distance with a black face, and suddenly his heart was angry.

These four bastards, despite their friendship for many years, are blessed together. It's hard for me to be!

After thinking about it, Wang Defa shouted in an unhappy tone: "all four of you come here. This is not a monster, it's a person!"

Hearing what Wang Laozu said, the four hurried over to ask for warmth.

"Oh, Lao Wang, it's hard for you."

"Lao Wang, come on, wipe your face!"

"Father Wang, you are the pillar of my life clan!"

"Ancestor Wang, you are worthy of being the ancestor I admire all my life."


Wang Defa despised the four people for a while.

At this time, Bai miserable's death finally came, and there was no breath.

Looking at the white tragedy of the sudden death, the five people were stunned.

"Wang Laozu, did you stab him too hard just now, so you stabbed him to death?"

Walk around the sky and smack your tongue.


Wang Defa wondered, "no, not to mention stabbing his ass won't die."

Suddenly, Ren Xuan was shocked and retreated, "lying in the trough! The body has changed!"

The other four people looked at Bai miserable and saw that Bai miserable's body recovered quickly.

"Lying trough!"

In this strange space, what strange phenomena or even ominous phenomena will exist in Heihe River, which all five people take for granted.

So, the top pillars of the five FU Tu domain life sects, like quails frightened, looked at the recovered white tragedy with trembling.

Soon, the naked white man stood up slowly, and a cold voice sounded:

"Which bastard stabbed me in the ass?"

When Bu Youtian saw Bai miserable, they immediately issued an unbelievable cry, "lying in the slot! It's you! Little brother!"

Bai miserable, who wanted to cut people, was stunned after seeing the appearance of the five people in Buyu sky.

"Hey? I'll go. It's you, the five predecessors of mingzong!"

Soon, Bai miserable figured it out. He came out of the gate and entered Heishui. He should have returned here through the Heihe River.

Five people gathered around and stared at Bai miserably as if they were ghosts.

"Little brother, it's been three years. We thought you died in Heihe River. Why did you come back intact?"

Wang Defa felt it and said to Bai miserable.

"You old glass, don't touch it. I'm stuck in the Heihe River. There's just a safe space there. It's not easy to get away, so I'm hooked on my nose."

Bai miserable casually made an excuse and said.

"Didn't you just die? Why did you live again? What's the matter with this injury?"

Bu Youtian asked puzzled.

"God bless me, let me get a healing treasure in that space. Unexpectedly, this treasure can let me die and resurrect once and recover my injury."

Bai miserable continued to deceive.

Then Bai miserable had a brief chat with the five people.

They always remember the time. Three years have passed.

The time here is synchronized with the time of tianwu world. Therefore, three years have passed in tianwu world.

"By the way, who just stabbed me in the ass?"

Bai miserable asked casually.

"Er... It's me. I'm not sure if the little brother is a monster in the Heihe River, so I want to confirm."

Wang Defa said honestly.

Listen to Wang Defa and others stabbing themselves in the ass for safety, Bai miserable won't tangle.

"I see! The elder is a man of temperament!"

But what makes Bai miserable depressed is that when he agreed to return to tianwu world, how could he return to this different space?

Do you really want to stay here for 100000 years?

cheat your papa!

It hurts to think of being here.

Therefore, Bai miserable got to know the five strong men of mingzong one by one. It's hard to say that he will spend 100000 years with them.

When Bai miserable and others were helpless, the life God gate reappeared strangely.

"Look! That's..."

Always pay attention to the sky, Ren Xuan exclaimed.

"God has mercy, and our ancestors bless us. We should not die!"

Wang Defa and others wept with joy.

After that, the six quickly jumped up and went out through the life God gate to return to the life sect and the tianwu world!

At the same time that the door of life God was opened, an earth shaking event happened in the demon world!

The demon lotus phenomenon appeared in the whole sky demon world, shocking countless strong people!

The first forbidden mountain in the demon world is Tailian demon mountain!

At the top of the mountain, a strange twelve grade demon lotus blooms. In the demon lotus, there is a woman who surprises the world.


The top leaders of the heaven demon world felt it and came to the foot of the Tailian demon mountain to look at the demon lotus on the top of the mountain.

These big men are either the strongest of the demon king's power, or the strong of the ancient demon family, or the top strong of the four emperor demon family

There are countless other strong people coming one after another. It seems that the famous strong people in the whole TIANYAO world have come.

What's more terrible is that some demon king level leaders project from the endless world through the inheritance treasures left, just waiting for the woman in the demon lotus to wake up.


With a whisper, the demon lotus woman who stunned everyone woke up.

"Where is this? Who am I?"

Feeling the countless crowds at the foot of the mountain, the woman got up, lotus step by step and stepped down.

Everyone was stunned when they saw the women in Lotus clothes walking down the Tailian demon mountain. Even if it was the projection of the demon king, they could not describe the woman's amazement in words at the moment.

All forces have only one idea in their hearts to bring the woman born of the demon lotus into the door.

The woman who can make the whole demon world change can see how terrible her talent will be. There is no doubt about it.

When women hovered over them, all powerful men opened their mouths and invited women into their power.

The woman ignored the crowd, but looked at the sky and suddenly heard a voice in her head, "Tianluo Vientiane, the top of snow mountain, demon lotus, invincible in the world!"

Then, the woman said faintly, "since then, my name is Luo Tianxue. I am the only invincible person in the world!"

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