Suddenly, heaven and earth turned pale, dark clouds covered, lightning and thunder, and the wind was strong, as if heaven and earth were mourning.

"What's going on?"

"Why are there changes?"

Countless people were surprised.

Niu Nan looked at the sky and muttered, "it seems that grandma is right. The real dragon spirit of the Dragon crying mountain will disappear between heaven and earth and no longer exist!"

After hearing this, Bai Pang whispered, "brother Nan, didn't the Dragon cry before the day changed?"

"Of course not. It's normal for the real dragon to cry. The dragon spirit is now. There won't be such a change. This change is because the real dragon spirit is going to dissipate."

Niu Nan sighed.

Bai miserable and others smack their tongue. Is the dragon spirit going to dissipate?

Isn't it that there will be no dragon crying day and no Dragon Spirit baptism in the future?

Just when everyone was shocked, the huge dragon cry suddenly rang through the whole dragon cry mountain.

Its voice is like thunder, mixed with sadness, with a bleak autumn wind and the charm of the end of the strong.

Bai miserable was stunned.

"What a real dragon crying!"

Starling smacks his tongue.

Suddenly, longwai mountain gathered the power of the laws of heaven and earth around it. For a moment, the power of the laws of the whole longwai mountain was very strong.

Countless strong people quickly meditate and practice, and don't waste any precious time.

You know, one day of cultivation on the Dragon crying day is equivalent to a hundred years of cultivation!

"Brother Bai, go to the stone steps and stand. The real dragon spirit will appear. At that time, the baptism of the Dragon Spirit will begin."

Dongli whispered quickly.

So Bai miserable and Niu Xiaojin quickly went to the stone steps and stood in their respective positions.

The young strong men of other sects also came to the stone steps and stood in their position.

Soon, the whole longwai mountain began to release a faint golden light. The golden light condensed in mid air, and a lifelike, powerful and domineering Golden real dragon in the form of Oriental divine dragon appeared.

"Lying trough! The two pits of Niunan and Starling are nonsense. It is clear that such a powerful and majestic real dragon is so disgusting as they say."

Speechless make complaints about the real dragon spirit.

Starling nibbled at the radish and said faintly, "where am I talking nonsense? Brother Bai, look, isn't the real dragon covered with iron pimples?"


"I iron you a big chicken leg. That's the dragon scale!"

Make complaints about the miserable life.

Starling's mouth shriveled for a while, and he was very disgusted. He whispered, "cut! It's the real dragon. Even the living real dragon has not been suppressed by the previous generation. No, it's the whole real dragon family!"

Looking at as like as two peas, incapable of further increase in the heart of the dragon, the heart of white miserable heart is almost unmatched.

On earth, I am the descendant of the dragon. For the divine dragon, it is the belief of Chinese civilization and inviolable sanctity.

The real dragon spirit is very huge, almost the same size as the Dragon cry mountain. The dragon head is facing the top of the dragon head mountain. It is white and miserable.


Suddenly, the real dragon spirit roared up to the sky, and then spewed golden power at thirty stone steps.

"Look! The baptism of the true dragon spirit has begun!"

The strong exclaimed.

Bai miserable and others were all over for a while, and quickly felt the baptism of the real dragon spirit.

Bai miserable found that when this golden energy impacted the body, the whole body was warm and the impurities in the body were automatically discharged.

Moreover, at this moment, you will get twice the result with half the effort, as if you were in the ocean of cultivation resources.

Therefore, Bai miserably runs "green wood formula" and "platinum formula".

This time, Bai miserable can clearly feel that his true strength has been steadily improved.

This made Bai miserable burst into tears. "Niang xipi finally experienced the pleasure of cultivation."

Thinking, Bai miserable roared excitedly, "come on, let the storm come more violently!"

The others were almost possessed by Bai miserable's excited roar. Fortunately, everyone was a genius among geniuses, so there was no accident.

"Shit, what's wrong with Bai miserable's God pit?"

People make complaints about themselves.

For a time, the whole dragon crying mountain was strangely quiet, and all creatures were practicing quietly.

Only the Golden Dragon Spirit in the sky is crying and roaring, releasing the last glory.

"Brother Bai, do you feel that the real dragon spirit is a little like the Dragon Spirit at the bottom of the Dragon Mountain in the beast mountain range?"

Er Niu suddenly said.

Bai miserable, while controlling his body cultivation, transmitted the sound of his soul to the channel of Erniu ditch: "no? The real dragons should be almost the same!"

"Brother Bai, the real dragon is similar in length, but the breath of each real dragon is unique. The breath of the real dragon spirit is the same as the breath released by the keel pulse. It should be related."

Er Niu said.


This startled Bai.

It would be very interesting if the real dragon spirit of the Dragon crying mountain is really the same as the dragon vein of the beast king mainland beast mountain.

"Did the old king of beasts take a golden dragon out of its bones, bury the dragon spirit here and bring the dragon vein to the king of beasts?"

Bai miserable thought in his heart.

Then Bai miserable tries to use his soul to communicate with the real dragon spirit.

But after trying for a while, there was no response.

"Brother Bai, it's useless. The real dragon spirit is just a bit of the real dragon's residual knowledge and can't communicate."

As she said this, er Niu exclaimed, "a little disabled knowledge can still have such power. Presumably, the real dragon was so powerful that even the old master might not be its opponent."


White sucks his tongue.

what the hell!

Is the king of the five elements Avenue not its opponent?

How terrible the strong man who killed it!

After being surprised, Bai miserable practiced wholeheartedly again to see if he could break through the central state with the help of this baptism.

One day passed quickly, and the real dragon spirit had been extremely diluted, as if it would collapse in the next second.

At this time, the real dragon spirit stopped emitting golden energy, but looked up at a place in the sky and roared fiercely!

At the end of this direction of the sky, across the distance of countless eras in the tianwu world, there was an extremely huge invisible figure, carrying an ancient huge coffin and walking in the boundless darkness.

This figure is so huge that it will make people despair. I'm afraid his eyes are no smaller than the beast king mainland.

With a wave, you can smash the whole magic cow field.

Suddenly, the huge figure stopped, looked at the direction of the magic cow domain in the tianwu world, and knelt down on one knee.

Then the huge figure got up and continued to walk aimlessly with the coffin in the dark, as if to go to the end of the world until the world was destroyed!

Dragon cry mountain!

After the real dragon spirit roared, it began to dissipate, and there was a light golden rain in the sky.

Just as it was about to dissipate, a whisper from the depths of the true Dragon Spirit's consciousness sounded, "don't make atonement for me!"

After that, the real dragon spirit collapsed and disappeared between heaven and earth without any trace.

Others may not understand the last whisper of the real dragon spirit, but Bai miserable understood it.

"Don't make atonement for me?"

"What does that mean?"

Bai miserable looked at the dissipated real dragon spirit and was puzzled for a while.

At this time, the strong of nine schools and five gates shouted in horror

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