Thunder Mountain!

In the heart of the magic cow domain.

Although it is a mountain, it is dark instead of lush vegetation.

There are only some scorched black wood everywhere and black rock smoking.

It was not burned by fire, but split by falling thunder.

Jinglei mountain is baptized by lightning all year round.

Even without the existence of magic cloud cave, not many creatures will set foot here.

In order to see the strong people in the magic cloud cave, many strong people who came to the magic cow domain built a sect and even a country outside the Jinglei mountain.

Therefore, Jinglei mountain has developed to today and formed a unique and strange scene.

Jinglei mountain is a forbidden place for execution, but outside Jinglei mountain, it is very lively.

Crackle! Crackle!

There seems to be a sea of thunder over Jinglei mountain, and thunder falls from the sky from time to time.

Moreover, the power of these falling thunder is very strong. Even those who are strong in the earth soul realm and the thirty heaven realm will be hurt if they don't pay attention.

Of course, such visions of heaven and earth also lead to many amazing treasures in Jinglei mountain range.

For example, thunder grass, thunder flower, thunder wood, thunder heart stone, etc. These are envious treasures.

However, these treasures are not easy to see. They need great opportunities and great strength.

It is also rumored that if anyone can find Lei Ling in Jinglei mountain, he can get the invitation of magic cloud cave.

Therefore, forces outside Jinglei mountain often send strong people into Jinglei mountain to look for Lei Ling.

But after so many years, only a few people found it, and they all got the chance of magic cloud cave.


That day, Bai miserable finally arrived at Jinglei mountain.

Looking at the endless thunder sea ahead, Bai was stunned, so he collected the red level black boat in the air, displayed the emptiness and floated on the edge of the thunder sea.

"Hiss... What a big thunder cloud!"

Bai miserable exclaimed.

This thunder cloud covers the whole Jinglei mountain range, and the size of Jinglei mountain range is several times that of longwai mountain range, which shows its vastness.

Almost no one knows where the magic cloud cave is in Jinglei mountain.

The map given by Dongli Yufeng only marked the location of Jinglei mountain, not the location of magic cloud cave.

"I knew that when I was on the top of Longshou mountain, I gave Niu Nan a tone stone, so it was convenient to inform him to pick me up."

White miserable, a burst of depression.

Then, Bai miserable decides to ask in a busy city outside Jinglei mountain to see if anyone knows the direction of magic cloud cave.

So Bai miserable flew directly to the city.

This city is called Leiyun city and belongs to Leiyun sect.

Lei yunzong, in this area, is the absolute overlord.

It is said that Lei Yun, the leader of the first generation of Lei yunzong, found Lei Ling by chance. Then he was invited by the magic cloud cave, got no chance and founded Lei yunzong.

Bai miserable wanted to go directly to the city Lord's residence to ask, but he saw a Wanbao building not far away.

Bai miserably remembers that when he was in the wasteland sword area, Chenxin, the building owner of Wanbao building, gave himself a Wanbao order.

At the thought of Wanbao building, there are countless treasures, and there are countless cultivation resources.

Therefore, Bai miserable decides to go to Wanbao building first, sweep and buy with Wanbao order, and then go to the city master's house.

When Bai miserable stepped into the Wanbao building in the level six domain, he was amazed.

Compared with the Wanbao building in the first-class domain, the pattern here is too arrogant.

Moreover, there are more and more treasures here, and the flow of people is naturally enough.

Of course, the layout of Wanbao building is similar to that of Wanbao building in Huangjian area, but there is one more floor here.

Bai miserable knows that there are various treasure stalls on the first floor. If you want to buy the natural materials and earth treasures needed for cultivation, you can get the third floor.

There are all kinds of elixirs and elixirs.

In the sixth level domain, there are at least Jiupin holy medicine and Jiupin elixir, which are valuable.

Soon, Bai miserable came to the third floor, where the flow of people was even more terrible,

After all, treasures are bought by local tyrants with spare money, while cultivation resources are needed by everyone.

And there are often strong people who need to take risks in Jinglei mountain, so they need to restore the elixir and so on.

Bai Nai found the strong man of Wanbao building and asked, "excuse me, where is the landlord on the third floor?"


The service strongman of Wanbao building looked at the extremely ordinary white tragedy for a while. "Who are you? Do you have an appointment with the owner of the third floor?"

Bai miserable shook his head. In order not to let people know that he is Bai miserable from Longshou mountain, Bai miserable used a false name and said with a smile:

"My name is day shift. I'm new here and want to make a big deal with the owner of the third floor of Wanbao building."


The strong man looked at Bai miserable carefully and found that Bai miserable didn't have the momentum of the strong, and he was not a famous young genius in this area.

Therefore, the strong man regarded Bai miserable as fooling him and wanted to see the lengtouqing of the third floor owner through him.

"Hum! I don't know. If you want to buy something, you can buy it here. You can't see me without the appointment of the third floor owner!"

The strong man said coldly.


White miserable speechless.

However, Bai miserable didn't say anything.

After all, this is someone else's territory, and I'm not a famous person. If I want to see the big people in Wanbao building, I can see them casually.

Suddenly, Bai miserable's eyes brightened and he thought to himself, "yes, well-known figures, I can be a master again and quickly cause a sensation here. In this way, I can attract the attention of the owners of Wanbao building."

Think of it and do it. Bai miserable runs directly back to the first floor!

Looking at Bai miserable who ran away happily for no reason, the strong man of Wanbao building muttered contemptuously, "it is estimated that he is mentally retarded!"

Bai Pang, who ran to the first floor, took out a board and pasted it with white paper, and then wrote with a black brush the nine big characters of "Shenjianshi Jianbao, children and old people are not deceived"!

Then, Bai miserable carried the board and swayed about like this

The people who came and went saw Bai miserable carrying the board and stopped in amazement, looking at the ugly big characters written by Bai miserable.

"God can judge the teacher and treasure, and children and old people are not deceived!"

"I'll go! Who's this young man? What a big tone! How dare he call himself a divine teacher!"

Countless people make complaints about it.

"I don't think I mean him. Maybe he carried it for some powerful treasure appraiser."

The strong guessed.

Who knows, Bai miserable said loudly at this time: "don't miss it when you pass by! I'm a new God appraiser. I've run out of money. Therefore, if I can find treasure for others, I'll give you a 50% discount. If I find a fake treasure, I'll lose 10000. Hello!"


People are speechless. You, a guy with no hair, dare to call yourself a god Kam teacher. You know, even the landlord of Wanbao building dare not call himself so.

There are so many people here. Naturally, there are strong people who despise Bai miserable and want to suppress Bai miserable's arrogance.

A strong man stood up, sneered and said, "boy, you say you are a divine appraiser. I'll give you a time to burn incense. If you can identify a good treasure for me, I'll give you ten times the price of the treasure itself. If you can't identify it, your cultivation will be wasted and your legs will be broken!"

It doesn't matter if you have more money but less money. The most important thing is to lead out the owner of Wanbao building, so that you can use Wanbao order to purchase Tiancai and Dibao for cultivation.

In fact, what Bai miserable doesn't know is that Chenxin gave him a Wanbao order, which is an extremely precious special thing.

As long as Bai miserable takes it out, he is the most distinguished guest of Wanbao building, and can be immediately received by the owner of Wanbao building in the six level domain.

Unfortunately, Bai miserable thought that the Wanbao order was only for discount. Therefore, he thought that Jianbao would attract the attention of the owner of Wanbao building.

Bai miserably saw that a fish took the bait automatically, so he put away the board, and then smiled confidently: "no problem!"

Who knows, the strong man took out a small incense with a long finger and lit it. It's clear that it's going to be pitiful!


Bai miserably and speechlessly looked at the smiling strong man, and then hurriedly appraised the treasure.

In case of bad luck, when the time comes, you will smash your signboard and hit your face in an instant

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