Soon, Bai miserable flew over a small thunder lake.

This lake has been cleaved by thunder all the year round, and has long formed a unique thunder spirit water. The thunder power contained in it is beyond the resistance of ordinary strong people in the earth soul environment.

"Starling, where is the elixir?"

Bai miserable said excitedly.

"At the bottom of the lake!"

Starling smelled in the animal training ring.

Starlings whose accomplishments have reached the demon holy land can smell the special smell of magic medicine in the animal training ring. This nose is countless times more spiritual than a dog's nose.

Bai miserable fell directly into the lake without saying a word.


That's cool. Only Bai miserable knows.

He couldn't stop trembling when he was struck by the lake. If it weren't for the dead turn support, I'm afraid Bai miserable couldn't move directly by electricity.

Chen Hongdong, who was outside, was stunned. "I wipe! Did I jump into the thunder lake?"

Is Chenxin hiding at the bottom of the lake?

No! Hiding at the bottom of Lei lake is not looking for death?

Did Chen Xin really not come?

Why did the day shift jump into Lei lake? Did you find any treasure?

Chen Hongdong, who is a little enlightened, finally has IQ online.

Since it is determined that Chenxin has not come to the magic cow domain, Chen Hongdong decides to take Bai miserable, and then contact the general wife.

However, Bai miserable's strength is very strong. It's a little difficult to catch him alone in Jinglei mountain.

The best way is to wait for the strong ones of Lei yunzong to come, and then let them deal with Bai miserable. When Bai miserable reveals his flaws, they will take him again.

After thinking about it, Chen Hongdong took out a tone stone and input the power of the law to contact the thunder mark.

In the thunder mark on the way, take out the abnormal sound stone, input the power of the law, and change the gloomy face into a smiling face in an instant, "ah ha ha... Building lord Chen, how can you contact our Lord so freely!"

"Lord Lei, your son Lei Juexin was killed by a villain. I happened to see him passing by the city master's residence, so I was curious and followed the mysterious strong man."

"At the moment, he is in the thunder lake near the Jinglei mountain and chilei mountain. Lord Lei can find him here, but he has to go as soon as possible. Otherwise, he will leave later. I don't know where he will go."

Chen Hongdong smiled faintly.

The thunder scar was stunned. He didn't expect that hongmaodong would track the murderer of his son. It's really a strange story.

But if the killer's location is found, the thunder mark won't be missed.

Otherwise, if you spend a lot of money chasing and killing, but you don't find the murderer, you will lose a lot.

"Go, hurry to the thunder lake on the other side of chilei mountain!"

Later, the strong men of Lei yunzong rushed to Lei lake, and they were all wrapped in a layer of silver.

This is the famous secret treasure of Lei Yun sect. It is a treasure given to the first generation leader Lei Yun in the magic cloud cave.

With lightning beads, people can be protected by silver light without being attacked by thunder in Jinglei mountain.

However, the energy consumption is very huge.

Lei yunzong's strong ones are constantly transported by the force of law, so as to ensure the constant urging of lightning beads.

At the moment, Bai miserable is fighting at the bottom of thunder lake!

Yes, there is a powerful monster blue water thunder beast guarding at the bottom of Lei lake.

This has long been expected by Bai miserable. Ordinary holy potions are generally guarded by monsters, not to mention the good holy potion said by Starling.

It's normal to have this powerful blue water thunder beast guarding the elixir.

When Bai miserable talked with Niu Nan in Longshou mountain before, he also learned that Jinglei mountain is a three no matter area.

In other words, there are no boundary rules.

As long as the magic cloud cave doesn't open, even if you use the strength of the thirty-three heaven peak realm of heaven soul realm here, no one will take care of you.

But no strong man dares to use such a powerful force, because the stronger the released force is, the more terrible the thunder will be, and it may lead to purple Xuan thunder that destroys the sky and the earth.

Once a strong man from the high-level domain came to Jinglei mountain and released the strength of the thirty-three heavenly peaks of the heavenly soul realm in order to capture Lei Ling.

Although he captured Lei Ling, he was unlucky and attracted purple Xuan thunder attack.

It was just a purple Xuan thunder that fell down, and there was no direct residue left of the strong man of the thirty-three heaven peak realm of the heaven soul realm.

Now the blue water thunder beast fighting with Bai miserable is a unique monster born in Jinglei mountain. Its strength is as powerful as the top ten Heavenly strongmen in tianhun territory.

"Roar! Terran boy, I don't believe I can't kill you!"

The thunder beast roared in the clear water.

Thunder lake became surging because of the outbreak of blue water thunder beast.

Seeing Chen Hongdong smack his tongue, "I'll go! Is the day shift fighting with the monsters at the bottom of Lei lake?"

Chen Hongdong was shocked. The monsters in Jinglei mountain grew up under the baptism of thunder all year round, and their strength is not small.

In the same realm, even he dare not easily fight with the monsters here.

"I said, I just want to pick the thunder spirit grass. Do you have to fight with me like this? Don't think I'm afraid of you. If you get angry again, believe it or not, I'll cut you all?"

White miserable depressed way.

This is Lei Ling grass!

Generally, the spirit grass grows in the place where Lei Ling was born. Because Lei Ling is very rare, Lei Ling grass is also rare and abnormal.

I didn't expect that there was one here. No wonder there was a blue water thunder beast guarding the ten days of the demon God realm.

Only here in Lei lake, the blue water thunder beast is powerful.

Although Bai miserable was not afraid, at the bottom of the lake, Bai miserable could not see clearly around, nor could he see the figure of the blue water thunder beast.

We can only bombard the surroundings with red flames.

So Bai miserable is very depressed!

The blue water thunder beast is also very depressed. It has been guarding this thunder grass for many years.

It's about to mature and can be swallowed.

For some reason, a youth of the human race came out and wanted to seize Lei lingcao, which made it not angry.

Therefore, one shot is a dead hand.

However, after a while, the blue water thunder beast found that the strange Terran boy could not die.

And the boy would also speak the animal language of his family. At first, he thought it was his family competing for the thunder spirit grass.

Later, it was found that it was not, because this was a thorough Terran youth.

Unable to see the white misery around, he was speechless.

"Starling, haven't you seen that guy's position yet?"

Bai miserably asked.

"It's too fast. Although I can see it, it suddenly runs to the other side. It's hard to catch it!"

Myna youyou said.

"Mom, chicken, don't fight with it. Starling, tell me the location of Lei Ling grass. I'll try to lean over, and then take advantage of it to me. You can pick Lei Ling grass quickly."

Bai miserable planned.

"Brother Bai, I'll fight with your brother. You can't pit me like this! I'm still a baby rabbit. The power of thunder here can roast me!"

Starling's head shakes like a rattle.


Bai Zhenyou despised: "weak strength is not your crime. The human race also has the distinction of genius and fool. It's normal to have one or two weak chickens among the beasts of heaven and earth."


Starling's head is covered with black lines. "Brother Bai, I despise you. I curse you for going with a monster in your wedding night."


Bai miserably spurts a mouthful of blood in his heart. The curse of Starling is so poisonous!

"Cough! Then I won't say you're a weak chicken. Tell me the location and I'll let Er Niu pick it."

Starling said coldly, "look, you dare say I'm a weak chicken among the beasts of heaven and earth. No, it's over there!"

Then, Bai miserable uses black flash to keep approaching Lei lingcao.

The blue water thunder beast was shocked. He felt that he tried his best to prevent Bai miserable from approaching, and there was the power of thunder to protect Lei lingcao layer by layer.

Bai miserable throws Er Niu Dao out, and then he tries his best to explode red flame and attack everywhere.

For a time, the blue water thunder beast was completely attracted by Bai miserable and didn't pay attention to ER Niu Dao at all.


Er Niu manipulated the blade to instantly cut through the guard of Lei lingcao and directly cut off Lei lingcao.

Then Er Niu appears and takes Lei lingcao away.

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