Tianwu world, level 7 domain, Yang heart domain!

There is a small palace made of pure jade in the forbidden area of the imperial palace of the great sun dynasty!

This is the supreme Hall of power in the Yang heart region!

The whole Yangxin region is the territory of the dari Dynasty.

There are few foreign forces here. Even if there are, most of them are under the control of the great Japanese imperial dynasty.

Today, several outsiders came to the imperial palace.

One of them is Youchen, the leader of the star worship sect who fled in the nebula of the fifth level domain.

Youzhen first went to level 6 domain through the boundary transmission array and found a subordinate force of the holy fire sect in the Xingyue palace.

Then he followed Yang Tianhe, the supreme elder of the flame sect, and others to the level seven domain. With the influence of the Star Moon Palace, he finally came to the palace of the great sun Dynasty in the Yangxin domain.

The reason why I came to Yangxin domain is that among the five seven level domains, only the great sun Dynasty in Yangxin domain is an affiliated force of Xingyue palace.

And it is an extremely special subsidiary force. It is the only one who can take charge of a boundary by relying on his ancestral achievements.

This is also the reason why after the messenger of Xingyue palace of the holy fire sect told Xingyue palace, Xingyue palace asked them to go to the level seven Yang heart region to cooperate with the great sun Dynasty to capture Bai miserable.

The reason why the great sun Dynasty will become a subsidiary force of the Star Moon Palace is that the most gifted little princess Tianzhao palace of the great sun Dynasty is favored by the star moon statue and married.

Under the bond of the little princess, the great sun Dynasty volunteered to become an affiliated force of the Star Moon Palace.

Otherwise, even the Xingyue palace can not make the great sun Dynasty a subsidiary force.

"Do you mean that Bai Pang, who was not caught when the boundary bridge was opened, appeared in the nebula region and destroyed your star worship sect? The messenger was also killed by the boundary guardian?"

Tianzhao Yuren, the strongest of the great sun Dynasty, said faintly.

"Tell emperor Yuren, yes, it's Bai miserable. He wasn't trapped in the small world. He appeared in the tianwu world. Moreover, he already knew that the Xingyue palace wanted to catch him."

"I'm here to cooperate with the great sun Dynasty to capture Bai miserable. I'll kill his mount and avenge me by worshiping the star sect!"

Youchen told the truth.

Tianzhao Yuren disagreed and said, "it's just a white tragedy. As long as he dares to appear in the level seven domain, I, the strong man of the dari imperial dynasty, will catch him."


Since Tianzhao Yuren said so, it's hard for Youzhen and Yang Tianhe to say anything.

With the strength of the imperial dynasty, as long as Bai miserable appears, he will not escape the palm of his hand.

Soon, the great sun Dynasty launched energy.

Many strong men rushed to the other four seven level domains, and then united with the underground intelligence organization in the domain to secretly check whether Bai miserable came.

At this moment, Bai miserable and Starling are randomly transmitted to a mountain and lake in the Yang heart of the level seven domain through the boundary transmission array.

For the sake of safety, Starling entered the animal training ring.

Just when Bai miserable wants to go ashore first and confirm which boundary this is, a demon fish in the demon God realm devours Bai miserable.

Bai miserable had to break his belly with an ancient prison knife from his belly.

The Yang eye demon fish in the triple heaven of the demon divine realm died so inexplicably.

Soon, Bai miserable flew to the lake.

At this time, Bai miserable saw a group of young people running here.

Seeing Bai miserable, the group of young people frowned. One of the young men asked, "who are you? Why are you in the trial place of my little King Kong sect?"

"Little King Kong?"

Bai miserably muttered for a moment, then apologized and said, "I was sent here from the level 6 domain with the boundary transmission array. I'm sorry to break into your trial place!"

"It was transmitted from the lower boundary. Elder martial brother Taishuai, do you want to let him go?"

Said a lovely and beautiful girl.

"No! We can't let him go. What if he is a traitor of the dari imperial dynasty? Let's finish the trial first and take him to the sect elder later. It's up to the elder to decide. Younger martial sister Gu, you watch him here first."

Said the handsome man with a non mainstream hairstyle.

"Yes! Too handsome senior brother."

Gu Xueqin replied.

Then, Taishuai and others entered the lake one after another, ready to fight with the Yang eye demon fish in the lake, while Gu Xueqin looked at Bai miserable.

"Girl, what's the name of this boundary? Where is the boundary transmission array here?"

Bai asked.

Gu Xueqin frowned and said, "hum, don't talk to me. Don't think I don't know. You're trying to get close to me. I won't care about you. You'd better not think of running away, or I'll slap you, hum."

"Er... What the hell is this?"

Bai looked at Gu Xueqin with a bitter smile.

"Is the painful cry after vomiting blood!"

Gu Xueqin said lovably.

"Hahaha... You are so cute, do your parents know?"

Bai miserable laughed.


Gu Xueqin raised her palm angrily.

It seems that if Bai miserable smiles again, she will really beat Bai miserable, huh.

Bai miserable stopped laughing. Anyway, he was unfamiliar here. After these young strong men took him to meet the elders of the little King Kong sect, he slowly confirmed the situation of the seven level domain.

Because the Yang eye demon fish in the Yang eye lake was killed by Bai miserably, Taishuai and others soon came out of the lake and dragged the huge body of the Yang eye demon fish.

The marshal looked at Bai miserable, "did you kill this Yang eye demon fish?"

Bai miserable turned his eyes and said, "how could it be! When I came, it was killed. I just came from level 6. How can I kill the monsters here?"

Too handsome, I thought.


Not to mention that the Yang eye demon fish is the strength of the demon God realm at the beginning of the triple heaven, and from the white and miserable blood breath, they are younger than them.

How can you kill the Yang eye demon fish alone, or unharmed.

It is estimated that other trial disciples came here first to kill the Yang eye demon fish.

Just killed, why not take its monster pill?

If you don't understand, you're too handsome to think about it.

Anyway, with the demon Dan of the Yang eye demon fish, their trial passed.

Then, the marshal team took Bai miserable and prepared to leave the place of trial, went to the little King Kong sect to hand over to the elder, and handed Bai miserable over to the elder.

Bai miserable followed this group of people leisurely.

But just out of the mountain, not long, suddenly, the earth shook.

They were frightened into a panic.

"How can there be a shock?"

Gu Xueqin exclaimed.

"Be careful, everyone. Maybe there are some powerful monsters nearby!"

Taishuai, as the elder martial brother of these people, is naturally very calm.

After a while

The shock came again, and more and more frequently.

Nearby birds and animals began to flee in panic.

Soon, a lot of startling roars came from the left.

When the public saw it, there were many disciples who were also the disciples of the little Vajra sect, and the dust behind them was flying, as if some big fierce beast was chasing them.

Just listen to them yelling, "run, the strongest monster in this trial place has broken through..."

"What! The earth beast at the top of the triple heaven in the demon God realm has broken through?"

"Didn't it reach the initial state of the demon God realm and the quadruple heaven?"

"No! Run!"

Taishuai and others were surprised, and then hurried to run away.

The monsters in the early days of the fourth heaven in the demon God realm can no longer be dealt with by their external disciples of the little Vajra sect.

People can only expect the strong man of little Vajra sect to arrive in time to suppress this land beast, otherwise, it is difficult to say that he will suffer heavy losses.

Suddenly, Gu Xueqin, who ran for his life, was shocked, "ah, I forgot to watch him, he disappeared..."


"Don't worry about him, it's important to run for your life!" said the marshal quickly

At the moment, Bai miserable is running to a huge tree and looking at the monster land like a hill not far away.

"Starling, I haven't had a tooth offering for a long time. This earth beast looks like a wild boar. It seems very delicious."

Bai miserable said with drooling.

"Brother Bai, the meat of monsters is also very complementary. The meat of monsters in the demon God realm is a good soul meat."

Starling said.

When he thought of it, he did it. After Bai miserable showed his emptiness, he flew towards the earth beast

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