Little King Kong Zong, play martial arts!

Many disciples came to hear the sound and wanted to see how Bai miserable was killed by senior brothers and sisters.

Bai miserable is too lazy to talk nonsense. He still has to beat these mallets and read well.

"Don't go up one by one, but go up together. Today, I'll let you experience it personally. What is obedience!"

Bai miserable said to everyone on a battle platform.


Gu Xueqin was stunned.

I've seen crazy people. I've never seen such crazy people. In case of being beaten to death, it's too late to cry.

But the powerful disciples of the little Vajra sect were completely angered by Bai miserable, and whether they would kill Bai miserable or not, they directly tried their best.

If he is really killed, he will be punished, and everyone will be punished together.

Soon, Bai miserable, who was full of combat power, took out a red stick and fought with this group of little Vajra disciples who continued to join.

At the beginning, Bai miserable was only bombarded around, which made these disciples laugh at him one after another.

"This strength? Dare to pretend to be a wolf with a big tail. You can't hold it. You have to make a noise!"

"Otherwise, if you die, don't blame us for not thinking of the same clan!"

Bai miserable is not in a hurry. Continue hard steel!

When Li Jingtian drew enough strength to sling them, Bai miserable shook the people back, and then said with a smile:

"I just asked you to fight on purpose to see what skills you have. Unexpectedly, you have no fart skills. It's not enough to tickle me. I won't play with you. I'm ready to lie down!"


The people were furious, "are you still pretending to force? Don't be merciful, kill this pretending force guy!"

But at this time, people are no longer white miserable opponents.

In the flash of Bai miserable, each stick went down, which was the disciple who fell and howled.

They found that no matter what kind of attack, it seemed that the dialogue was useless, and his strength surpassed them too much, and he couldn't keep up with them quickly. There was no need to fight at all, even if there were more people!

"Ah... He's not pretending to be a bully. He's really a bully. Run!"

A core disciple was hit with psychological shadow and shouted.

Suddenly, the disciples who could move fled in an instant.

Of course, most of them are already lying in pain and wailing all over the martial arts arena.

The deacons of the little King Kong sect were stunned.

They would have run for their lives in the face of the siege of so many inner disciples and core disciples.

But Bai miserably beat them and collapsed. Bai miserably won this siege.

Bai miserable sits on the martial arts arena, seemingly resting. In fact, it's time to die.

When Bai miserable resurrects again, he goes directly to the Kung Fu Pavilion.

Gu Xueqin has been stunned by Bai miserable's performance. She has never seen such a fierce teenager. If Bai miserable looks handsome, she is simply the prince charming in her mind.

Later, Gu Xueqin keeps up with Bai miserable and wants to know why Bai miserable is so strong!

Bai Pang, reading in the Kung Fu Pavilion, suddenly looked at Gu Xueqin speechless, "do you have anything to say to me?"

"No... no... no, I have nothing to say to you."

Gu Xueqin said shyly.

"There's nothing to say. Why are you always next to me, taking a book and peeking at me from time to time?"

Bai miserable despised.

"Who said I was peeking at you? You're so strange. Can't I read here?"

Gu Xueqin said with a mouth.

"Reading? Do you know you have the book upside down?"

Bai miserable reminded me.


Gu Xueqin flustered the book upside down, blushing and afraid to look at Bai miserable.

Bai miserable shook his head. "You really have nothing to say? Then I'll go to the second floor."

On the first floor, Bai miserable read some books about yangxinyu and learned that yangxinyu was a fief of the dari imperial dynasty.

In other words, the whole Yangxin region is the territory of the dari imperial dynasty.

But why? The book here does not indicate the reason. It is estimated that only higher levels will have the secret.

Of course, the boundary transmission array of the Yang heart region is in the imperial palace of the great sun Dynasty.

Therefore, Bai Zhen wants to go to a higher level to see if he can find relevant secrets.

"Hey... Wait!"

Gu Xueqin suddenly stops Bai miserable.

Bai Nai smiled at Gu Xueqin.

"I want to ask, how do you cultivate so strong that you can defeat so many senior brothers and sisters alone?"

Gu Xueqin asked in a low voice.

"That's it? When I finish reading the book, you come to the test mountain tomorrow. I'll tell you then!"

Bai miserable suddenly wants to tease this shy and lovely cute girl.


Gu Xueqin said excitedly.

Then he ran out of the Kung Fu pavilion with a red face.

Looking at Gu Xueqin's shy appearance, Bai miserable inexplicably remembered that when she was in the animal King Zong's animal training hall, Bilian sent him a spirit material radish. At that time, Bilian ran away with a red face.

The only difference is that Bilian ran away with a smile.

Shook his head, smiled inexplicably, and then walked to the second floor.

But in the second layer, there are basically earth soul skill and so on, and there are almost no books on the literature of Yang heart region.

So Bai miserable ran to the third floor. Similarly, they were basically tianhun skills, and he didn't find any useful books.

However, what makes Bai miserable curious is that his identity token can go directly to the third floor, which is also a burst of surprise.

It is estimated that the identity token given to him by elder Di Qiu is comparable to that of the core disciple.

Bai miserable looked at the fourth floor and thought, anyway, it's better to go up and have a look.

Therefore, Bai miserable first tries whether his token can enter the fourth layer. If it doesn't work, he can directly use the empty Jue empty to enter.

The disciple on the third floor was shocked to see Bai miserable walking to the fourth floor.

That's a floor that only elders can enter.

But the next second, they were stunned. Bai miserable really entered with an identity token.


These disciples are stupid.

"Lying in the trough! Have you entered? Bai miserable's identity token is comparable to that of the elder?"

"Hiss... Is that too exaggerated?"

"Who on earth is Bai miserable? Even if he is strong, why is there an elder level treatment?"

For a time, the news that Bai miserable had an elder level token spread in the little King Kong sect.

All the disciples wounded by Bai miserable have fainted in tears.

Having an elder level token shows that the sect attaches importance to Bai miserable and that elder Di Qiu attaches importance to him.

In other words, even if the King Kong meeting is over and they want to find the patriarch, it is useless for them to complain. This fight is estimated to be a white fight.

At this time, after Bai miserable entered the fourth floor, there was no one here.

Of course, the elders have gone to the King Kong meeting.

On this floor, there are also most heavenly soul skills, of course, arrays, secrets, and the experience of the strong men of the little Vajra sect in previous dynasties.

It can be said that the skill scripts here are more precious than the third level.

Bai miserable casually turned it over. He didn't think it was interesting, so he looked at the last layer and the fifth layer

When Bai miserable wanted to enter the fifth floor with an identity token, he was bounced out by invisible power.

"It seems that my identity token can enter the fourth layer at most."

Therefore, Bai miserably receives the token and uses the power of emptiness to enter.

But it was blocked by the power of prohibition.

"I'll go! There's the power of space to guard. It seems that there's some secret in the little Vajra sect's Kung Fu Pavilion!"

Bai miserable looked left and right and directly let Er Niu open the way.

Sure enough, under Er Niu's powerful edge, the prohibition was cut open, and then Bai miserably slipped in.

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