Imperial Palace, imperial residence hall, forbidden area!

Tianzhao Yuren was beating something with his right hand without expression, and his eyes were staring at the three pieces of gold paper suspended in front of him.

A piece of gold paper with Bai miserable's name written on it.

This is the guy that Xingyue palace has been trying to catch, but so far there is no trace.

In the four seven level domains, Tianzhao Yuren has been deployed.

Yang heart region is under his control.

Youchen and Yang Tianhe, the supreme elder of the holy fire palace in the sixth level domain, help in the Yin heart domain.

Both Wuxin domain and Jixin domain have a king of the imperial dynasty to follow up.

It can be said that the four seven level domains in the tianwu world have a snare, waiting for Bai miserable to appear.

But he didn't wait for the news of Bai miserable, but waited for the appearance of "Bai miserable", the little Lord of the little Vajra sect.

The second piece of gold paper is written with four big characters of Little King Kong sect.

The little King Kong sect will be destroyed anyway.

Now, Dai yunzong has sent the strong. I believe that the matter of Little King Kong Zong will be solved soon.

Therefore, what is left is the three words "heaven and man" written on the third gold paper.

Relying solely on the name of "one medicine sect" makes Tianzhao Yuren have to be cautious.

Secondly, the strength of Gu Shaobai, the leader of a medicine sect, is quite mysterious.

Tianzhao Yuren guessed that fenghuatian and the Phoenix army could not stop the people in heaven, but he never thought that heishawei would not be the opponent of the people in heaven.

The battle between Bai miserable and Heisha Wei, Tianzhao Yuren saw it all.

Obviously, at the beginning, the strength of people in heaven was not as good as that of black kill guards. They were hanged by black kill guards, but black kill guards could not kill Bai miserable, or even hurt Bai miserable.

At first, Tianzhao Yuren thought it was because of the armor of the people in heaven. Later, he thought it was impossible.

He knows best how powerful the black kill guard is.

Even if the armor worn by the heavenly people is the best heavenly soul weapon, the Yang palm of heishawei is enough to scorch the heavenly people in the armor and even shock him!

But from the performance of people in heaven, he didn't look hurt at all.

But every fixed time, it will fall into the sea of fire for some time, which is very strange!

Therefore, Tianzhao Yuren silently wrote down the time when Bai tragic death turned into secret law.

"Gu Shaobai, a man from the medicine school, will soon know your origin. Kill me, Hei Sha Wei and my prince. Wait for me!"

Tianzhao Yuren burned the third piece of gold paper.

Subsequently, Tianzhao Yuren contacted Dai yunzong Zheng Rushuang and asked Dai yunzong to capture Gu Xueqin of Little King Kong Zong alive and not to kill him!

Before confirming the origin of a medicine sect, Tianzhao Yuren doesn't want to completely offend dead Bai miserable.

A mere nine princes die. Anyway, they don't pay special attention to princes.

Moreover, the great Japanese emperor had many children, and his children were also thousands, hundreds or thousands of them died. Tianzhao Yuren would not be distressed.

As long as these three things are done, he Tianzhao Yuren can welcome his little daughter Tianzhao Palace back to visit her relatives.

After thinking about it, Tianzhao Yuren picked up the right hand to beat something, which turned out to be a golden head, then held the head and said with a crazy smile:

"Jie... No one can disobey our great sun Dynasty. Our great sun Dynasty has unparalleled luck. Even if it is better than you, your supreme war merit is also a wedding dress for our great sun dynasty!"



Bai miserable made tianzhaoxin swear the way of heaven. As long as he sneaked into the palace with himself, he would let him go.

Then, Bai miserable looked at the Phoenix army and flew directly to Feng Huatian and others.

This made them very nervous.

If the monster kills them, they will face the end.

Regardless of her injury, Feng Zigong directly blocked Feng Huatian and said firmly, "brother Shaobai, don't kill my father. If you want to kill me!"

"I won't kill your father, as long as your father immediately informs the strong men who are chasing my sister Gu Xueqin and asks them to withdraw back. This matter is over, otherwise, he will bear the consequences!"

Said Bai miserably.

Somewhere in the mountains, starlings are fighting with a large group of strong men.

It was very fierce.

Although starlings have Yin and Yang, real eyes and other means, plus red tools, they can't stand the large number of people opposite, and their bodies are seriously injured.

Seeing that it is going to be unsustainable, Starling has to be ready to give up Gu Xueqin, and then flee to find Bai miserable for help.

At this time, the leader gets the order of fenghuatian. The task is cancelled and the speed returns. Don't hurt anyone!

These strong people had to give up and go back the same way!

Starling and Gu Xueqin looked at the sudden retreat of these strong men, which was also inexplicable!

Then, white miserable voice sounded from Starling's heart, "starling, how are you?"

"Brother Bai, we're fine. Those strong men suddenly retreated. Did you do it?"

Starling wondered.

"That's right! I counseled them. It's all right. You take Gu Xueqin back to the little King Kong sect and wait for me there. I'll go back to the imperial city."

Bai miserable explained.

Starling had to take Gu Xueqin on his way again.

Bai miserable left Phoenix directly with a heart of omen.

However, Bai miserable didn't go far. After arranging tianzhaoxin on a mountain not far from the city, Bai miserable received the angry King Kong armor, changed its shape and returned to Phoenix.

At the moment, the strong of Phoenix are trying their best to rebuild the destroyed Phoenix.

Moreover, countless people are discussing the white tragedy before. This matter spread all over the Yang heart region in a short time and shocked countless people.

The people of the little King Kong sect learned that the mysterious strong man who killed Sima chasing the army made a big fuss in Phoenix.

It's a bit exaggerated to beat the Phoenix army without temper, to bomb a mysterious and powerful strong man in the dari imperial dynasty, and to kill nine princes, leaving only one to lead the way.

They were surprised at the identity of the strong man wearing angry diamond armor.

There is no reason why no one knows such a strong man.

A medicine sect, Gu Shaobai, Gu Xueqin's brother?

The truth can only be known when Gu Xueqin returns.

Bai miserable inquired about the location of Phoenix Poets and went directly to the poets.

Before long, Bai miserable came to the poet's residence.

Although the poet's residence is not as big as the city master's residence, it is also extremely magnificent.

Moreover, the poet's residence is full of poetic and picturesque style, which is very strange!

In particular, the looming sword meaning makes people feel far away.

"Strange? Why is the sword meaning of this poet's residence a little familiar?"

Bai miserable shook his head and said directly to the guard of the poet:

"I'd like to meet Miss Shi Xiaoxiao, the seventh poet. Please go and inform her that the person who promised to design her Chinese clothes has come."


The poet guard frowned and looked at Bai miserable carefully. He didn't look like someone who had an appointment with Miss seven.

"If you want to see the lineage of poets, unless you are a well-known and strong person or have an invitation, you should pay attention to the poems of poets, or leave immediately!"

A guard said directly.

Bai miserably was stunned. When you think about it, poets are a big family in Phoenix. They are powerful. If you want to meet the legitimate people of poets, it's not casual.

However, Bai miserable doesn't want people to know that he is Gu Shaobai. Otherwise, it is estimated that the poet will get into big trouble.

An invitation is even more unlikely.

Then there are only the poems of the last poet.

So Bai miserably smiled and said, "I don't know where to write poetry?"

"Come with me!"

Then a guard led Bai miserable into the poet's residence and came to the open space inside. There was a sword shaped stone slab with ten poems written on it. Many people thought hard around the stone slab.

The guard told Bai miserable that as long as one of them is right, you can see the master of the poet and get a great reward from the poet!

Then Bai miserable looked at the stone slab and was stunned, "this poem... How can it be the poem of poet Li Bai?"

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