Bai miserable explained to the night country that Bugs Bunny has a secret method to browse other people's memory. Bugs gang has browsed sapphire memory... Get information

Then, I told the night kingdom all about Qingyang sect and Chiyue sect. The night kingdom was more and more surprised

The night Kingdom just remembered why Qingyang sect had been fawning on itself before. It suddenly became clear that

This Qingyang sect first caused a break between itself and the royal family, and then wooed itself, which is equivalent to taking Nanding city

But I haven't said anything. Now I killed elder Niu and imprisoned sapphire to show my position

Then... Kill the red moon... Take Nanding

The night kingdom is unprecedentedly dignified. The ghost repair of the corpse soul clan of Qingyang sect... This is to destroy the red moon sect, improve the ghost killing strength, and then... Capture Nanding city

As for what they will do next, I don't know yet, but... Nanding city is already on the cusp of the storm

Maybe soon, these ghosts will attack Nanding city. If it's in these days... It's dangerous... There's no time for the defense layout... We can only wait for the strong royal family

However, the night Kingdom deployed quickly to bring back the millions of troops closest to Nanding city... At the same time, Nanding city sounded the highest war alert

All the combat forces that can support in a short time, the night country sent people to invite

The Royal strongmen sent by the royal family to visit chiyuezong for investigation... Came one after another. The hall of general Nuo's military house was full of strongmen of all forces

"Everyone... My son Bai miserable will tell you the course and result of the event... In detail again..."

After the night Kingdom finished, Bai miserable told the strong in detail, from the discovery of the chaotic ice sheet... To the information learned by the jade memory now

And the advantages and disadvantages of the ghost repair of the corpse soul family, and the killing method, tell everyone in detail

Everyone was shocked. If it was as Bai miserable said, then... Nanding city was really in a great crisis

Nanding city began to prepare for battle

Qingyang sect forbidden area!

The black robed old ancestor said hoarsely, "the time is ripe. Let's go on. Dongdingcheng, xidingcheng and beidingcheng will attack the dark chess... Attract the strong royal family... Once the strong royal family arrives, retreat immediately... Don't fight... Our goal is... Nandingcheng!"

"After taking Nanding City, the four sides besieged the royal family and killed the royal family, so as to control the whole Tianyun Kingdom, and then erode the whole continent step by step..."

"Abide by the law of my ancestors!"

After the crowd left, the black robed old man said with a smile, "Jie... Luring the tiger away from the mountain, conspiring and seizing, no one can stop me!"

Ten days later!

The sky cloud Kingdom has changed!

The Royal strongmen who originally came to Nanding city for support were transferred back. The night general also received the royal order and sent a large army to Dongding city for support

The night Kingdom transferred half of all the hundreds of millions of troops in the south to support, and also transferred the millions of troops back to defend nandingcheng to support, leaving only hundreds of thousands of troops to guard nandingcheng!

Because... East Dingcheng, West Dingcheng and North Dingcheng are shocked by the rampant slaughter of ghost repair... What's more terrible is that the three city generals have collectively rebelled against the Kingdom

For a time, it caused a sensation in the whole kingdom. The royal family was angry and sent the strong to suppress

Bai miserable discusses with Yeguo and others in the hall. Is the information obtained by Sapphire false? Or is there a loophole in the plan... Does the ghost repair of the corpse soul family want to destroy the red moon first, then seize the East, West and north cities, and then Nanding city?

In fact, the ghost repair plan obtained by Bai miserable and others is right. It's just a plan for planning the country for thousands of years. What can Bai miserable and others know

In addition to Nanding City, the other three cities have long been under the control of the corpse soul clan... Secretly cultivating the corpse soul army!

Three cities ghost repair massacre, the royal family controls the combat power, and almost sent out to suppress

Nanding city is back to normal... The alarm is temporarily lifted

The frightened people let down their hearts... Soon Nanding city resumed its former prosperity

Five more days later, tonight!

Bai miserable and sledgehammer are driving over Nanding city. Bai miserable always feels something wrong these days, but he can't say it again

This secret contest with the corpse soul family seems to be suppressed by IQ

"Starling... If you are a corpse soul clan, you will attack three cities and seek another city?" Bai miserable suddenly asked.

"I'm stupid. I'll distract all parties to be broken one by one? I'm sure to provoke riots, distract the enemy's attention, and then concentrate my forces to attack a city and win it quickly!" Said Bugs Bunny contemptuously.

"How did you think of doing that?"

”Hei hei... Because... I'm well-informed, but these are the practices of vegetable chicken. The real terrorist strong man suppresses this small world with one finger! Where could it be so troublesome... "


Bai miserable is still a little worried. He always feels that something big will happen tonight, "sledgehammer, go with me to the periphery of Nanding city..."

"Yes, young master!"

They flew out of Nanding city and inspected in the distance

Bai miserable saw the ground in the distance, as if something was shaking!

He flew over to check. When he flew to a mountain, Bai miserable found that all the secret outposts arranged by the night Kingdom... Were killed... And just died!

The situation is wrong!

Bai miserable quickly crossed the mountain with a sledgehammer and saw a terrible scene!

Behind the mountain... Is... A dense black March... Above the March is a chariot pulled by dozens of flying beasts, behind which is a huge battle flag

And there are countless flying animals, each with a man on it

Bai Nai calls out bugs bunny... Bugs Bunny stares wide and sees the big flag flying in the army, "that's... Corpse soul flag, corpse soul ghost army!!!"

"No! The target of the corpse soul clan is really... Nanding city! Sledgehammer, go back quickly... Inform others!" Bai miserable roared!

Li Da Chui turned back without saying a word!

The black robed ancestor in the chariot also found Bai miserable in the distance. His hoarse voice sounded, "there's a little mouse... Kill!"

Whew, whew

A dozen people flew out of the air army of the corpse soul family... Killing Bai

Bai miserable also turns around and goes back directly. Although he is not afraid of death, he... Can't escape if he is caught. Bugs and other monsters will also be killed!

Bugs Bunny yelled at the corpse soul army, "son of a bitch, the turtle grandson of the corpse soul family, when I grow up, I'll kill you!"

After roaring, he enters the animal training ring and urges Bai miserable to run quickly!


As soon as the sledgehammer returned to Nanding City, Zhenli surged and quickly shouted, "the army of corpse soul clan is coming!"

Countless people were disturbed and forced to get together and talk one after another

Bai miserable runs back to the general's house and quickly informs the state of night!

The huge bell rang and struck thirteen times. This is the death bell alarm of life and death!

The whole Nanding city fell into panic... Some even had their families ready to flee

The night Kingdom led the hurried people to the wall at the head of the city. Now it's too late to deploy. We can only defend the city to the death... Waiting for Royal support!

There are four gates in Nanding city. The night kingdom can only disperse its combat power evenly, and stand on the main gate!

"As soon as the corpse soul army arrives, open the defense array immediately!" The night country roared.

"Yes, general!"

"You guys, the ghost cultivation of the corpse soul clan will not be soft hearted. They will kill all the places they want to attack... Only by doing their best... Can we have a glimmer of vitality..."


After the night kingdom made a simple deployment, he took Bai miserable aside and whispered to Bai miserable, "Xiaobai, you don't have to stay here... Go... Go to the King City..."

"Adoptive father, I also have a lot of combat power. Let me help!" Bai miserable said firmly.

"You don't understand... If it's really the corpse soul family who leads the army, Nanding city... Can't hold it!" The night country said solemnly.

"Brother Bai, your adoptive father is right. You haven't seen the real horror of the corpse soul clan. It's not good. What we met before was rubbish..." bugs bunny jumped out and said.

Bai miserable is very tangled, but... If he escapes now... He will regret all his life

"Adoptive father, I... Decided to stay!"

Bai miserable's eyes are firm, he is immortal, and he is afraid of a ghost

It's a big deal. I was caught, abused, sobbing... The more I think about it, the more terrible it is... My life is miserable!

But... I'm miserable... That's the iron head. I don't regret if I don't die!

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