Poetic forbidden area!

A poet's ancestor said to Bai miserable, "little brother, you don't have to take brother shihaha's death seriously. It's a great joy that brother can see the sword tablet before he dies."

"Yes, even some of us are about to die. I thought we would die with regret, but now we don't regret. The verses of the sword tablet are not final sentences. Sooner or later, someone can tell them all."

Another ancestor smiled.

"Little brother, apart from the last poem, can you understand the other nine poems?"

The third ancestor asked excitedly.

Looking at these poets' ancestors, I was very excited one by one. I was afraid that they would be too excited to die. At that time, I would be really sorry.

"Predecessors, don't get excited and keep your mind steady. I only understand a poem for the time being, but I feel I can understand a few more."

Bai miserable said.


The ancestors of the poets danced excitedly.

Bai miserable nodded, then turned his eyes and said, "of course, but I have to understand the origin of the sword monument, so as to help me understand the poems more quickly. Otherwise, I'm afraid I can't tell them all."

When the ancestors heard this, they were overjoyed and quickly said, "we understand, little brother. Since brother announced before his death that you are the inheritance envoy of my poet, you are qualified to know the origin of my poet. Please follow us."

Then, Bai miserable followed several ancestors into a secret place in the poet's forbidden area.

Here, birds are singing and flowers are fragrant, full of the smell of a paradise.

There are beautiful mountains and rivers everywhere, pavilions and pavilions.

However, the most striking thing is the largest pavilion.

The ancestor of the poet told Bai miserable that it was the poetry sword Pavilion, where the top gifted talents of the poet practiced.

The poet's secret is at the top of Shijian Pavilion.

Soon, Bai miserable came to Shijian Pavilion and saw an acquaintance Shixiao.

It turned out that after Shi Xiaoxiao saw Bai miserable's powerful combat power, he had a great heart of cultivation.

After the white tragedy war, she came to Shijian pavilion to practice in seclusion.

I didn't expect to see Bai miserable here.

"Master Bai? Why did you come in?"

"Ah! Why are you here, my ancestors?"

The poem was confused with laughter.

"Oh? Do you know each other?"

An old ancestor was stunned.

"Go back to my father and know him. He is the designer of Chinese clothes. He is also a drug patriarch who fought the city Lord and killed the prince a few days ago. Shaobai!"

The poem said truthfully with a smile.


Several ancestors stared at Bai miserable.

They didn't expect that the boy who wrote the poem was such a cruel man.

For a time, they didn't know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing to let Bai miserable do the inheritance.

After all, it's a big thing to kill the prince of the great day Dynasty. The great day Dynasty will not be indifferent.

"Cough! These are trivial things that are not worth mentioning. Won't they affect poets?"

Bai Naishan smiled.

The eyes of several ancestors were firm in an instant. Compared with the inheritance of the poet's sword monument, a big Japanese imperial dynasty was nothing.

It's a big deal to move away from Yangxin domain and develop slowly to a lower domain.

After the inheritance of the sword monument, the poet will return to the endless world and reproduce his brilliance one day!

After thinking about it, the poet's ancestor said with a smile: "don't worry, brother Gu. In the future, my poet will unite with you. It's just the big day and the imperial dynasty. It's not worth mentioning!"

Shi Xiaoxiao looked at his ancestors and wondered why?

Even if Gu Shaobai is powerful, he won't offend the powerful dari Dynasty in order to win him over, right?

Then, the ancestors continued to take Bai miserable to the top floor of Shijian Pavilion.

However, the poet's ancestor smiled mysteriously and made the poem smile together.

This can make poetry laugh and overjoyed.

You know, the top floor of the poetic sword Pavilion can only be entered by the ancestors and family owners of previous dynasties, and no one can step into it.

I didn't expect that I was specially chartered by my grandfather today. It's amazing.

Other gifted disciples of poets who practice in Shijian pavilion are very envious of poetry.

Soon, people came to the top floor.

It is very simple here. In addition to the memorial tablets of the ancestors of ancient poets, there is a book at the top of the memorial tablets.

In fact, this is not a book, but a genealogy of poets.

Fortunately, this genealogy was not lost. Otherwise, the origin of the poet would be completely broken.

After an old ancestor respectfully invited the genealogy, he began to open it and explain the origin of the poet to Bai miserable and Shi Xiaoxiao.

The first ancestor of the poet, named poem calls autumn, followed Li Jianxian.

As for who Li Jianxian is, they don't know, and there is no record in the genealogy. They only know that he is an anti heaven strong man with both poetry and sword!

Bai Nai naturally guessed that this Li Jianxian is estimated to be the fourth generation, that is to say, the ancestor of the poet, Shi zhaoqiu, is an apprentice of the fourth generation.

The ancestor of the poet continued to turn over the genealogy and tell

Since the poem called autumn, the poet has made great achievements!

It is also a famous family in the endless world.

However, it is surprising that the ancestors of poets were neutral.

In other words, poets will not deal with the family of heaven, nor will they deal with the strong in the six worlds. No one knows the specific reason except the ancestors!

Of course, due to the deterrence of poetry calling autumn.

The heavenly family and the six realms will not easily provoke poets.

We can only send envoys to persuade the poets to stand on their side.

However, Shi zhaoqiu is still unmoved. It seems that he just wants to hold his one-third of an mu of land and be detached from the world!

But there is no once and for all, not to mention the dangerous endless world, where there is no absolute paradise.

One day, the poet's ancestor felt that he left a sword tablet that could be preserved forever, and then asked the poet's disciples to leave with the sword tablet and "a hundred poems".

Sure enough, before long, a war broke out in the ancestral land of poets, and the ancestor of poets called Qiu to die!

Fortunately, most poets fled in advance and escaped.

The strong poet decided to choose one force to survive, and finally chose to take refuge in one of the six worlds.

In this way, I can spend some time in the endless world safely.

But the poets did not appear the peerless strong man like poetry calling autumn.

Until one day, the poet ushered in the most tragic disaster!

Some strong people report that the poet is a member of the family of heaven, and the evidence is conclusive.

And this strong man is the devil of the heaven demon world!

Bai was stunned and thought, "eight armed Yan devil? Isn't that the part sacrificed in Yunwu hall at that time?"

Therefore, the strong in the six circles carried out a siege against the poets.

The final result is that only a few-year-old legitimate son of the poet fled and came to the tianwu world to hide his name, and all the others died in the war!

When learning this, Bai miserable asked, "wait, I'm curious, is the poet really a member of the family of heaven?"

The ancestors shook their heads and said, "no! We are sure it is the human race. There is no doubt that the ancestors may have something to do with the heavenly people of the heavenly family. The specific reasons have long disappeared with time, and there is no way to research."

Bai miserably nodded. For such a long time, where did the poet know what had happened before.

"Later, when the surviving ancestors sorted out the inheritance, they accidentally lost 100 poems. This poem book not only hides the answer to the sword tablet, but also hides the supreme kendo. Unfortunately, it was lost."

"The ancestors looked for it for a long time and didn't find it, so they ended up depressed."

"Until now, poets have become a big family in yangxinyu, but we thought we couldn't solve the inheritance of sword stele in our life. Unexpectedly, brother Gu untied a poem today, which let us see hope."

The poet's ancestor said happily.

Later, the poet's ancestor explained the structure of the sword tablet and the source of the poem to Bai miserable in detail, hoping Bai miserable could continue to understand it.

Knowing the context of Bai miserable, he decided to help a group of poets.

This is the inheritance left by the disciples of the fourth generation. We have to help them anyway. We should give the fourth generation a face.

So Bai Zhen said to the ancestors of the poets, "to tell you the truth, I came to the poet today just to find Xiaoxiao, give her the design of Chinese clothes, and fulfill my promise to her. By chance, I met the sword monument. Since I have a fate with the sword monument, I will solve this eternal problem for the poet."

Shi Xiaoxiao didn't expect Bai miserable to come to her to fulfill her promise. She was immediately moved.

The ancestor of the poet was very happy, "thank you for your help, brother Gu. No matter how you understand the inheritance of the sword monument, my poet recognizes your inheritance. If you don't dislike it, you can marry as many as you want, including Xiaoxiao, and the poet resources can be used by you."

Shi smiled and stared at Lao Zu, blushing. "Lao Zu, where have you been? Who said I was going to marry?"

The white thread was full of black thread, and make complaints about it: "this is to tie me up, no way, no marriage, no death!"

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