Feng Huatian also felt something wrong with the sudden change of the poet.

Therefore, fenghuatian reported the situation of the poet to Tianzhao Yuren.

Tianzhao Yuren was very interested when he learned that someone had solved the poem on the poet's sword tablet.

The poet's sword tablet has been inherited since ancient times, and the emperors of the Tianzhao family have understood it, but no one has been able to understand the poem.

Therefore, Tianzhao royal family also lost interest in the poet's sword monument.

Unexpectedly, today I learned from the fenghuatian report that the sword tablet was solved with a poem, and the poet also announced that it was hidden from the world. The secret of this may be that someone can solve ten poems.

Tianzhao Yuren immediately asked fenghuatian to follow up the poet's sword monument. If the sword monument is really untied and inherited, zhaoyuren will visit Phoenix to seize the poet's inheritance that day.


A month later!

Big day Dynasty, imperial city!

Bai miserable took the red black boat with the heart of omen and came to the imperial city.

At the moment, Bai miserable and tianzhaoxin with a mask are in a private room of a restaurant in the imperial city.

"Eat quickly. When you're full, take me into the forbidden area of the imperial palace. After that, you'll be free."

Bai miserable finished all the meals and said.


The sky is looking at the light plate, make complaints about it. "I eat your big chicken leg, you eat up, so that I can eat? What do I eat?"

The depressed omen did not dare to show dissatisfaction, so he had to say wrongly, "my Lord, I'm not hungry."


As soon as tianzhaoxin finished speaking, his stomach growled.

"Really, are the princes of the great sun Dynasty so dishonest? I'm hungry and say I'm not hungry. It's like I abused the princes."

Bai miserable touched the full belly and said leisurely.


Never mind, I said, "I didn't make complaints about it. I didn't drink in a month. Although it's okay to eat or drink," but you can't eat and drink in front of me, even if you're not hungry.

"Burp... Well, when you have enough to eat and drink, you should work and lead the way!"

Bai miserable belched.

Tianzhaoxin had to take Bai miserable to the Imperial City depressed.

At this time, starling and Gu Xueqin had just returned to xiaojingangzong.

Gu Xueqin reported what happened to the patriarch and others.

This confused them.

"What! You said the little Lord ran to Phoenix and saved you?"

"The strong man who killed the prince of the great sun Dynasty and fought the Phoenix army alone is Bai miserable?"

The people of the little King Kong sect exclaimed.

"What about the little white man?"

Di Qiu asked, pacing back and forth anxiously.

"Brother Bai is now in the imperial palace of the great sun Dynasty. Brother Bai said to see if he had a chance to steal back the bones of Fu Tiandi."

Starling said, gnawing at the radish.


This scared all the people of the little King Kong sect white.


"Although Xiaobai's cultivation has been successful, it's not enough. Going to the imperial palace of the great sun Dynasty alone is tantamount to death!"

DiQiu's head is big.

"No! We have to hurry to get Xiaobai back. Starling, you can contact Xiaobai, get him back quickly and come back immediately. It's not a joke."

Di Qiu hurriedly said to Starling.

"What's the matter? Brother Bai, can you understand? Brother Bai said, you don't have to worry. Even if you can't get back the bones of your ancestors, he can be safe and sound. Brother Bai has the secret of immortality. Just wait here for the news."

Starling despised and said.

"Really? Are you sure Xiaobai can come back safely?"

Zhuang Yan asked seriously.

"Don't worry, who is brother Bai? Invincible plus cow force is equal to the existence of hanging and bombing the sky. On this day, the martial world can't kill him. It will be fine."

Starling promised.

Although Di Qiu and others are still worried, there is no other way now.

After all, Bai miserable has arrived at the imperial city of the great sun Dynasty. They want to save it, and it's too late.

I can only pray that I really hope that, as starling said, the white and unbeatable cattle force me to hang and blow up the sky and return unharmed.

Of course, it would be great if we could come back with the bones of our ancestors.


Soon, Bai miserable and tianzhaoxin came to the back door of the palace.

According to tianzhaoxin, the size of the palace is as big as half the size of Phoenix. The whole body is made of ten grade Huangling stones to form a natural guard array and block the space where the palace is located. It can be seen how magnificent and luxurious it is.

From a distance, Bai miserable can see the magnificent palaces in the palace, which are countless, just like the forest of palaces.

Moreover, these palaces each formed a special array, with mountains and peaks, pulling each other, forming an airtight Jedi for the whole palace.

If no one leads the way and wants to break in by force, it is estimated that it is difficult to break in even the gate.

Tianzhaoxin takes out the prince's token and the guard quickly respectfully releases it.

Bai miserable with a mask became the "attendant" of tianzhaoxin and easily entered the palace.

"When I take you to the forbidden area, you and I will go our separate ways. No one will harm anyone."

Tianzhao's heart sank.

"Of course!"

Bai miserably smiled.

Along the way, Tian Zhaoxin was familiar with it. He used the prince's token to pass through various arrays, which made Bai miserable look at it and smack his tongue.

The imperial palace is like a palace of magic array, poison array, fire array, sword array and so on. All kinds of wonderful arrays emerge one after another.

Only the unique omen token of the omen family can prevent these arrays from attacking.

Otherwise, if others enter the array, they will be attacked by the array.

Then, the strong in the palace will quickly come and kill the intruder.

As the prince, Tianzhao naturally knows how to avoid his eyes and ears. He takes Bai miserable outside the forbidden area wall without fear and danger.

"Sir, here we are. The dark gold city wall is the forbidden area of my omen family. It is extremely dangerous and there are countless strong people. I can only take you here, otherwise I will be found by my father."

"If my father knew that I would bring adults here, I would die."

Tianzhaoxin said, we must leave here quickly.


Bai screamed at the omen of heaven.


Tianzhao was very anxious. "Sir, it was agreed that I would bring you here and you would let me go. Do you want to go back?"

"That's not true. I said nothing. If I let you go, I'll let you go."

"I just found that your token is very good. It can make the array in the imperial palace not attack, so leave your token and you can leave."

Bai Nai smiled.


Tianzhao heart doesn't want to give his Tianzhao token to Bai miserable.

If the God pit shows the token to the strong of his family, the ghost can guess that he brought Bai miserable into the forbidden area.

But if you don't give it, it's hard to say whether you can live or not.

After some entanglement, tianzhaoxin can only hope that baimiserable pit will not pit itself.

"Take it!"

Tianzhaoxin gnashes his teeth and throws his identity token to Bai miserable.

After Bai miserable took it, he said with a smile: "he who knows current affairs is a hero. You are a talent. Let's go!"

Tianzhaoxin hurriedly left without looking back.

Then, Bai miserably took out Erniu knife, quickly cut a gap in the dark gold city wall, and then broke in.

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