"Take us on the road?"

The crowd didn't react for a moment.

"Hum! Don't you understand? Xianlinzong is trying to catch us all. Just now, he just wants us to kill each other."

"Now we are exhausted. Xianlinzong is attacking now. We don't have much resistance at all."

Liu Liang snorted coldly.

Most of these strong men have lived for tens of thousands of years. How can they not understand Liu Liang's words.

"Roar! Xianlinzong, how dare you plan on us!"

The leader of the soul soldier sect roared at the death.

Other religious strongmen are also filled with righteous indignation one by one.

They thought that xianlinzong was just taking revenge on Daoqian Zong, so they came to attack.

Now it seems that things are not so simple. Xianlinzong is going to destroy the twelve sects of nine sects and four gates!

Although most of the sects did not bring the power of the whole sect, they also brought many strong sects.

If they all die here, the strength of the sect will be greatly reduced. If xianlinzong attacks his sect, it will be destroyed!

"No, we can't wait to die here!"

Some strong people of zongmen began to reorganize their strength, and then contacted zongmen with Tongyin stone to ask the army of zongmen to come to rescue.

But to everyone's despair, their Tongyin stone could not contact the strong in the sect.

"It's useless. Xianlinzong must have made full preparations. It's estimated that this array can not only block the space, but also block the connection of Tongyin stone."

Hu Lianyu said solemnly.

Then, all the major sects put aside their prejudices for the time being and first United against the army of xianlinzong. Otherwise, no one can live.

But God was reluctant. He didn't believe that Xianlin would dare to offend the twelve major gates recklessly.

After all, there is a shadow of a powerful sect behind all the sects except the former sect.

For example, his God is in the sect, which is the sect door created by the strong in the realm of God.

"Let's go find Ling Daoxian and make it clear!"

After the satellite fell and roared, he took the strong man of God in Zong to argue with xianlinzong.

Seeing the strong man of God in the sect, he went to find xianlinzong, and the other sects were speechless for a while.

Subsequently, these strong sects quickly arranged the formation and jointly established a defensive formation in order to resist for a long time.

If a strong person in his own family can't contact him for a long time, he will also find something wrong and come. Maybe he will be saved at that time.

At this time, the strong army of xianlinzong had been surrounded and entered Longwei mountain one after another.

Xihongshi, langguo and Mao Xiucai, the three ancestors of God in the sect, glared at Ling Daoyun and others.

"Xianlinzong, what do you mean?"

Xi Hongshi shouted angrily.

"What do you mean? Brother Xi Hong, are you getting older and more confused? Can't you see it? We just want to be a grave digger for you so that you can be buried here."

Ling Jinfei came out and smiled faintly.


God's strong people in the sect did not expect that Xianlin sect really wanted to destroy all the other sects in the longwai mountain. It was too much appetite.

"Aren't you afraid that the strong behind us will trouble you in the future?"

The satellite fell angrily.

"There's nothing to be afraid of. At that time, it's OK to say that the strong man in the magic cow domain killed you. Didn't Niu Xiaojin live in the aisle for a while before? We have evidence. Just die at ease."

Ling Jin said and directly ordered, "kill! Don't leave any!"


The strong men of God in Zong suddenly felt numb.

They bear the brunt and have no chance of winning in the face of the army of xianlinzong.

"Quickly! Quickly withdraw! Join with other sects, otherwise, our God will be destroyed in the sect!"

Langguo roared and ran away first.

But how could the ancestors of xianlinzong let them go.

Ling Jin's five people went directly to kill the ancestors of the three gods, xihongshi, langguo and Mao Xiucai.

The fighting broke out in an instant, and the strong men of God zaizong screamed repeatedly. They underestimated xianlinzong's determination and paid a huge price for it.

When the satellite fell and others were seriously injured and returned to the Daoqian sect, God was in the sect of millions of strong people, and only hundreds of thousands died.

They had already experienced a fight. Now they are facing the powerful and full xianlinzong army, or tens of millions of strong troops. They are not opponents at all.

"Xianlinzong is really crazy. Please save me, Taoist friends!"

The satellite fell and others crawled for help.

They despised the strong man who looked at zaizong and just let you stay here to fight xianlinzong together. You just pretended not to agree.

Well, let's get the hell out of being killed!

However, the people did not see the play and extended a helping hand to help the strong people of God zaizong into the camp.

Anyway, they are also a force. Maybe they can resist the army of xianlinzong for a long time.

Soon, xihongshi, langguo and Mao Xiucai were surrounded and killed to death by xianlinzong's ancestors.

Their heads were held by Ling Jin and others.

"I advise you to accept your fate and not to make senseless resistance."

Ling Jin smiled.

"Admit our destiny? Since we embarked on the road of cultivation, we have never known what it means to admit our destiny. If you want to destroy us, let's have a try!"

Liu Liang shouted.

"In that case, die in unwillingness!"

After that, Ling Jin pinched and exploded Xi Hongshi's head, then burst into immortal power and took the lead in killing the people.

"Most of them are the guys who practice immortal Dharma. In the tianwu world, recover the martial arts without the power of cultivating Dharma and block them. The longer it takes, the better it will be for us."

After Hu Luo, the ancestor of Zhendou sect, roared, he took the lead in blocking Ling Jin and others.

Soon, a new battle broke out.

However, it is obvious that the strong of the twelve sects are beaten by the strong of xianlinzong, but they can still persist.

Dongli Yufeng, Li bupang, Lu Youqi and others gathered together to take care of each other and constantly resist the strong xianlinzong killed like a trend.

Every second, many strong people fall.

This new bloody battle is more terrible than just now.

"Why? Xianlinzong, why did you do this?"

A strong man roared reluctantly.

"Why? You're dead. The Dragon cry mountain has been my xianlinzong's territory since then."

Ling Daoyun killed the strong man with a sword and said faintly.

Many days after the war.

The ancestors led by Liu Liang of Zhendou sect have fallen one after another, and the strongmen of major sects have also been killed and injured countless times.

The rest of the strong people such as Dongli language style are still struggling to support, but they can't last long.

On the lock fairy array, the broken Sirius sat high in the clouds, tasted a cup of wine in his hand, and watched the fierce fight below.

"Unexpectedly, these guys are quite resistant to killing. After so many days, they still have the power of a war."

Broken Sirius said casually.

"Master, do you want me to help kill them?"

Evil Tianhua said respectfully.

"Little wolf dog, you're naughty again. They're rubbish. Just let them fight by themselves."

Broken Sirius smiled lightly.

"Yes, master!"

On one side, tianzhaoxin saw the strong men of Zhendou sect. They all wanted to fight around a fat man. It seemed that they wanted to protect the fat man.

"Master, the fat man seems to have extraordinary talent and understand the potential, and the weapon in his hand is also very strange."

Tianzhaoxin pointed to Li not fat and said respectfully.

"Oh? Interesting little fat man, catch him and ask him if he is interested in being my little fat dog."

The broken Sirius grinned.

"Yes, master!"

Then, with a wave of the broken Sirius, Tianyin opened a gap in the lock immortal array. Tianzhaoxin directly entered the battlefield from the gap and killed Li bupang directly.

Feeling a strong breath, the douzong people were surprised, "no! Here comes a powerful guy, his goal is the son!"

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