Facing the world of hidden murders, Bai miserable has thousands of feelings.

The more you understand the world, the more you feel that the world is full of darkness and calculation.

Therefore, Bai miserable dare not easily reveal the truth, so as to prevent it from being used by the family of heaven and bringing great harm to the world.

This time, Bai miserable's assassination plan is also relatively simple, that is, directly sneak into the forbidden area of the Imperial Palace, break into the imperial residence hall, find Tianzhao Yuren, and then directly attack him and force him to use the avenue level guard force.

Although Bai miserable has the ability of immortality, his overall strength is not enough. I'm afraid he can't do it. He also needs a trusted and powerful person who dares to die.

Therefore, Princess Huofan asked one of her trusted and powerful disciples to accompany Bai miserable to complete the task.

This beautiful woman named Yan linger is actually a strong person in the thirty-three heaven peaks of the heaven soul realm. She also understands the seven layer burning sword potential. Her strength is strong. It's enough to assassinate Tianzhao Yuren.

Of course, in the face of Tianzhao Yuren who can exert her guardian power twice, maybe she will die in the palace.

But in order to complete the instructions of Princess Huofan, she resolutely took over this arduous task.

On the one hand, he knows the location of the Imperial Palace and how to sneak into the palace, so he can break through quickly with Yan linger.

On the other hand, he has a grudge against Tianzhao Yuren. His appearance will stimulate Tianzhao Yuren and increase the success rate of the plan.

Anyway, Bai miserable can't die. It's a big deal to be imprisoned again. Then, when the army attacks, Dongli Xiaoyao will kill him and return to normal.

"Sister Ling, you may die in battle this time. What can you tell me? I can finish it for you in the future."

Bai miserable said seriously.

Yan linger shook her head and said, "I know my talent is limited. I have lived for hundreds of thousands of years and haven't fully understood the Yan sword potential. It's estimated that I've stopped seven layers of Yan sword potential in my life. I'm ashamed of the cultivation of the master. I can complete this task for the master this time and give me a chance to make a name in history. I'm very grateful and have no regrets in this life."

Bai miserable and others looked at Yan linger with admiration.

For a while

Bai miserably said, "sister Ling, let's go!"

Yan linger nodded.

Then they went directly to the palace.

With the powerful breath concealing treasure given by Princess Huofan and the identity token of tianzhaoxin, Bai miserable and Yan linger easily sneaked into the palace and ran all the way to the imperial palace.

But when they got outside the forbidden wall of the palace, they stopped.

"Sister Ling, if you go in again, you will find the forbidden area of the imperial palace. Once you enter, we will be exposed and the strong of the omen family will kill you. Therefore, you can only break in by force and kill you in the imperial palace."

Bai miserable said.

"Then you follow me, tell me the location of the Imperial Palace and kill it directly."

Yan linger said seriously.

Bai miserable nodded.

Then, they broke into the forbidden area directly, and the strong man of the Tianzhao family found them directly.

"Someone broke into the forbidden area. Go and intercept them!"

Many of the strong men of the omen family came to kill with great determination.

At this time, Yan ling'er showed her unparalleled strength. Holding Yan spirit sword, she directly burned and killed the strong who came. No one was the enemy of Yan ling'er's move.

"Hiss... Tell the emperor that there are strong and invincible people. One of them is Gu Shaobai, the Bai miserable that Xingyue palace is still looking for!"

A strong man of the omen family shouted in panic.

Tianzhao Yuren, who was in the imperial residence hall, was shocked and delighted when he learned that Bai miserable had entered the forbidden area of the imperial palace with a powerful woman. He quickly ordered: "stop them!"

Then, Tianzhao Yuren hurried to get Tianzhao Sanquan sword for self-defense, and ready to start the black killing guard army at any time.

Of course, Tianzhao Yuren didn't forget to inform the strong affiliated forces of Xingyue palace.

Soon, the strong affiliated forces of Xingyue palace learned that Bai miserable appeared in the forbidden area of the palace and hurried to the palace.

The strong man in the Imperial City killed the Imperial Palace directly and excitedly.

The strong affiliated forces of Xinghe Palace found something wrong. When they saw the strong affiliated forces of Xingyue palace rush back to the Imperial City, they knew that something big had happened in the imperial city.

"Let's go! Let's follow them and" help "!"

As a result, countless strong men flew to the imperial city like locusts in the sky.

At this moment, corpses are everywhere in the forbidden area of the imperial palace.

The terrible power of Yan linger is not something that the strong of the omen family can resist.

When they were killed, they threw away their armor and didn't scream. They died under Yan linger's terrible Yan sword technique.

When the fire sword attack is enveloped, everything will be burned.

Not long ago, Yan linger took Bai to the Huangju hall!

Knowing that the strong people brought by Bai miserable were too strong, Tianzhao Yuren didn't show up, but let the old people of Tianzhao family keep here with a group of strong people.

"Bai miserable, you know that the Star Moon Palace is searching for you in the Yang heart. How dare you still appear here? Don't think you can do whatever you want with a strong man. You can't afford to offend the omen family!"

An old family of omens roared.

Bai miserable ignored the old man and made an inspection tour. He didn't find Tianzhao Yuren, so he said to Yan linger:

"Sister Ling, Tianzhao Yuren isn't here. It's estimated that he hid somewhere in the Huangju hall, beheaded them, and then overturned the Huangju hall. I don't believe he won't come out."

Yan linger nodded and killed the strong.

Seeing that the nameless strong woman was killed without saying a word, they were also panic, "start the battle array and jointly cut her!"

The large array of Huangju hall is very powerful. It is difficult for strong people to get out once they fall into the ordinary heaven soul state.

But Yan linger directly integrated the seven layers of Yan sword power to break through the array and kill the strong men of the Tianzhao family.

While Bai miserable constantly tried to extract the power of the strong of the Tianzhao family around Yan linger, and soon reached saturation.

Seeing that the enemy was so terrible, the dark omen Yuren couldn't care so much anymore. He directly launched the general order of black killing.

A huge portal appears. Tianzhao Yuren steps into the portal and comes to a small territory!

When the general order of black killing was used, the army of black killing guards had gathered here. Look, the number was no less than hundreds of millions.

Among them, the leading group of black kill guards broke out the momentum of the thirty-three heavy days of the heaven soul realm, and a trace of unique momentum loomed from them.

Tianzhao Yuren wanted to use Tianzhao Sanquan sword, but considering the power of Tianzhao Sanquan sword, its function is far better than black killing guards.

There were only two enemies, so Tianzhao Yuren decided to use black to kill the guards.

After all, there are only two opportunities to use the Tianzhao Sanquan sword.

It's not afraid that the army of killing Wei in the dark can't destroy the incoming enemy. It's enough to drag the strong subordinate forces to the Star Moon Palace to kill the incoming enemy.

"Meet the emperor!"

The black killing guard army knelt down.

"The Tianzhao family is facing a great test. A terrible strong man has killed her in the imperial palace. The emperor needs you to intercept her."

Tianzhao Yuren said coldly.

"Obey the emperor's order!"

Hundreds of millions of black guards broke out.

Then one after another ran out of the gate, flew out of the imperial residence and joined the fight.

For a time, it caused some obstacles to Yan linger.

Bai miserable knew that Tianzhao Yuren must be hiding in the imperial palace as soon as he saw the black killing guard appear.

The imperial residence hall is not small. It's not easy to find Tianzhao Yuren.

But Bai miserable doesn't want the plan to come to naught. He has to find out the location of Tianzhao Yuren and tell Yan linger.

Therefore, Bai miserable whispered to Yan linger, "sister Ling, first break the guard array of the Huangju palace, and then I'll find the location of the emperor of the Tianzhao family, and I'll inform you when I find it."

Yan linger nodded, then tried her best to open a huge gap in the Huangju hall, and blew a big hole out of the Huangju hall by the way.

Then, Yan linger broke into the imperial palace with Bai miserable.

As soon as he entered the Imperial Palace, Bai miserable turned to death, and then went to find the location of Tianzhao Yuren.

And Yan linger stayed here and fought with strong men such as heishawei.

Soon after, the strong ones of the affiliated forces of the Star Moon Palace in the imperial city took the lead in arriving!

Seeing a strong woman who wantonly broke out far beyond the limits of the boundary rules was also a burst of ignorance.

"Who is this guy from? Why didn't the realm Guardian appear to punish her?"

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