"King Kong resonance?"

Everyone was stunned.

"That's right! Vajra resonates. What I practiced with the ancestor of Fu Tiandi is the" little Vajra formula ", which has the same strength. It is recorded that two people who practice the" little Vajra formula "can resonate."

"Therefore, if I cross my own strength into the bones of the ancestor Fu Tiandi, I can briefly resonate and awaken the will of the ancestor Fu Tiandi remaining in the bones."

Bai miserable explained.

Tianzhaoyun was so frightened that he turned white and collapsed directly to the ground, but there was still a glimmer of hope in his eyes. He hoped that his will had dissipated after Fu Tiandi died for so many years.

A drunkard nodded and said, "it's true. I'll know at a glance. Let's start!"

Therefore, Bai miserable began to run the little King Kong formula and became golden all over.

"What pure power."

A drunkard exclaimed.

Then, Bai miserable crossed his golden power into the bones of the world. In an instant, the bones burst into dazzling golden light.

Fiercely, the head and body of heaven and earth are connected together to restore the whole. A huge figure transformed by the will of heaven and earth appears, standing in the sky, like an invincible golden giant. Raise your hand, heaven and earth bend their heads!

"I am the little King Kong, who lives in heaven and earth and stands in the world. I should preach the will of King Kong forever!"

The heroic declaration of will goes straight into the hearts of all people in the Yang heart region.

At this moment, countless creatures knelt down to the giant transformed by the will of heaven and earth.

At this moment, everyone knows that this giant does not belong to the omen family, but belongs to the little King Kong sect.

Gu Xueqin knelt down in tears, kowtowed to heaven and earth, and burst into tears

"Patriarch, di Changlao, predecessors of the little Vajra sect of all dynasties, do you see? The truth has been revealed, and the bones of the ancestors have been taken back. You can rest in peace."

Then, the giant dissipated, the last remaining will of the world dissipated, and a light golden rain floated in the sky of the Yang heart region.

Although it is not as bright as when jinwudi fell, it is also shocking.

A generation of heroes, the spirit of the hero was finally liberated.

Countless creatures shed tears!

The guardians of the nine realms looked at everything in shock.

An alcoholic was also filled with emotion.

Tianzhaoyun had no luck and looked like death, "it's over, everything is over... It's not saved, it can't be saved..."

"Unexpectedly, a generation of strong people fell into heaven and earth, almost cut off the inheritance and died together with the strong people of heaven and man, but their war achievements were earned by you. It's a good luck. You can't be blamed for your death!"

A drunkard snapped.

Then, a drunkard directly bowed down to the bones of Fu Tiandi, "Taoist friend, although you and I have never known each other, the heart of guarding the tianwu world is the same. Your Vajra will and my will go the same way. I drunkards rarely admire others. You are one of them. Please accept me!"

The guardians of the nine realms also kneel down to the bones of the world!

Then, a drunkard directly caught tianzhaoyun, then received the wine gourd and spread the sound to the whole tianwu world.

"I'm a drunkard. The Tianzhao family stole the martial arts of the founder of the little King Kong sect. Now, with the disclosure of the little King Kong sect leader Bai miserable, the truth will be revealed. In a few days, I will tell the six circles the whole story!"

"We hereby issue a royal decree to kill the Tianzhao family. The culprit Tianzhao Yun will suppress the endless abyss forever and be punished!"

"The Yang heart region is again rewarded to the little Vajra sect. The little Vajra sect can be guarded by the guardian of the realm forever. All the disciples of little Jin gangzong in the future can jump out of the power limited by the rules of the realm, and the will of Vajra will never be broken!"

When a drunkard finished, the terrible thunder punishment fell on everyone in the Tianzhao family, and all were spared, and the Tianzhao family came to an end!

Countless people are surprised!

I thought that the omen of fortune would return, and there was no doubt that the white miserable side would lose.

Unexpectedly, Bai miserably revealed the truth of that year, making the Tianzhao family lose every son and lose every game!

Xingyuezun, who was on his way to the Yang heart region, stopped. The words of an alcoholic adult directly made him stop the idea of looking for Bai miserable trouble now.

Then, Xingyue Zun returned directly to Xingyue palace and made plans again!

The broken Sirius thought for a while, then sneered: "Bai miserable, I didn't expect you to be really good! In the near future, I will meet you personally! Jie..."

Laugh, broken Sirius returns to level 6 Vientiane domain, continues to develop his Sirius gate, and strengthens his cultivation and becomes stronger by the way!

Seeing the power of the strong in the eternal realm, Sirius was very excited. "This is the strong. There are mole ants under the eternal realm. Only by stepping into the eternal realm, can I take charge of heaven and earth and attack Fangqiu. I will become a strong man no weaker than an alcoholic!"

Soon, the whole tianwu world was boiling

Countless strong men rushed to the Yang heart region to see the little King Kong sect leader Bai Nai, who is famous again in the tianwu world.

Of course, Bai miserable doesn't want to deal with countless strong people.

After a drunkard returns to the endless world with the omen, Bai miserable asks nine boundary guardians to hold the palace with the power of Tao Wen, or anyone will enter.

Subsequently, Bai miserable asked 100 million people to fight against the strong of Tianmo cattle and began to transform Tianzhao palace into a small King Kong sect.

After all, this place is the place where Fu Tiandi once died, which is of extraordinary significance.

Therefore, Bai miserable decided to rebuild the little King Kong sect here.

Of course, the appearance of the little King Kong sect is still built according to the previous style, but it is much larger and a little different.

Like the trial mountain, it is now a trial hall, a huge palace.

Like the Gong FA Pavilion, it is now a gong FA hall, which is also five floors. The stone tablet is still placed here.

The others have not changed much!

The secret place of Tianzhao holy land was changed to the secret place of King Kong, where the bones of heaven and earth were buried.

The ashes of the little King Kong sect who was previously killed are also buried here.

The bones of Yan linger and Dongli Mengxian are also buried here.

Tianzhao Yuren's body was refined and knelt here forever to repent.

Later, Gu Xueqin personally set up a holy throne for all the dead people who remember. This will be the first forbidden area of little Vajra sect!

Soon, the whole palace was completely transformed into a small King Kong sect.

Bai miserable, Dongli Xiaoyao and Gu Xueqin began to sort out the things of the little King Kong sect after worshiping the dead people.

Now there are only Bai miserable and Gu Xueqin left in the whole little Vajra sect. They don't know that di Qiu has fallen.

Therefore, Bai miserable decided to recruit new disciples, and then mobilized everyone to find Di Qiu's whereabouts!

Those who find Di Qiu will be granted the position of Little King Kong sect elder, regardless of strength!

Soon after the news that the little King Kong sect wanted to recruit disciples was spread, countless talented and strong people came to take part in the examination.

As long as you join the little Vajra sect, you will benefit a lot in the future. You don't have to worry that the little Vajra sect will destroy the sect. The little Vajra sect with great war merit will only become stronger and stronger!

The imperial city is also flooded with countless forces. They compete for territory with their strength and make it look new and more prosperous than before.

Bai miserable didn't restrict other forces like the great sun Dynasty. They had to be their subordinate forces before they could create a sect here.

Seeing so many talents to assess, Bai miserable also increases the difficulty of assessment.

Let Gu Xueqin take out the Vajra tower. As long as someone can pass the first level test, he can become a disciple of the little Vajra sect.

The higher the number of layers passed, the higher the position.

Of course, in order to speed up the assessment, Bai miserable asked the guardians of the nine boundaries to help create a venue similar to the Diamond Tower trial, so that all the talents who came to participate in the assessment could complete the assessment as soon as possible.

With the help of the nine boundary guardians, the little Vajra sect was soon full of disciples.

Even recruited many elders.

For a time, the whole little Vajra sect was thriving.

All the elders and disciples who joined the group first practiced the Vajra secret method, and then chose the inheritance skill of the little Vajra sect to practice it.

Soon, the little King Kong sect ushered in the grand ceremony of the Lord's succession!

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