The five building owners of Wuyuan stared at Bai miserable and Dongli Xiaoyao, as well as the Huoba that Bai miserable had been taking with him.

These three guys seem to have eaten nothing for hundreds of thousands of years, and their spiritual vegetables fly all over the sky.

The most terrible thing is Bai miserable. It's a cruel man who doesn't even vomit his bones.

Eating and eating, Bai miserable's body emits three colored lights, like a god of food, which is very strange!


Five building owners are petrified.

Jia can wants to remind Bai miserable to pay attention to their image, but once Bai miserable starts the CD-ROM operation, he won't listen to your advice.

"Lord Jia, don't just look at us. Eat all, eat all!"

"Brother Wu, please ask someone to prepare the dishes as soon as possible. It's not enough..."

Bai miserably displays death turn and Su Changsheng, and eats uncontrollably.


Wu Yuan and others have blue veins on their foreheads.

However, Wuyuan still asked people to prepare dishes as soon as possible.

Soon, bodyguards kept bringing the best spiritual dishes, but one end came up and was directly divided up by Bai miserable.

Although Huoba is small, its digestive ability is terrible.

Food is directly refined into pure power in its stomach. How much you can eat is no weaker than white.

"Huobaba, delicious!"

Looking at Bai miserable's three eating so happily, Wu Yuan quit and hurriedly grabbed some green vegetables to eat.

Why not grab meat?

That's because the meat has long been eaten up by three hungry ghosts.

The dinner lasted from night to dawn the next day.

There was really no food in Wanbao building, so three people stopped eating.

Dongli Xiaoyao doesn't eat much. After all, these spiritual dishes are valuable and have extraordinary energy. Dongli Xiaoyao can't absorb too much in a short time and can only be refined slowly.

Huoba and Bai miserable had no control. They ate as much as they came. Wu Yuan's smiling face became gloomy.

After this meal, Wanbao building suffered a huge loss.

At this time, Bai miserable picked his teeth and said, "brother Wu, to tell you the truth, the food here is the most delicious food I've ever eaten. Thank you for your hospitality."

"Ah ha ha... I wish brother Bai liked it. If I hadn't stored enough dishes, I could have eaten enough for brother Bai."

Wu Yuan smiled without conscience.

"Let's go wash up and say goodbye."

After that, Bai miserable and Dong Li leave happily. A bodyguard takes them to a private room.

After Bai miserable left, Wu Yuan smashed the table.

"Big landlord, do we really let him leave?"

Jia can asked suspiciously.

"Mrs. president has a life. Don't touch them first. Our landlord will follow them personally. Once we find the trace of Chenxin, our landlord will take them down and roast them!"

Wu Yuan said coldly.

Then Wu Yuan said to the four building owners, "well, there's nothing for you here. You can go back and deal with your own affairs."

"Yes, big landlord!"

After the four left, Wu Yuan looked at the mess all over the table with black lines. "I'm afraid these two guys are not reincarnated by hungry ghosts! And the strange creature called Huoba, which can be eaten by thieves. What kind of creature is that? Why haven't you seen it? It's estimated that it's a creature in the lower world..."


Near noon, Bai miserable and Dongli Xiaoyao bid farewell to Wuyuan. They still need to go to guandaoshan and Xingyue palace for business, so they don't want to stay here.

Wu Yuan is naturally happy to leave these two food goods!

"Two brothers, I won't give them away."

"Brother Wu, thank you for your hospitality. Let's say goodbye."

"OK, have a nice trip!"

After that, Bai miserable and Dongli Xiaoyao left directly.

Wu Yuan waits for Bai miserable to go out of the Wanbao building, then returns to the room, takes out the secret treasure, enters the void, and directly follows Bai miserable from the void.

Bai miserable and Dongli Xiaoyao didn't notice. Who would have thought that someone would monitor them in the void.

When Bai Nai and they were about to reach the city gate, three strong men in black robes and strange fire mask flew from the sky.

In tianwu region, only the top strong or the strong power of the city can fly at will.

If others dare to fly without authorization, they will be killed by the city guard!

When the three strong men appeared, Huoba obviously hid in Bai miserable's arms and seemed to be afraid.

"What's the matter? Huoba."

Bai miserably asked when he found Huoba abnormal.

"Huobaba, they are the bad guys who want to catch me."

Huoba whispered.

When the three strong men in black clothes passed Bai miserable's head, they stopped.

One of the strong ones looked at Bai miserable, because he had just felt the power of sky fire.

These strong men often mingle in the sky fire Jedi to find the spirit of the sky fire. Naturally, they are very sensitive to the breath of the sky fire.

"What's the matter?"

The other two strong men asked suspiciously.

"There's just a breath of the power of sky fire. Go and have a look!"

Then the three strong men in black flew directly to Bai miserable and Dongli Xiaoyao.


Bai miserable and Dongli Xiaoyao looked at the three strong men lightly.

The passers-by saw the three strong men flying down and exclaimed, "it's the holy fire guard of the fire smelting gate!"

Then, the passers-by quickly dispersed to one side.

The holy fire guard is one of the strong men in the fire smelting gate. Each one has the strength no weaker than the elder.

Moreover, he is ruthless and resolute. He is an overlord in the territory of the fire smelting gate!

When the guards of flint city saw that it was the holy fire guard, they didn't dare to approach.

Wu Yuan in the void frowned, "how can the holy fire guard of the fire refining gate find the two people on the day shift?"

"Boy, why did you just smell the power of heaven fire?"

A flame guard snapped.

Bai miserably looked at the three masked holy fire guards and thought that it was estimated that Huoba had just been frightened, resulting in a trace of the power of heaven fire in his body.

Bai miserable, who didn't want to cause trouble, took out a Firestone from Najie and said with a smile: "this adult, you mean this!"

"Sky fire stone!"

The three sacred guards recognized the sky fire stone at a glance.

"Yes, sir, our two brothers went to Tianhuo Jedi to dig several Tianhuo stones. It is estimated that the power of Tianhuo felt by adults is the overflow of the flint on this day!"

Bai miserable smiled naturally.

A sacred fire guard took the flint, weighed it, and said faintly, "I see. We confiscated the flint this day. You can roll."

Bai miserable and Dongli Xiaoyao didn't say much, so they nodded and left directly.


Huoba sighed with relief and gave a soft call.

But the holy fire guard's ears are so sensitive that he can hear the sound of fire bar in an instant. This sound is unusual. Ordinary creatures are not so spiritual.


A holy flame guard shouted, and the momentum rolled and startled.

Bai miserable and Dongli Xiaoyao stopped.

"Sir, what else?"

Bai miserably smiled.

"What are you hiding in your arms? Take it out and have a look!"

The flame guard said overbearing.

"My Lord, it's just a pet I adopted. It's worthless. It's not even as good as a monster."

Bai miserable explained.

"I'll let you take it out, or there will be no amnesty!"

The flame guard said with killing intention.


Bai was stunned and shook his head helplessly.

But Bai miserably didn't take out the fire bar, but said faintly: "why do you force me? I'm already very low-key and don't want to make trouble. Why do you bother me if you three mallets have nothing?"


The three flame guards didn't react for a while.

The melon eaters opened their mouths one by one and stared at Bai miserable.

Just when the holy fire guard was angry and wanted to kill Bai miserable, Bai miserable took the lead and shouted fiercely: "brother Xiaoyao, lie down these three bird fire guards!"

After that, Bai miserable's combat power is fully open. Take out the prison empty ancient knife and start the war directly!

Dongli Xiaoyao also pulled out the Xiaoyao sword and said faintly, "then cut it with a sword!"

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