
The strong man of the fire smelting gate who was careless for a moment was directly killed by Bai miserably.

"Hiss... His strength is not weaker than the thirty heaven peak state of the heaven soul state, but it's not a big problem. Be careful with his knife and take him!"

Said a flame guard.

Subsequently, several holy fire guards surrounded Bai miserably, while other strong men surrounded and did not move.

Some of the strong also bypassed Bai miserable and jumped directly into the water to hunt down Dongli Xiaoyao.

Bai miserable knows Dongli's ability to be carefree. He just runs for his life. He should be able to successfully escape from the fire smelting gate.

Therefore, Bai miserable let go and fought with the five flame guards.

Although there may be nothing to do with them in a short time, under a long war, with their endless strength and dead turn, if they don't withdraw, it will be enough to kill them!

As a result, powerful force bombardment broke out frequently over the Great Lakes.

Although the five flame guards are powerful, they can't win Bai miserable.

The white and miserable black flash, coupled with the ability of blue sky shadow and power to startle the sky, and the outbreak of dead turn, the comprehensive speed is not much worse than that of the strong person at the top of the thirty-three days of the heaven soul realm.

The only disadvantage is that the power is not strong enough. Unless the prison empty ancient knife cuts their bodies, it really can't cause much damage to the holy fire guard.

"This little loach is weak in strength, that is, the speed is so fast, not worse than ours. It is estimated that we have mastered a powerful speed secret and try to limit his mobile space."

Said a flame guard.

Seeing that the five holy fire guards deliberately blocked their mobile space, Bai miserable looked at the strong man of flint city.

Seeing Bai miserable's eyes looking towards the strong of Firestone City, the holy fire guard knows what Bai miserable wants.

"Be careful! He wants to go over to you!"

The flame guard shouted.

But it's too late to remind. Bai miserable has flashed towards a large group of strong people in the burning stone city.

The flame in this direction was cold, "want to break through my defense? Dream! Since I can't catch you, I'll cut you."

After saying that, I saw that the holy fire guardian's holy fire Dharma phase broke out a bright flame, burning this direction red!

Fiercely, the holy fire guard's holy fire knife fell towards Bai miserably, "the profound meaning of holy fire formula - Fire knife kiss!"

The holy fire guard cut down with a knife, and the power of the fire attribute law turned into two huge flames, with a dazzling blade, like a woman's kiss, towards the white tragic kiss.

Where the fireknife kisses, the space is red and cracks appear. It can be seen that the power of the holy fire guard has exceeded the 33 heavenly peaks of the heavenly soul realm. If the strong in the ordinary heavenly soul realm are directly cut, they will die!

But Bai miserable ignores the "fire knife kiss" and turns to death. Even if your moves are ten times and a hundred times stronger, Bai miserable doesn't have advice.

Seeing Bai miserable rushing towards the "fire knife kiss" regardless, all the holy fire guards were stunned, "is he looking for death?"

But the next moment, the strong will be silly.

I saw the "fire knife kiss" directly hit Bai miserable and cut Bai miserable into three sections, but the three sections of Bai miserable still flew towards the strong man of the burning stone city at an unabated speed.

When Bai miserable bypasses the holy fire guard and comes to the strong men of flint City, Li Jingtian has integrated Bai miserable's body.

Looking at the petrochemical strongmen, Bai Zhen narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "what's amazing? A group of mallets, it's my turn, red flame - flower burial world - infinite flash knife system!"

Bai miserable's strength coagulated, and then began to display the red flame move unrestrained, killing wantonly in the pile of millions of strong men in Flint city!




In a short time, thousands of strong people were slaughtered in vain.

The strong men who finally returned to God were furious, "roar! Surround and kill him together, don't leave your hands!"

At this moment, the city master of flint city was so bitter that he no longer watched the play. The blazing flame formula operated with all its strength, and the blazing fire method appeared. The heaven soul realm was thirty-three times, and the strength of the mid heaven realm broke out. Then he launched a powerful attack and killed Bai miserably!

The rest of the holy fire guards who were originally watching the play saw Bai miserable wantonly kill the people of the fire smelting gate. They stopped watching the play and joined the war one after another.

For a time, the dense strong, FA Xiang all over the sky, and the fire burned all over this area.

Even the huge lake was vaporized into gas because of the attack heat wave, and the white fog swept through this area to form a natural fog.

But the fog was soon burned by the flames of the strong!

Such repetition makes other powerful forces watching the war in the distance tremble!

Bai miserable was like the undead God of war with infinite power. He frequently broke out killing moves. The strong men of the fire smelting gate were more and more frightened.

"Hell, why did he get killed by us, or was he alive?"

A sacred flame guard Avenue.

"What monster are we fighting? How can we not die?"

The holy fire knives in the hands of a holy fire guard were inserted into Bai miserable's heart and stirred desperately.

Bai miserably vomited blood repeatedly, and then Bai miserably sprayed blood foam on the Holy Fire Guard: "Hey! Can you stop stirring? Do you know it's hard?"


The holy flame guard looked wronged, "blame me!"

Then, the holy flame guard pulled out the holy flame knife, launched a righteous attack and stabbed Bai miserable in the ass.

"Sleeping trough! This pervert!"

Bai Zhenda was shocked and rushed to another holy fire guard, which escaped the terrible blow of the abnormal holy fire guard.

It's not that Bai miserable is worried about being stabbed to death. It's that sour feeling in case of being stabbed. It's very embarrassing.

Therefore, Bai miserable deeply remembers the good flame guard with quirks, frequently avoids him, and then tries his best to fight with other strong men.

In this way, the war lasted more than ten days!

The strong ones in the sky soul realm of flint city and the realm below 30 days have been slaughtered by Bai.

Most of the rest were frightened by Bai miserable's undead body. They were afraid to face Bai miserable again. Even the burning pain of the city Lord of Firestone city was not willing to fight. They took the rest of the strong men to hide away from the theater.

Now, only the flame guards are left to kill Bai miserably.

But the power of the flame guards is also seriously wasted. If they go on like this, they will be killed one by one because of the lack of follow-up.

"How can there be such an immortal monster in this world? Who is he?"

The flame guard roared wildly.

Of course, the master of Firestone city has informed the fire smelting gate of the war here, and the strong ones of the fire smelting gate are coming this way.

Soon, a weak successor of the flame guard was caught by Bai miserably.

"I won't kill you this time!"

"Black flash - unbounded territory - cut with one knife!"

However, the holy fire guard is worthy of being one of the strong men in the fire smelting gate. At the critical moment, he even gave up one hand and escaped the white and tragic fatal blow.

Bai miserable showed a smile, and then Bai miserable's body turned around strangely.

Ignoring the attacks of other holy fire guards, Bai miserably strikes this holy fire guard!

"Red flame - flower burial world - turn around and cut!"


Prison empty ancient Dao successfully cut off the head of the holy fire guard.

The rest of the flame guards were shocked when their companions were killed.

For many years, the flame guard has been an absolute strong force in this area. No one dares to disrespect the flame guard. They are the overlord here.

But today, one overlord was killed. This is the first time in countless years that the flame guard has been killed on its own territory!

And it was a boy who killed the sacred fire guard!

"The flame guard was killed?"

The strong people watching the battle looked at the battlefield unimaginably.

Bai miserably succeeded and continued to fight with other holy guards.

At this time, the strong man of the fire smelting gate arrived. It was the eldest elder of the fire smelting gate. Fire smelting Wutu!

"Elder, you're here at last. The immortal boy just killed a holy fire guard."

Chikuhui report.


Fire refining without slaughter shocked.

Then, the fire refining without Tu Meng's all-out efforts, the six layers of fire merged into the palm, erupted terrible power, and blew away at Bai miserable!

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