This time, the ghost army did not attack Tianbao Pavilion

This led to many people running for their lives to escape into Tianbao Pavilion

The whole Tianbao Pavilion is overcrowded and can't squeeze in

Dongfang Yilong, the founder of the East, has a dignified face. He is about to die. Even if he has the peak combat power in the central territory, he is not the opponent of the terrible black robed man

But... They will still fight hard. Their ancestral foundation can't fall into the hands of others

Dongfang Yilong said to a fairy girl around him, "if the situation is wrong, you will leave here with the inheritance of the Dongfang family and take revenge for us when you are strong in the future..."

"Grandpa Taizu... No... You won't lose..."

The East is like an immortal, with tears in her eyes.

Among the three beauties of Tianyun Kingdom, sapphire has become a ghost killer. Nangong language poetry hides in Tianbao Pavilion. Now Dongfang Ruxian is also facing danger

Dongfang ruoxian is the strongest genius of the royal family. She is born with a congenital Royal body. Now she is at the age of 18. She is the peak strength of Linghui realm. She is just kind-hearted and has never been stained with blood... This is the first time she has faced such a cruel ghost cultivation

Dongfang ruoxian's father, Dongfang Dihong, the contemporary emperor of Tianyun Kingdom, also persuaded, "xian'er... You are the hope for the rise of our Dongfang family... After escaping, find a large door to practice slowly, and come back after being strong for revenge... Promise your father!"


Dongfang ruoxian took a white jade ring handed over by her father, which is all the inheritance of the Oriental royal family!


The defense array is broken

Millions of Imperial Palace forbidden army, silver dragon army and hundreds of thousands of powerful people in the king's room... Get together and attack the ghost repair of Qingyang sect

People who have received the intelligence of corpse soul ghost repair before and have no certain means dare not approach the shrouded area of corpse soul flag ghost Qi... All use long-range attack

Green ink laughed, "after tonight... Tianyun kingdom is completely my Qingyang sect!"

Dongfang Yilong was furious, "shameless qingmo, my Dongfang family has always been kind to Chiyue and Qingyang, just to maintain the friendship between our three ancestors... I didn't expect you to take refuge in Guixiu, destroy Chiyue sect and betray us... Guixiu is so cruel that he will kill you in the future..."

In the eyes of Dongfang Yilong, it is qingmo who led Qingyang sect to take refuge in the black robed man... Because qingmo is the oldest living ancestor of Qingyang sect


The elders and ancestors of the whole Qingyang sect were laughing, and qingmo also said, "you don't have to worry... Because... This... Is... The first generation leader of our Qingyang sect... Qingyang!"


All the Royal strongmen looked in horror at the man in black sitting on the high-altitude chariot!

The black robed man flew out of the chariot... Stood in the void... Took off his black robe and showed his true face... "The boys of Dongfang family, I am Qingyang!"

"It's impossible! Don't be kidding. Qingyang was a figure 5000 years ago. How can he live to this day? Even those who are born with the highest strength of the seventh realm, yingsoul realm, won't have a life span of more than 2000 years..."

The Dragon roared in horror!

"Jie... Then I'll let you know... When Chiyue, Dongfang Tianyun and I accidentally entered Xiaoji state, we got opportunities in it..."

It turned out that when the three entered Xiaoji, the red moon got the youyue spirit stone and skill, the Oriental Tianyun got the Zhiyang spirit stone and skill, and Qingyang got a black stone and skill, and this black stone is the ghost stone inherited by the corpse soul family!

Qingyang's ghost spirit roared and said with a smile, "I've got a complete inheritance of the corpse soul family... Among them, there is a wonderful way to sacrifice and refine living people... Corpse soul regeneration, but I need to practice again after rebirth...!"

"So after my first rebirth 4000 years ago, I began to lay out a secret base at the bottom of the mountains between Chiyue sect and Qingyang sect, and slowly accumulated strength..."

"So that we can... Win the Tianyun Kingdom at one fell swoop today, and then establish a corpse soul ghost array. Take this as a springboard to seize the whole Yunwu continent..."

"Now... You know... Why you can't fight me... Because you're fighting me who has lived for more than 5000 years! Jie Jie... Well, you either surrender to me or... Make my sacrifice..."

Qingyang smiled and looked at the shocked people of the Oriental family

"Even if Tianyun kingdom is destroyed, you don't want to seize the whole continent. Other forces won't let you develop..." the Oriental Dragon shouted angrily.

"That's not what you can care about!"

After Qingyang said it, he directly went up to Dongfang Yilong. When he met Dongfang Yilong, he fell down

Dongfang Yilong directly exerts the chakra magic power to attack with all his strength. Blue and blue, the five magic powers attack alternately, breaking out a powerful power

However, Qingyang is capable of five supernatural powers, which have steadily suppressed the Oriental Dragon and chip

Three families, the Li family, the Ao family and the dragon family, led by their ancestors... And other strong clan forces in the King City

Come and join the fight

If the royal family is destroyed, they are not far from death... At this moment, everyone resists the ghost cultivation of Qingyang sect

But Qingyang is too well prepared, which is equivalent to too many people with strong congenital environment!

Even people who are not in the innate realm can reach the level of ghost soldiers after ghost, which is equivalent to the strongman of Tianchong realm and Linghui realm

Fortunately, not everyone can become a corpse, soul and ghost refining to meet the ghost requirements... Otherwise hundreds of millions of troops can be ghost, and there is no need to fight

Gather people's strength. The number of strong people is almost the same as that of Qingyang sect

But the corpse soul flag attack is too strange. Many congenital strong people can't stop it at all

In particular, seven ghost killing can't kill at all. Even if it is injured, it can quickly supplement and recover

For a time, I fell into a hard struggle

If Dongfang ruoxian doesn't go out to fight, she hides in the distance to watch the war. If something goes wrong, she will leave from the secret road of the Royal forbidden area




After a while, houses all over the palace collapsed and casualties expanded

Bai Nai wakes up after smelling the news and sees the strong royal family, three families and other forces in the King City... Suppressed by the corpse soul repair of Qingyang sect

Most people can't resist the corpse soul flag. It's estimated that it won't have to wait until dawn to be killed

Bai miserable was in a hurry, but there was nothing to do... The transparent soul grabbed his head and was desperately trying to find a way. Suddenly it seemed to touch something

It's the feeling of real things. Bai miserable touched... There was a bead on the forehead of his transparent soul

Bai miserable took it down and looked carefully. It was an antidote bead. Did it run to his soul?

"Starling... The white bead came to my soul... Is there such a cow in your inheritance memory?" Bai miserable's heart said to Starling.


Bai miserably tells starling what happened. Starling carefully recalls the familiar operation, but... I can't remember!

"Brother Bai, try to urge it through your soul!"

Bai miserably tried it. Soul transmission and soul impact are useless


"Then... Try to use the power of your soul!"

"The power of the soul? How to control it?"

"Soul refining formula is OK. That soul impact is the use of soul power. Don't launch soul power to form an attack, just directly control your soul power to enter and try!"


Bai tried miserably, and the white bead emitted a bright light! "Starling, yes! Useful!"

"Can you feel anything?"

"Well... I'll try!"

Bai miserable manipulated it and found that with the power of soul... He could control the appearance of white beads on his forehead

Unexpectedly, he found that the ghost Qi that imprisoned his body was absorbed, and Bai miserable resumed his physical action

But I can't get rid of the jade ghost killing

To Bai's surprise... It seems that the power of his soul... Can detonate the energy previously absorbed in the detoxification bead!

Bai miserably decides to try. The power of the soul controls the white bead... The white bead on the forehead blooms white light!

All the strong feel a destructive force and look at Bai miserable

His forehead glowed, and then a dazzling light flashed!

As if the sun burst with a loud bang!


The blue wind roared sadly, because at the time of the explosion, the sapphire ghost killer was melted... Turned into dust!

Bai miserable resurrects in situ, but he has no clothes. He quickly covers important parts and looks for clothes

Seeing all the people staring at themselves, Bai miserable said shyly, "leave me alone... You continue to fight!"


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