Returning to the fire smelting Gate site, Bai miserable had to toot his mouth to find a huge tree, fly up, and then take out a tone stone.

This is the tone stone between Bai miserable and Chen Xin.

Before, Chenxin released starlings to save herself. The eight old glasses of the fire gate will be thoroughly investigated. It is estimated that Chenxin will be found soon.

Therefore, Bai Zhen wants to contact Chen Xin and ask about the situation.

At this moment, Chenxin is surrounded by eight ancestors on the ninth floor of the fire tower.

According to the report of the elder who stayed on the ninth floor of the fire tower, Chenxin was the only one who went out during the emergence of the void road.

That is to say, nine times out of ten, that rabbit Ji is the ghost of Chen Xin.

"Chen Xin, be honest. What's the matter with that rabbit Ji?"

Said the Firestone LAN with a black face.

If Chen Xin's talent was not comparable to the thousand seals of fire refining, or even a little stronger, the eight ancestors of the fire refining sect were too lazy to talk nonsense and directly killed Chen Xin.

Chenxin had already prepared his speech in advance, "great grandfather, I was forced by God miserable. He said he asked me to help him take rabbit Ji out to find someone for help. He can ensure that he can practice on the ninth floor of the fire tower. Otherwise, he will make me unable to practice in the fire tower all my life. In order to become stronger, I promised Bai miserable."


"Nonsense! Where is rabbit Ji hidden all over my body? If I am not a strong person in the eternal realm, I can't hide living creatures in the soul space!"

The second ancestor refined the fire and said to Ziran.

"This is absolutely true. Lord miserable has the treasure of the beast training ring, which can let the monster survive in it."

Chen Xin said truthfully.

"Animal training ring?"

The eight ancestors were stunned.

In the tianwu world, monsters are generally powerful and can be transformed into human shapes. Therefore, the tamed monsters in the tianwu world generally serve their masters, just like the human race.

Naturally, no one in tianwu world will specially study the space treasures that can accommodate monsters and beasts. There are many strange rings like space rings.

"I don't care if you were asked to do it or not. In short, you led to the tragic death of the tragic Lord in the void abyss when he was rescued by the boundary Guardian Lord Long Yan."

"This is the biggest loss of our fire smelting gate. You are to blame!"

"I think you have a good talent. You can avoid death, but it's hard to forgive living sins. I'll suppress you in the lava pool for thousands of years. If you're still alive after thousands of years, make atonement!"

The Firestone Lan said sternly.


Chen Xin was surprised.

This lava pool is specially used to hold the strong people of the fire gate who have committed great crimes. They will be roasted by the fiery power of lava day and night. Many people commit suicide before long.

If they are suppressed there, they will live a thousand years!

At this time, a tone stone in Chenxin's soul space rang. When Chenxin checked, it turned out to be the tone stone in contact with Bai miserable.

This made Chenxin stunned.

Now it is said that Bai tragically died in the void abyss. Now that the tone stone rings, doesn't it mean that Bai tragically is all right?

Bai miserable is not dead, so he doesn't have to be suppressed.

So Chenxin quickly took out the tone stone, then input the power of the law, and said in surprise: "brother Bai, is it you?"

The eight grandfathers on one side were shocked, "what? Is it miserable?"

Hearing Chenxin's voice, Bai miserable naturally knows that Chenxin doesn't matter much, so he doesn't have to be exposed.

So Bai miserable deliberately changed his voice and said, "I'm not brother Bai. My name is Fu Mulei. Are you Chen Xin?"

"Not in vain?"

Chen Xin and others were stunned.

"I'm Chenxin. Why do you have a white tone stone?"

Chen Xin inquired.

"Bai miserable saved me in the empty world and gave me this tone stone. I asked me to contact you when I went out. You helped him. He was worried that you would be punished by the fire smelting gate. Bai miserable asked me to tell you that he would not die. He would come back alive and drink tea with you. If the ancestor of the fire smelting gate dared to embarrass you, he would be the first to dismantle the fire smelting gate."

After saying that, Bai miserable hung the tone stone, and then directly crushed the tone stone.

Once a tone stone is crushed, the tone stone of another pair will lose its function.

Chen Xin and others stared at Tongyin stone.

Although what penalty Mulei said just now is full of doubts, they can't find penalty Mulei for confirmation.

They still don't believe that Bai miserable can come back alive. After all, Lord Long Yan said that Bai miserable fell into the abyss of nothingness and would never come back.

Even Lian Huoshi LAN and other ancestors hope Bai miserable can come back alive.

"Brother, do you want to punish Chen Xin now?"

An old ancestor said.

"You should give the miserable Lord a face, you don't have to suppress the lava pool, and you should punish Chenxin not to step into the fire tower for a thousand years."

Said Firestone LAN.

So Chenxin was driven out of Daji.

Although you can't step into the fire tower for a thousand years, it's better than being suppressed in the lava pool for a thousand years.

Chenxin decides to improve her cultivation level to the top level of heaven and soul, and then find a way to improve her understanding potential and refine her Taoist heart.

Suddenly, Chen Xin was stunned

Because she sensed the position of her Wanbao order, and it was in the fire smelting Gate site, not too far away.

"How could it happen? How could my Wanbao order appear again? Could it be..."

Without saying a word, Chenxin flew directly to the direction of wanbaoling.

At this moment, Chenxin suddenly realized that punishment Mulei was the pseudonym used by Bai miserable. Bai miserable must have returned to tianwu domain unharmed.

Although she doesn't know how Bai miserable came back alive, Chen Xin is still very happy.

Bai miserable is alive, then she will have a chance to return to the fire tower for cultivation. Her plan for Wu Yao doesn't have to be changed.

If the major forces in tianwu domain know that Bai miserable is still alive and still in tianwu domain, it will detonate the whole tianwu world.

In other words, now Chenxin has a huge handle on Bai miserable!

This is what Bai miserable didn't expect.

After pretending for a while, someone knew he was alive. It was too fast.

Bai miserable didn't leave the fire smelting Gate site immediately. Instead, he found a remote and uninhabited place and was ready to communicate with Dabao to see if there were any other three pieces of Tiandao fragments of five element town.

"Dabao, Erniu, how are you integrating?"

Bai miserable takes out the five elements Zhentian Dao and says to Dabao and Erniu.

"Brother Bai, it will be fine in a few days."

Er Niu said cleverly.

But dabaoroudu's little hand unconsciously reached into Bai miserable's clothes, and then untied Bai miserable's clothes.

"Sleeping trough! Dabao, what are you doing?"

Bai jumped up fiercely.

"Brother Bai, I'm sorry. I'm used to it. I always want to untie it when I see someone wearing clothes."

Dabao said shyly.


Bai miserable stared at Dabao with big eyes. "What's your ghost habit? It's changed for me."

"Brother Bai, Dabao is like this. If it could be changed, the old master would have let it change. Unfortunately, it can't be changed, so the old master gave it a nickname, which is good at understanding people's clothes and chicken Dabao."

Er Niu said helplessly.


Bai miserable's head is big. He feels like he has saved a pit.

"Brother Bai, I can't help it. I was originally one of the forbidden devices in the forbidden area of the boundary prison. I was sealed in the forbidden area for too long. When I was bored, I took pleasure in solving the seal. After countless years, I formed the habit of not knowing what would make me uncomfortable every day."

"After being brought out by the king of the five elements Avenue, those who have no solution will untie their clothes. Gradually they have this habit. Brother Bai, please forgive me. Come on, let me help you untie. Don't be shy. Soon."

Dabao said, reaching out again

"I'm considerate of you, big head ghost. Go away! Stay away from me."

Bai miserable said unhappily.

Dabao patted his hand and youyou said, "I'm not used to it the first time. Brother Bai, you'll get used to it in the future. I'll try my best to bear it."


Bai miserable asked Dabao to stand aside and not to get close to himself, which began to officially enter the topic.

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