When the three swallowed, they could obviously feel the improvement of their Tao mind, and a picture emerged in their minds:

A young man was on his way in the border road. He had a strange broken knife in his hand. Two spirit tools appeared, as if he were resisting the storm of nothingness.

Sledgehammer and Chu Yunxi recognized it as Bai miserable!

Although Luo Tianxue doesn't recognize Bai miserable's appearance, Dabao and Erniu recognize him. She exclaimed in her heart, "it's brother Bai. Brother Bai is on his way on the boundary road? Is he going somewhere?"

The picture soon disappeared, and the three finally knew Bai miserable situation.

Chu Yunxi and Li dachui exchanged ideas.

Luo Tianxue was stunned when she heard that they also saw the picture. She thought she saw it alone.

"You just had a picture in your mind of a teenager walking with a broken knife?"

Luo Tianxue asked.

"Hmm? You can see it too? Can it be that the picture will appear when you swallow the leaves just now?"

Li hammer is surprised by the way.

"The young master you are looking for is called Bai miserable?"

Luo Tianxue asked.

"Hmm? How do you know?"

Li Da Chui and Chu Yunxi Leng Dao.

"It seems that the person we're looking for is the same person. I'm looking for brother Bai, too."

"Get to know each other again. My name is Luo Tianxue. I swear to pursue the first saint in the white demon world!"

Luo Tianxue smiled.


Li Da Chui and Chu Yunxi were stunned.

After a while, sledgehammer said faintly, "I advise you to give up this idea as soon as possible. Madam Shao can only be sister Bilian!"

"I know Yao Bilian. Brother Bai is looking for her, but I won't give up. If there is news from brother Bai, please send someone to Tailian demon mountain in the demon world to tell me."

After that, Luo Tianxue began to walk down the steps.

Li Dashui and Chu Yunxi looked at Luo Tianxue, and then began to walk down the steps.

I saw three people walking down the top of the steps.

Countless strong men held their breath and wondered whether they had got the legendary Daoxin tea.

At the same time, the strong wondered why the first person to climb the steps didn't come down?

Dugu Yixiao and others are still insisting on the test of Tao heart.

At this time, sledgehammer didn't know what to say to them. Dugu smiled and others gave up climbing the steps and followed sledgehammer down.

Shi Jue felt a little better when he saw that Dahan couldn't climb the steps.

Immediately, Shi Jue and other strong men looked at Chu Yunxi.

Li Dashui, they dare not move their minds. Luo Tianxue is the first saint in the demon world, and they dare not move.

That leaves Chu Yunxi, a mysterious woman.

If the woman left alone, they would try to pull Chu Yunxi into their power.

It is enough to show that this woman's talent is no less than that of the little prophet and Luo Tianxue!

At this time, sledgehammer said happily, "it's rare to get together again. Let's find a place to have a party for a few days."

Chu Yunxi and others naturally agreed.

"Luo Tianxue, come and have a party with us!"

Sledgehammer suddenly looked at Luo Tianxue and said.

"Me? Of course I'd love to if you don't mind."

Luo Tianxue smiled.

She wanted to take this opportunity to learn about Bai miserable's past from sledgehammer.

So, Li dachui took the crowd and rode the Xingmu dunkong chicken. He began to leave Guandao mountain and was ready to find a good place for a field banquet!

When the other strong men saw that the strong man of the prophet FA family had gone, they were relieved, and then went back respectively.

If you want to challenge the strong one with 108 steps, continue to climb the steps.

Everything returns to its previous state.


A few days later!

The field Party of sledgehammer and others is over. The happy time is always so short!

Luo Tianxue also learned about Bai miserable's deeds before, but she was very happy.

And Luo Tianxue always feels that these deeds are familiar, but he can't remember them.

Sledgehammer wanted to take everyone to the prophet FA clan, but most refused.

An LAN Zhiqiu wants to look for Aojiao while cultivating and becoming stronger. He vowed to find his sister in this life!

Since Lao Tzu's view has disappeared, he will travel all over the Six Worlds to find it!

If you still can't find it, you can always find it by practicing in the eternal realm and looking for the endless world.

Chu Yunxi has begun to awaken something after integrating the nine Jue female hand bones. She should follow her inner induction and look for something. Naturally, she will not go to the prophet FA family with the sledgehammer.

After seeing the beauty of the world, little stone duck also wants to wander around and temper his way.

Dugu smiled, not to mention, his Kendo was to see the world's ten thousand methods, and then break them one by one, one sword ten thousand methods, to achieve the supreme collapse Kendo and become the strongest swordsman in the world!

Jintian seeks defeat since he learned that there is a God King who inherits the power of arrow holy gate in the divine world, he is determined to defeat the arrow method of arrow holy gate with his own arrow.

Jin Tian's idea of seeking defeat is a little similar to Dugu Yixiao's idea. He wants to become the strongest arrow God in the world!

However, Jin Tian decided to follow brother sledgehammer to the prophet FA family first. Maybe there is a place where he can hone his arrow path.

Not to mention heartless son, although he wanted to steal treasures from the prophet FA family.

But there was a voice telling him not to provoke the prophet FA family. He had no choice but to do it!

Wuxinzi decides to return to Guandao mountain later to steal some treasures, and then steal them in tianwu world.

As for Dahan, he decided to follow the sledgehammer.

After all, except Bai miserable, he trusted brother sledgehammer most.

"Brother sledgehammer, I'll go to the prophet French family with you, but I have to say goodbye to the ghost friend in the heavenly ghost world."

Big Han smiled.


Sledgehammer is naturally happy to see that Dahan is willing to follow him.

In this way, he is not alone in the prophet FA family.

When you find the young master in the future, you can leave the prophet FA family.

The great prophet of the prophet FA family, that is, "a prophet", but he told sledgehammer that as long as he saw Bai miserable, he could go with Bai miserable and no longer stay in the prophet FA family.

Soon, sledgehammer and others began to say goodbye to each other and leave.

Chu Yunxi flew directly towards the enchanted cattle field!

Liu Moyan, who practiced in the Jinglei mountain range of the magic cow domain, suddenly looked at the sky like an induction, "here it is!"

When Shi Xiaohao heard this, he flew a powerful monster with a sword, and then asked, "Sister Liu, what's coming?"

"I don't know, but I'll know soon..."

Liu Moyan said solemnly.


Boundary road!

Bai miserable is still desperately rushing to the beast king continent.

It's a long way from tianwu to the beast king. Bai miserable doesn't know how long he's been on his way.

However, according to their full speed, they should be able to get back in time.

This time, Bai miserable wants to catch the man in black, and then force Li bupang's whereabouts.

At this time, the land of the beast king and the sea demon Island were suddenly covered with thunder, and a terrible vortex appeared.

All the monsters in the sea demon island felt the incomparable power from this vortex.

Then nine figures appeared from the vortex!

Breaking Sirius took a lot of effort and finally took the lead in arriving at the beast king continent.

The broken Sirius took off his black robe, took a deep breath, frowned and said, "what's the matter? This is a place where you can't make the power. How can Tianyin prompt me to come here?"

The puzzled Sirius looked at the sea monsters trembling with his breath.

"Jie... What a weak and poor monster!"

Then, the broken Sirius reached out and caught a strong man of the celis family in an instant.

Suddenly, the sky seal power broke out in the hands of Sirius. After the strong man screamed, he lost his breath.

"Celis slim!"

The contemporary owner of siren Island, celis Joan, roared in shock.

After absorbing the memory of celis slim, the broken Sirius grinned, "interesting beast king land!"

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