Today is the opening day of tianwu battlefield!

Representatives of the eleven Taoist kings who inherited their forces gathered at the four elephant battle platform of the city Lord's house.

On the left of the four elephant battle platform is a statue of a green dragon, on the right is a statue of a white tiger, above is a statue of a rosefinch, and below is a basaltic statue.

On each of the four statues stands a strong man.

These four strong men are the four messengers of the city master: Green Dragon envoy, white tiger envoy, rosefinch envoy and Xuanwu envoy!

They are all ten powerful people. The city Lord's residence is generally managed by four of them.

Bai Pang naturally recognized the strong man on the Green Dragon Statue. He was the green dragon envoy who helped him the day before yesterday.

As for the strong who want to watch the war, they all gather outside the city Lord's house.

Because four huge array platforms are suspended over the city Lord's residence, the tianwu battlefield is opened, and people can see the war in the tianwu battlefield through the images displayed by the four array platforms!

Soon, the voice of the boundary Guardian Long Yan sounded in the whole tianwu city. "100000 years have passed again, and the road protection fruit has matured. The tianwu battlefield is opened today. Four battle orders are hidden in a war beast. Kill the war beast, and the battle order will appear. If you get it, you can enter the tianwu decisive battle field!"

Long Yan said, the power of four Taoist patterns shot into the statue of the four elephant battle platform, the four statues released Taoist light, and a portal was formed at the mouth, which was the entrance to the four battlefields of tianwu.

Through zhenneng, Bai miserable also learned that these four battlefields have strength limitations.

The strength of the Xuanwu battlefield is limited to the heaven soul realm and the thirty-three heaven peak realm. The age must not exceed 100 years old.

In the rosefinch battlefield, the strength is limited to the realm of the three powerful, and the age shall not exceed 10000 years old.

In the white tiger battlefield, the strength is limited to the realm of the six powerful, and the age shall not exceed 100000 years old.

The strength of Qinglong battlefield is limited to the realm of the nine powerful, and the age shall not exceed 300000 years old.

In the four battlefields, we should not only defeat the disciples of other Daojun inheritance forces, but also defeat war beasts.

There are many war beasts with the same strength. They all reach the limit of power in the battlefield. Only one head has a war order in it. If you get the war order and activate it, you can enter the second battlefield and the decisive battle field!

Of course, when entering the four battlefields, the disciples participating in the war can not use any treasures. They can only participate in the war with bare hands and their own strength.

Once the treasure is used, it will be eliminated directly.

This made Bai miserable stunned. The martial arts battlefield on this day is a hand to hand combat battlefield. Only when their own strength is strong and stable can they have the opportunity to win the battle order!

At this time, Long Yan's voice sounded again, "the inheritance disciple enters the Qinglong gate, the core disciple enters the white tiger gate, the inner disciple enters the rosefinch gate, the outer disciple enters the Xuanwu Gate, and the tianwu battlefield is officially opened!"

So Bai miserable went directly to the Xuanwu Gate.

The four gifted disciples of wanbaolou also noticed Bai miserable walking towards the Xuanwu Gate.

"What! That guy is an external disciple of Tiandou sect who took part in the war? No wonder the green dragon envoy will help him. It's estimated that he doesn't want to see two disciples of Taoist King's inheritance force fight."

"Wu Ming, in the Xuanwu battlefield, you have the opportunity to directly cripple him!"

Wu Zheng whispered.

"I see, brother Zheng, I will try my best to abolish his martial arts foundation!"

Wu Ming looked at Bai miserably.

Then, the disciples of the inheriting forces of the dadaojun entered the battlefield.


When the last disciple entered the battlefield, the four elephant battle platform released incomparable light, and the four battle platforms showed the scene of the four battlefields.

All the people watching the war watched attentively.

After Bai miserable entered the Xuanwu battlefield, he found that there were no other disciples of the Taoist King's inheritance forces around him. It was estimated that they were randomly distributed somewhere in the battlefield.

Subsequently, Bai miserable released all his combat power and found that his power was maintained at the top of the thirty-three heaven peak state of the heaven soul state.

Bai miserable didn't care. He jumped directly into a huge tree and looked at the Xuanwu battlefield.

On the huge tree, Bai miserable finds himself in the woods, and not far ahead is a mountain range.

If Bai miserable looks down into the sky, he will find that this mountain range looks like basalt.

From time to time, there was a fierce roar in the mountains. Bai miserable knew that maybe it was the so-called war beast roaring.

So Bai miserably showed his black flash and rushed towards the mountains at a high speed.

As soon as I entered the mountains, a huge figure suddenly appeared, and then hit Bai miserable with a fist.


Although Bai miserable resisted, his body was blown away by great power.



Bai miserably fell heavily on the earth and hit many huge trees.


Attacked the white war beast and roared wildly.

"Oh, what a fierce fighting beast. This fist is powerful!"

Bai miserable patted the dust, stood up and looked at the war beast curiously.

I saw this huge war beast. Its head was like an ox and its body was like a man. It was only covered with black scales. It also had a strong and strange tail. Its muscles bulged all over and its eyes twinkled with black light.

"Brother Bai, this is one of the heavenly beasts of the heavenly family. It is a wild beast. Its strength and defense are amazing!"

In the soul space, Dabao's voice sounded.

"Heavenly beast?"

White sucks his tongue.

It seems that the martial arts battlefield on this day is not only to promote the competition among the disciples of the kings of the main roads to inherit their forces, but also to let them contact the heavenly beast in advance and master the skills of fighting with the heavenly beast.

In this way, these talented disciples will not be at a loss when they meet heavenly beasts in the eternal world and the endless world!

After confirming the identity of the war beast, Bai miserable directly opened his hand.

Under the gaze of thunder eyes, the actions of wild beasts can be seen at a glance.

It's hard for wild beasts to exert the power of heaven soul realm and 33 heaven peak realm!

So the wild beast was hammered by Bai miserably.

"Red flame - flower burial world - Flash fist system - Tianzhen!"

Bai miserable's move was a killing move. He punched the wild animal skin, opened the meat and howled repeatedly.

The angry wild beast was killed with a violent blow.



He displayed the purple turn - against the black hole - the white tragedy of the inner world, and his defense power was amazing. He was like wearing supreme armor. With his full fist, the wild beast directly broke himself.


The wild beast panicked and wanted to escape.

But how could Bai miserable let it escape easily? A black flash followed, and then directly flattened its forehead and killed it completely.

However, after the wild beast died, no war order appeared. Bai miserable had to continue to look for a new war beast.

Although the crowd watching the battle in tianwu city could not hear the voice, it was obvious that Bai miserable easily killed a war beast.

"That's the disciple of which Taoist King inherits his power? It's too fierce. It's a hanging war beast to win!"

The strong exclaimed.

"His power is so strange. Why didn't he show the Dharma?"

There are also strong doubts.

The dadaojun who watched the war in the city Lord's house inherited the strong forces and looked at the strong ones of Tiandou sect in amazement.

"True patriarch, don't tell me that you, an external disciple, are practicing the three body formula!"

Can Feng, the leader of the remnant sword sect, said leisurely.

"Lucky, lucky, after years of searching, I finally found a genius who perfectly matched the cultivation of the three body formula. I'm a disciple, and his physical cultivation talent will never be worse than that of Bai Xin."

Zhending said.

Every inheritance force wants to involve the way of physical cultivation, but none of them has achieved success.

In the six worlds, entering the Tao by law is the mainstream!

However, the ancestors of the major inheritance forces have left secret records. In the endless world, there are also very few strong people who focus on physical cultivation.

For example, the demon dragon family has developed the way of blood refining, which can be extremely powerful, almost inviolable and extremely powerful!

Many strong people have pondered whether the way of blood and blood, together with the way of Dharma cultivation, can set foot on the road to perfection.

It turns out that it's hard!

It is as strong as the demon dragon family, and there is no strong person who can go to the perfect state of the avenue state, and at most to the peak state of the nine heaven of the avenue state!

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